Transcript Slide 1

Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco
Wine Manufacturer’s Monthly Report
(Imported and Domestic)
New Electronic Reporting
The three paper forms representing the Wine
Manufacturer’s Monthly Report have been combined
into one electronic report each for Imported Wine
and Domestic Wine.
The data entered into the Detail tabs will be
automatically transferred to and calculated on the
Summary screens.
The Computation of Tax tab will allow entry of any
eligible credit amounts and calculate a final excise
tax due.
The Review & Confirm tab allows for a final review
before the report is submitted via EDS.
Key Points to Know
• Electronic reports are also due by the 10th of the
• It might be necessary to turn off the pop-up
• In order to allow for closer matching against winery
production records, electronic reporting for wine
manufacturers has incurred several field changes in
comparison with paper reporting.
• Product is considered finished only when
fermentation is completed and should only be
reported on at that point.
• Raw materials should not be included in these
• Wine is considered domestic only when produced
with Florida grown fruit, regardless of the quantity of
that fruit. Wine that does not contain any Florida
grown fruit is considered an import.
What’s Needed for Reporting
• Information needed:
– Batch number
– Tank number
– Brand name
– Batch start and finish dates
– Quantity of wine finished in bulk gallons and
– Bottling date for each batch
– Gallons lost in bottling
– Amount of wine purchased and how (bulk or
– Where did the finished wine go and how was it
– Beginning and ending inventories
Logging Into EDS
Log in with the user id and password provided through the EDS
registration process and click on the Login button. If you have
not registered, click on the New User? link. If you cannot
remember password, click on Forgot Password?
Filing a New Report
Click on the needed link under File a New Report.
For the purpose of screen shots, the Imported Wine Manufacturer’s Report
will be used; however, title aside, the imported and domestic reports are
the same.
Completing the General Information Tab
The General Information tab will auto populate with information provided during the
registration process. Red asterisks denote required fields. A Reporting Period month
and year must be selected. A selection from the Amended? drop down box is also
required. Only if the report gets amended, should “Yes” be selected from the
dropdown box. Add the Report Submitted By name, which is the person verifying the
submitted information. The Email Address is that of the person submitting the report.
The Filer Email address is optional.
Save your report often.
This helps guard against data loss and is considered a “best practice”.
TIP: If you are going to pause the report activity for more than ten
minutes, save the report and close out of EDS altogether.
To resume your report, log back in and open the report from the Saved
Work link.
Bulk Processing Detail Screen
Bulk Production Transaction Details
Bulk Processing Detail – Bulk Production Transaction Details:
• Manufactured – Date product was finished with the Date field matching the Batch Details Finish Date
(Production Notes should include information of items that aided in completion such as “produced by
sweetening”, “produced by amelioration”, or any other applicable description)
• Gains – Actual product added for sweetening, amelioration, blending, inventory gains, or any other
addition (“other additions” will need to specified in the Production Notes field); Date field will be the
date these items were added; In production notes add description about the Brand Name
• Received from Others - Any product received from others; source information to be included in the
Production Notes
• Bulk Sales – Gallons via drums sold to another manufacturer
• Losses in Bulk - Losses as a result of evaporation or testing
Bulk Wine Bottling Transaction Details
Bulk Processing Detail – Bulk Wine Bottling Transaction Details:
• Received from Bulk - This is the only option that can be used at this time and should represent
how many bottles were produced during a reporting month and not just the number of bottles
that were produced from a particular batch completed during the reporting month
• Losses, lees, or other removal –Account for these items on the Summary – Bulk Inventory tab and
not in this area
Bulk Processing Detail – Additional
Not all wine is finished and bottled in the same month. If wine is
finished and held in bulk, then use the left side of the screen and
complete the bulk production information. If a batch is reported as
finished in a previous month, but bottled in the current month, use the
right hand column, bulk wine bottling. This entry will remove the bulk
gallons from bulk inventory and add it to bottled inventory in the
Summary-Case Goods Inventory tab.
Bulk Processing Detail - Entering Data
Once the required data is entered, select the Add Transaction button. If all
data has been entered correctly, then a message stating, “Successfully
added transaction.” will be displayed. If data has been incorrectly entered in
the fields at the top of the screen, Clear All will remove the information.
Bulk Processing Detail – Deleting Data
As each transaction is entered, the data is summed up in the relevant sections at the
bottom of the detail screen. Upon review, if any information is determined to be
incorrect, each line can be deleted by selected the red buttons on the right side of the
Case Goods Detail Screen
Case Goods Detail
All transactions are for the removal of wine.
If no bottled wine is removed from the inventory during the month, this tab can be skipped.
