Welcome to Fourth Grade

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Transcript Welcome to Fourth Grade

Welcome to Fourth Grade
2012 - 2013
Mrs. Gail Moore
[email protected]
Room 204: 941-5700
About Mrs. Moore
• Married to Allan Moore
• Four grown children: Suzanne, Elizabeth, Justin,
• Two daughter-in-laws: Lauren and Melissa
• One son- in- law: Josh
• One pet: Max
• Graduated from Stephen F. Austin University,
Nacogdoches, Texas with a Bachelor of Science Degree
in Elementary Education and Minors in Reading and
Early Childhood
• Received Master’s Degree in Elementary Education
from Lander University
• 2008 Nationally Board Certified
• Taught 18 years: Grades Kindergarten – Fifth
Fourth Grade Curriculum
• Teamwork to foster community
• Reader’s Workshop: Independent, Small Group, Whole
Group to build comprehension and vocabulary
• Word Study: focus on prefixes, suffixes, root words,
• Poetry
• Writing
• Math: Basic facts must be memorized! Building Process
• US History: Ice Age, Native Americans, Explorers,
American Revolution, Civil War, Constitution and
Government, Westward Expansion
• Science: Electricity, Magnetism, Weather, Space,
• LIFELONG Guidelines and LIFESKILLS ®
Student Handbook
• Please read this handbook with your child
before you sign!!
• Please pay special attention to the dress
code- it will be enforced.
• Dress code violations:
• No baggy pants below the waist, flip
flops, or halter tops!
• ***Please tear out pages 38-39 and turn in
along with other forms.***
MAP Testing
• Administered three times per year to
determine student’s strengths and
weaknesses- this is a great predictor of
PASS performance!
• Highly correlated to SC standards in
Reading and Math
PASS Testing
• State-mandated testing in grades 3-5.
• Administered in May.
• Students tested in FOUR academic areas:
• Reading + Writing, Math, Science, and
Social Studies. (May)
Class Schedule
7:35 *Breakfast
7:50 -8:00 Accelerated Math/Fantastic Five
8:00 -9:30 Math/RTI
9:30 -10:40 Social Studies/Science
10:45 -11:15 Lunch/Restroom Break
11:15 -11:35 Recess
11:35 -1:40 ELA Block: Guided Reading, Independent
Reading, Shared Reading, Word Study,
1:40 -2:25 Related Arts
2:25 – 2:40 Prepare for Dismissal
2:40 *Dismissal/Please be prompt! *Please place cardstock labeled
with child’s name in car window daily. You must send a note if your
child’s transportation changes or they will be sent home the same
way they go daily.
Related Arts Schedule
Schedule will change each nine weeks!
First Nine Weeks:
Monday – Art
Tuesday – PE (wear appropriate shoes)
Wednesday – Library/Computer Lab
Thursday – Music
Friday - Art
• Tests will be given as we work through and/or complete
the lessons that cover the necessary material.
• Letter grades will be given in all subjects..
• POP quizzes may be given at any time.
• Incomplete work results in a grade of 60/U
• Graded work will be sent home to parents bimonthly.
PLEASE sign the inside folder and return all papers
the following day.
• Scale: 93-100 (A) 85-92 (B) 77-84 (C) 70-76 (D)
69 /below (U)
Accelerated Reader
• Students should select AR books for independent reading. Please
help check to be sure your child is also reading AR books at home
each night for their reading log assignment. This is a wonderful way
to grow their vocabulary and comprehension. Trying a variety of
genres this year is very important.
• Students may also read selections from our classroom library during
independent reading time as long as they choose books on their
appropriate level. Fourth graders should begin to explore chapter
• Individual goals are set. It is important for each student to reach
his/her goal. This is in addition to assigned homework. I REALLY
reward students who take the initiative to work on this outside of the
classroom and reach his/her individualized goal!
• Homework will be given Mon.-Thurs. evenings. If there is a conflict
with completing an assignment- let me know in writing (use student
agenda) the following day. Three or more parent notes (within each
nine weeks) regarding lack of homework will require a parent
• Please sign your child’s agenda EACH night.
• **Your signature testifies that you know your child completed his/her
homework- you do not have to check it- that’s my job! However, I do
recommend “spot” checking it. This helps hold the students
• Homework will not be given on PTO/school function nights with the
exception of Skate Nights
• A fourth grader needs 8-10 hours of sleep nightly!
Classroom Management
Based upon Merrywood Schoolwide Discipline Plan: Lifeskills/Lifelong
Guidelines (handout in your packet)
Students are given tickets: green, yellow, red
Students lose tickets based on number of infractions:
Green: Warning!
Yellow: Recess Laps
Red: Recess Laps and Parent Notification
If a student loses all of his/her tickets, an office discipline referral will be
written or parent conference depending on the offense
Students will often be rewarded for good choices and earn trips to the
“Treasure Box”.
Other “Treasure Box” visits are granted on occasion for kind behavior,
completing daily homework, using the Lifeskills, etc.
They also will be rewarded daily with “Merrywood Mula” for homework
completion, being kind to classmates, behavior, using their Lifeskills, etc.
Parent Communication
• You may reach me at school at 941-5700. You will be prompted to
leave a voice mail. I will check messages during my planning period
and/or after school depending on scheduled meetings.
• You may reach me at my e-mail address: [email protected] . I
check e-mail periodically throughout the day. This is the best way to
contact me.
• I will soon be updating our class website. Please, please, please
check out our class website!!! I spend lots of time keeping new
pictures and updated information about our class activities. There
are WONDERFUL website links for your children to access.
• If you have suggestions for our website please feel free to share
them with me.
• I look forward to having a WONDERFUL year!
Before Leaving Today
• Please complete as many of the forms in your
child’s packet as you can today. Feel free to
send anything you do not finish today to class
with your child on Monday. You may use the
provided envelopes.
• Don’t forget the last two pages of the student
handbook and your index card!
• Please share your email address with me if you
have one. You may add it to the student
information card in your packet.
• Thank you for being here today and caring!
Parent Time
• Questions????????
• Concerns ????????