Transcript Document

NICA Project Report of The Group I

S.L.Bogomolov, A.V.Butenko, A.V.Efremov, E.D.Donets, I.N.Meshkov, V.A.Mikhailov, A.O.Sidorin, A.V.Smirnov,

Round Table Discussion 6-7 October JINR, Dubna 1


1. Introduction: “the basic conditions” 2. Scheme of the NICA 3. Operation Scenario 4. Layout of the accelerator facility 5. The collider ring magnetic system parameters 6. Luminosity 7. Main elements of the Facility 8. Nuclotron: tune shift at injection, electron cooling, upgrade program 9. Estimated Cost, Manpower, Resources 10. Further development 11. Resources & schedule Conclusion NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 2

1. Introduction: “The Boundary Conditions”

1. Minimum of R & D 2. Application of existing experience 3. Co-operation with experienced research centers 4. Cost – as low as possible 5. Realization time – 4 – 5 years NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 3

2. Scheme of The NICA


for 10 10 particles of 238 U 30+ at energy 5 MeV/u 238 U 92+ 2.6 GeV/u


238 U 92+ 500 MeV/u

Nuclotron Collider Detector

238 U 30+ 500 MeV/u 238 U 92+ 2.6 GeV/u NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna


180 keV 4

3. Operation Scenario

1. The beam of 238 U 30+ Nuclotron .

formation in the Injector and injection into 2. A few injection cycles and RF stacking of ions in the Nuclotron up to the level of 10 11 ions; 3. Acceleration from 5 to 500 MeV/u with electron cooling on plateau at 300 MeV/u; cooling time ~ 10 s.

4. Extraction from the Nuclotron and injection into ring , the 1st collider circulation during magnetic field decrease in the Nuclotron.

5. Extraction from the collider ring, stripping on the Stripper Target into 238 U 92+ stage, injection into the Nuclotron.

6. Acceleration up to 2.5 GeV/u.

7. Extraction, injection into the 2d collider ring .

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 5

3. Operation Scenario (Contnd) 8. Repetition of the steps 1  6.

9. Extraction, injection into the 1st collider ring .

10. Bunching of both beams and junction. Beginning of detection interaction events.

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 6

3. Operation Scenario (Contnd) Working Cycle of The Facility


E, MeV/u


Collision regime


Circulation in the 2d ring acceleration

1500 1000

1st e-cooling


2d e-cooling

0 0 10 20 30

1st injection 2d injection acceleration Collision regime


t, sec 1st half 2d half NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 7

3. Operation Scenario (Contnd) Ion Beam Lifetime in Nuclotron 


 

1 c n

 At 5 MeV/u in “Helium vacuum”  = (5 ÷ 30)  10 -17 cm 2   


10 -17 P


  ~ 0.3 ÷ Torr 2 sec at P = 10 -10 NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 8

4. Layout of the accelerator facility

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 9

5. The collider ring magnetic system parameters

Magnetic rigidity minimum/maximum Circumference Number of superperiods Number of periods in regular sections Long straight sections, number x length Tm m m Middle straight sections, number x length m 12/48 183 2 7 2x30m 4x4m Number of dipoles / eff. length of dipole Number of quadrupoles / length of quads in regular sections

Maximum dipole field

Maximum quadrupole gradient

Beam crossing angle in IP T



24 28 / 3.0m

/ 0.5m



+49/-45 



NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 10

5. The collider ring magnetic system parameters (Contnd) Lattice functions in the regular section NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 11


n b f 0 c

6. Luminosity

N 1 2

 


2 x y

l int eraction l bunch

Main Collider Parameters

N 1

= N


=1  10 11

n b

cm = 20

l interaction

l IP

l bunch

= 50 


 

y = 0.7




Peak Luminosity - 5







Average Luminosity - 2






-1 Beam-beam effect  

Z 2 A N i r p 4


, N i


N 1 , N 2

   = 0.004

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 12

6. Luminosity (Contnd) Luminosity vs Crossing Angle 


N b 2 N 4

 


y 1 cos


 

2 1

  


sin 2

  

s y

 

2 L (

) / L ( 0 )


    

s y

  

2 2

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 13

6. Luminosity (Contnd) Emittance growth time related to IBS Transverse emittance:   41 sec Long. emittance:   41 sec Luminosity and beam-beam parameter evolution during experiment



NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 14

7. Main Elements of the Facility Injector

238 U 30+ 10 10 ions/pulse L= 5.5 m, d = 1.2 m L = 25 m, d = 1.6 m KRION PCC Alvarez 3.78 keV/u 400 keV/u Structure of the injector 5 MeV/u

The KRION – key issue of the project

Parameters: 238 U 30+ 8  10 9 ions/pulse, emittance 1  mm  mrad Pulse duration 8  s at 50 Hz rep. freq. Solenoid of 6 T magn. field

SC solenoid of 6 T magn. field is required!

