People Group Presentation

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People Group
‘A Place To Live’
Learning Disability Partnership Board
Monday 11th February 2013
People Group
Housing Support Options
• De-registration of residential care
homes move to supported living.
(Care Quality Commission)
• Housing with Support (Extracare)
• KeyRing Scheme
People Group
What is it?
• Service providers are looking at changing residential
care homes to supported living accommodation (your own
home with support). This is de-registration.
• Supported Living – offers more housing choices and
tenants’ rights to people with learning disabilities.
• Tenancy agreement – document you sign when you move
into your own property, which explains your rights and
the rules for living in the property. Also includes how
much rent you pay and when.
People Group
REACH standards for supported living
• I choose who I live with
I choose where I live
I have my own home
I choose how I am supported
I choose who supports me
I get good support
I choose my friends and relationships
I choose how to be healthy and safe
I choose how to take part in my community
I have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens
I get help to make changes in my life
People Group
What have we done so far?
• Working with 7 providers to de-register their
residential care homes.
• Since Nov 2012, 20 customers have moved into
supported living and have their own tenancies.
Another 70 customers are planning to move over
next 6-12 months.
• De-registration team developed.
• Launching Tenancy Agreement Good Practice Guide.
• De-registration provider workshop on 6 Feb.
People Group
Housing with support (Extracare)
What is it?
• New homes which have social care support
• People can own or rent their own home, having the
control over their money and have peace of mind
that 24 hour support is available on site.
• Choice of accommodation such as flats or
• Help people to continue to live independent lives.
People Group
What have we done so far?
• Kingston House, Bedworth.
Almost complete:
• Rohan Gardens, Warwick (55+) – opening May
• Old Mayfield site, Bedworth – building
starting March 2013.
• Wharf Street, Warwick – 15 units – building
starting July 2013, ready July 2014.
• Bidford (rear of Fire Station – 9 units –
ready Nov 2013.
People Group
KeyRing Scheme
What is it?
KeyRing can offer customers support to live
independently in their community, by sharing their
skills and talents with others within their
KeyRing will:
• help you to find and settle into your new home
• get to know your area
• sort out your money
• explore your hopes and plans
• explore how you wish to be supported
• do things you way
People Group
What have we done so far?
• Keyring network already running in
• Two new KeyRing networks set up in
North Warwickshire and Warwick.
For more information about KeyRing
you can go to their website:
People Group
Any Questions?