Case Goods Transactions Detail:
• Breakage – Requires a breakage date and number of gallons
• Sold to Distributors – Requires a valid Florida license; without this alcohol sales should not occur
• Sales Out of State – A valid license is not necessary, but may be used if available; a business name, full
delivery address, invoice number and date and quantity of product sold; documentation should continue
to be submitted in the same manner as previously done
• Other – Catch all group that covers transfers in bottling, received from other wine cellars and any “others”;
a Florida license is necessary if transactions are made with a Florida business; an invoice number, date,
quantity and a description of the activity will also be required; these will specifically be reviewed in an
The Lookup Feature
To search for a licensee:
• Enter the license number and select Lookup
• If the license number is not available, a Lookup can be accomplished by typing
the licensee’s name in the Name of the Supplier/Purchaser field and selecting
• If there are multiple results, then select the correct one based on address
• In the event of zero results, verify the correct license number and name are being
used and then contact EDS Support
Case Goods Detail – Entering Data
Once the required data is entered, select the Add Transaction
button. If all required data has been entered, then a message
stating, “Successfully added transaction.” will be displayed and the
data will transfer to the summary at the bottom of the screen. If data
has been incorrectly entered in the fields at the top of the screen,
Clear All will remove the information.
Case Goods Detail – Saving Data
When the Save button is selected a message will display stating, “Data
has been saved successfully.”
Remember to save the report often!
Case Goods Detail – Deleting Data
To remove an entry select the red button on the right side of the Case Goods
Transactions section. After deletion a message stating, “Successfully deleted
transaction.” will display. Again, save your report often.
• Numbers from the detail tabs for Bulk Processing (Production &
Wine) and Case Goods are automatically brought over to the
relevant tabs in the summary
• Case Goods Deductions should equal the movement of bottled
product with no state excise tax paid from the winery
• The inventory tabs require data to be input in order to calculate
the excise taxes due
Summary – Bulk Inventory
Summary - Bulk Inventory:
• Beginning Inventory - must equal the ending inventory from the previous reporting month or the
actual inventory for the start of a new audit period (Use 2 decimal places)
• Other (+) – Used to positively adjust inventory; winery addition of product to adjust wine flavor;
not commonly used (Will be reviewed at audit)
• Other (-) – Used for deductions from loss, lees or other removal of bulk product such as removal
for sweetening or amelioration (Will be reviewed at audit)
• Actual Inventory - Represents all the wine considered finished and stored at the winery in bulk
containers and should also match the Ending Inventory, which is automatically calculated
based on previous data entered; will be the Beginning Inventory number for the next monthly
Summary - Case Goods Inventory
Summary - Case Goods Inventory:
• Beginning Inventory – must equal the ending inventory from the previous reporting
month or the actual inventory for the start of a new audit period
• Other (+) – Any purchases of bottled wine from another Florida supplier or from out
of state that has not yet had excise taxes paid
• Taxable Sales – Represents all wine given away or sold directly from the winery
• Actual Inventory – Number taken from the business inventory or certified inventory
(if at the end of an audit period); Ending Inventory and Actual Inventory should
match; if they do not, then the Taxable Sales must be adjusted
Unaccounted for wine is taxable.
Computation of Tax
Computation of Tax:
• Certificate of Credit No. – Represents the only editable field on this tab; only used if
an AB&T approved credit certificate is received; enter the credit number and the
Review & Confirm
Review & Confirm:
• Review and confirm that all data and tax information is correct
• Select Print Summary located on the top, right side of the screen
Review & Confirm
Review & Confirm:
• Select Save before submitting the report
• Select Submit Report
Review & Confirm
•A message box will display asking for verification to submit report
•Select Ok, which creates a date stamp, or Cancel
Report Confirmation
A confirmation screen will appear verifying the report submission
Viewing Submitted Reports
•Viewing submitted reports can be done either by navigating to My Reports or Home.
Amending Submitted Reports
• To amend a submitted report, open the needed report.
• On the General Information tab, change the Amended? field to “Yes” and proceed to
make the necessary report changes before saving again and then resubmitting.
Final Bits & Pieces
• Only when a required payment is received, is the monthly
report considered complete.
• The mailed payment must be postmarked by the 10th of the
month to be considered on time.
• If no taxes are due, then submission of the report into EDS
completes the report.
Required documentation to be submitted to District:
Paying with Check
Printed “Summary” page
Check made payable to Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco
Invoices and bills of lading for all Out of State Sales
Original or copy of the credit certificates if applicable
Paying Via EFT
• Invoices and bills of lading for all Out of State Sales
• Original or copy of the credit certificate
You may research license/permit numbers from the Alcoholic
Beverages and Tobacco’s webpage:
For more information on filing electronically:
Technical Support
[email protected]
Contact EDS Support for technical questions or to report a problem. If you need assistance filling out a report, contact your district office.