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 15

7. Main elements of the facility (Contnd)


Initial energy, keV/u Final energy, keV/u RF frequency

Total length, m

Cavity diameter, m The injector parameters PCC 3.78

400 14.58



Alvarez 400 5000 148.5



NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 16

7. Main elements of the facility (Contnd) RF feed throughs

Injector -






avity Accelerator (



Schematics of the PCC accelerator: 1, 2, 3  /4 cavities, 4 – buncher gap, 5 – current monitors.

4 1 2 3 5 To vacuum Parameters of the PCC Gap number 1 Length, cm 3 Voltage amplitude, MV Capacity, pF 0.6


RF power, kW 10 2 10 2 1 2.7

63 3 10 2 1 11 257 17

8. Nuclotron: Life Time & Tune Shift at Injection

Ion Beam Lifetime in Nuclotron At 5 MeV/u in “Helium vacuum”  = ( 5 ÷ 30 )  10 -17 cm 2  


  

1 c n

 


  

10 -17 P


 “Lasslett tune shift” at injection 


Z 2 A

r p N ion



  


1 k bunch

 

y /


 


~ 0.3 ÷ at P = 10 -10 2 sec Torr For 238 U 30+ and  k bunch y /  x = 2 at 5 MeV/u = 40/100  mm  mrad, The tune shift  Q x /  Q y = 0.2/0.3

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna Fast acceleration 18

8. Nuclotron (Contnd)

Electron cooling

Electron energy 180 keV Electron beam current 0.5 A Electron beam diameter 1.4 cm Solenoid magnetic field 2.0 kG Cooling section length 2.0 m Electron temperature, T  T  200 meV 1.0

Cooling time ~ 10 s NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 19

8. Nuclotron: electron cooling (Contnd) Recombination with cooling electrons

1 dN N dt

   

r 2 n e l cool C Ring

Effect of ion structure LEAR experience: Phys. Lett. B361 (1995)184 Ion Pb 52+  r 11 [10 -8 cm -3  s -1 ] Pb 53+ 60 Pb 54+ 9 U 28+ 10 Au2 5+ 10 For the cooler parameters listed above  recomb = 25 s NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 20

8. Nuclotron: electron cooling (Contnd) V.Parkhomchuk, the team leader

Electron cooler for IMP, Lanzhou – designed, constructed and delivered by Budker INP to IMP, Lanzhou

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 21

8. Nuclotron (Contnd) Upgrade program 1. Vacuum. 2. RF system 3. Injection and extraction 4. Diagnostics 5. Power supplies 6. Geodesy

To routine operation !

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 22

9. Estimated cost, manpower, resources (Contnd)

Co-operation & Manufacturing

Co-operation with Budker INP: 1) magnets – mass production 48 magnets !

BINP Experience of SC dipoles for BESSY II  up to 10T SC dipoles for NICA: 4T (2.5 GeV/u)  7T (5 GeV/u) Common design and manufacturing at BINP and JINR It will speed up project realization Estimate of theSC magnets production based on the manufacturing rate of the Workshop at Budker INP shows Schedule: 1 magnet/month = 4 years !

Thus, we will need to organize the parallel process of manufacturing!

and Test at Kurchatov Institute & JINR (lack of LHe!) NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 23

9. Estimated cost, manpower, resources (Contnd)

Co-operation & Manufacturing

Co-operation with Budker INP: 2) injection/extraction systems 3) Alvarez (CERN linac) 4) First harmonics RF for Nuclotron 5) E-cooling system for Nuclotron (high precision solenoid) NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 24

10. Further development:

a) Booster b) Energy increase c) High energy electron cooling   collaboration with FZ Juelich & GSI c) Polarized beams NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 25

11. Resources & schedule Cost

Element, work Ion source Nuclotron upgrade Electron cooling system Linear accelerator Collider rings Transfer lines Civil constructions and assembly of the equipment


Cost, M$ 0.75








NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 26

11. Resources & schedule (Contnd)


Number of staff members necessary for accelerator facility design & construction Physicists Engineers and 15 designers 45 Technicians 50 NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 27

11. Resources & schedule (Contnd) 2006


2007 2008 2009 2010 Conceptual design report Nuclotron upgrade Ion source development Technical design Fabrication Assembling Commissioning Start of experiments 2011 NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 28

11. Resources & schedule (Contnd)

One can manage the project realization in “stage by stage” style!

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 29

11. Funding & schedule (Contnd) Very first tasks 2006 2007 1. KRION development   2. Nuclotron upgrade   2008   NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 30

Conclusion NICA project has a goal to provide JINR with modern and unique experimental facility.

Thank you for your attention !

the “home” experimental base of JINR and will bring the Institute back into position of the leading research centers of the World in the field of high energy physics!

NICA Project, I.Meshkov for The Group I Round Table Discussion October 6-7, 2006 JINR, Dubna 31