Transcript Document

The hospitality of Ukrainian people is wellknown throughout the world.
When a foreigner sets foot in Ukraine first
he gets acquainted with our cookery —
national dishes and meal-times. Frequently he
gets to know that in this country they are not
the same as in his. But he has to do in Ukraine
as the Ukrainians do.
The usual meals in Ukraine are breakfast, lunch,
dinner and supper. Sanatoriums, rest-homes,
hospitals and other public establishments follow
the generally accepted order of meals.
In a great many Ukrainian homes dinner is
followed by a cup of tea with a slice of
lemon, jam or home-made pastry.
If you have a special dinner, a
housewarming party, for example,
you should know how to lay the table
on such an occasion.
First you spread the table-cloth and put
out table-mats to protect the table from
the hot dishes: a tureen of soup, a bowl
of hot vegetables, a platter of meat, a
boat of sauce, etc. Then you take out of
the drawer in the sideboard soup spoons
for the soup, spoons for the sweet and
all the cutlery — knives and forks,
including a small knife for the butter, a
small knife and fork for the hors
d'oeuvres and a fruit knife for dessert.
While salo is enjoyed in other parts of Eastern
Europe, Ukraine is perhaps most famous for
salo. Salo is smoked, salted fat or lard that may
also be flavored with spices. While its
popularity may have grown out of lean years
when meat was expensive or unavailable, salo
is still eaten today.
Borsch is popular all over Eastern
Europe, but Ukraine and Russia are
perhaps most famous for this beet
soup. There are as many recipes as
there are babushki who make it.
Borsch can be served hot in the
winter and cold in the summer, may
contain meat and a variety of
vegetables, and is commonly served
with a generous dollop of sour cream.
 2 cups flour
 1 egg
 1 teaspoon salt
 3½ cups instant mashed potatoes,
 ¾ cup cheddar or processed
cheese, shredded
 Salt and pepper, to taste
 ¼ pound ground beef
 1 medium onion, chopped
 4 Tablespoons vegetable oil
 4 cups cooked rice
 4 cups water
 Salt and pepper, to taste
 ¾ cup tomato juice
 1 medium cabbage, core removed
 1 Tablespoon vinegar