Transcript Document


Elena Karpenko

Lviv Department of Physical-Organic Chemistry Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lviv 1

Talk outline













Problem description & market need Brief technology description General advantages Advantages shown experimentally Stage of development Targeted Market Segment Competition Competitive matrix.

Opportunity for joint work.

About LDPC in brief Directions of R&D General perspectives 2

Proprietary information statement

 The technology material presented in this talk is available for licensing or joint product development  None of the slides contain any confidential or proprietary information 3

Problem Description & Market Need

 Nowadays surfactants are one of the most important substances for many fields of industry - pharmacy, food industry, design of washing agents, petroleum industry, agriculture, environmental protection and remediation  An excessive use of chemical surfactants leads to technogenic load on environment, flora and fauna, affects on food products  Biosurfactants can satisfy the needs of the modern market in natural products, particularly surface-active substances of new generation (effective and ecologically safe) 4

Brief product description

   Highly-effective biotechnological surface-active polyfunctional products (biosurfactants) The glycolipid surfactants as well as their complexes (natural composition of lipid biosurfactant, biopolymers polysaccharides, enzymes, pigments) were obtained via controlled microbiological two-stage synthesis by strains PS using natural substrates and subsequent postfermentation processes. The biosurfactant products can be obtained in various forms depending on sphere of application: natural complex solutions, water solutions of glycolipids and of biocomplex of various concentration, water-organic emulsions, paste-like concentrates, dry products. They are non-toxic, non-allergic, possess high surface, solubilizing and moistening activity

Innovative Aspects

 Universal emulsification of oils  Regulation of activity of enzymes, biocides, growth stimulators etc.    Modification of various surfaces Wetting, lubrication and corrosion inhibition Cleaning and sanitization of equipment & areas 5

General advantages

Advantages over synthetic surfactants: high efficiency (also in broad range of pH and salt concentrations), thermostability, nontoxicity, biodegradability  Safe, inexpensive, renewed, natural feedstock including industrial wastes  Biocompatibility and digestibility, which allows their application in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and as functional food additives   Long storage time Biosurfactants have a synergetic activity towards synthetic surfactants 6

     

Advantages shown experimentally

High surface activity (surface tension 28-29 mN/m and interfacial tension 0,01-0,1 mN/m, Critical micelle formation concentration [CMC] - 0,02-0,07 g/l) Antibacterial and antiviral activity Biosurfactant allows to obtain 50-100 tons of additional oil per ton of biosurfactant solution (0,5 w.%) in industrial conditions (Russia) High washing activity – on 27% higher than with synthetic ones and good compatibility with human skin Plant oils rafination – decrease in 1,5-2 times of economical expeditures (if compared with traditional methods) Stimulative effect of biosurfactants in treatment of oil contaminated soils had exceeded synthetic surfactant Rokitol on 15-20% 7

Stage of development

     Standard specifications of production are developed, sanitation certificate is obtained Pilot lots are obtained on experimental plants. Prototype is available for testing. The preparation has a know how.

Stage of patenting 8

Targeted Market Segment

Fields of application:

 Agriculture (pest control, biofertilizers)      Washing, hygienic, cosmetic means Inhibition of corrosion Pharmaceutical industry Food industry Remediation of soils and water   Stakeholders involved in mentioned activities can be interested in application of developed product Ability of use of existing infrastructure 9


   Main competitors of the proposed product are synthetic surfactants and existing biosurfactants produced by Jeneil Biosurfactant Company (USA) Synthetic surfactants are widely spread in modern industry; however, they are sufficiently dangerous for human beings and environment. Prices on synthetic surfactants are often higher than on biosurfactants when evaluating their activity (e.g. Merck Inc., The Dow Chemical Company, The Lubrizol Corporation, Pilot Chemical etc.) Jeneil Biosurfactant Company produces commercial biological surfactants. Their price, depending on the purification efficiency, lies in the range from 10 to 1000 USD 10

Competitive Matrix

Important product or technology characteristics CMC, mg/l Interfacial tension, mN/m Foaming capacity Price, USD/kg (approximate) Biopreparation PS Dodecyl sulphate 20-70 0,009-0,1 11 190 260 0,1 8 160 Triton 650 0,4 6 100 Jeneil 20-100 0,07 9 320 11


Possibilities of joint work

 Development of ecologically safe products for agriculture  Development of washing and cosmetic means   Design of complex pharmaceuticals and cleaning agents Remediation of soil and water polluted with oil products and pesticides

Next stage

 Potential market research  The additional development of principal technology of biosurfactant production   Approbation of the technology on the experimental plant; Organization on the industrial scale production of biosurfactants 12

The directions of R&D

 Investigation of synthesis of biosurfactants, their properties and application in biomedicine, agriculture, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.

 Development of methods of biotechnological remediation of water and soil  Biosynthesis and studying of microbial enzymes and their compositions  Creation and investigation of new polymeric materials  Investigation of catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbon derivatives  Monitoring of petroleum-contaminated water and soil 13

General perspectives

 Biosurfactants are perspective for ecologically safe products for sustainable agriculture and environmental technologies.

 Within the framework of the STCU projects we developed new complex biofertilizers, means of plant protection and means of remediation of contaminated soil 14

Contact information

Elena Karpenko


[email protected]

Lviv Department of Physical-Organic Chemistry Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lviv 15

Thank You very much for Your attention !