幻灯片 1 - 江苏省东台中学 >> 首页

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Transcript 幻灯片 1 - 江苏省东台中学 >> 首页

Welcome to the unit
Hi, everyone! I know all of you
like to watch TV. But besides
getting the latest news, enjoying
some TV plays, what is the most
frequent thing appearing on TV
every day?
Sedal Shampoo
is possible!
Shoes can fly!
do your dreams!
Enjoy your music,
Enjoy your Sony!
1 Where can we find these ads?
On billboards,on the Internet, in newspapers/
Magazines, on TV , in leaflets, or in buses etc.
2 Why do you like these ads?
They are quite interesting, creative and we can
get some useful information from them.
Discuss and speak:
Read the instructions and focus on the six posters.
Try to answer these questions:
What image(s) can you see on each poster?
What can you read on each poster?
What can you learn from
each poster?
Read and describe the following
advertisements and decide which
are PSAs (公益服务广告) and which
are CAs (商业广告).
1. Project Hope
1.--How do you feel
when you see the
child in the big eye?
2. ---What would
you like to do for the
child after seeing
this ad?
3.----What do you
think the purpose of
Project Hope is ?
1. This picture is intended to make
people aware of the importance of
Project Hope.
2. It makes people realize that there are
still a lot of children dropping out of
school for economic reasons. It calls
upon people to do sth. to help children
in poor areas. The picture makes us
aware of the needs of other people.
The purpose of Project Hope : It aims
to help young people who have
dropped out of school return to
school. It aims to develop basic
education in poor areas in child,
especially in western china,
with money collected from society.
Nowadays it pays special attention to
children of laid-off workers in cities.
1.--- What do you
know from this ad?
2.--- If you
intended to buy
some cheap
learning software,
would this
advertisement help
2. Computer Software
Poster 2
This poster is intended to sell his product to
the persons who want to study on the
computer. With the persuasive words ”special
discount” and images to attack People’s
attention, people would buy some cheap
learning software. Sometimes this will help
you. But sometimes don’t. In our actual life.,
if you want to study, I think you can learn
something well without learning software. On
the contrary, if you have learning software,
you are not sure to learn something well.
---- What does the
advertisement try
to sell a product or
3. Oxlin Airlines
Poster 3
This poster is a commercial
advertisement. It offer the airline service.
It uses “I live to fly with Oxlin Airlines.
Taking airlines is a fast way to get to
another place. In this way can much of
time be saved.
4. Earth Day
1----Why does this
ad. Use the image
of a bird’s nest?
2 ----Do you think
this advertisement
helps to make
people aware of
3----What do you
think Earth Day is
all about ?
Poster 4
This poster strikes us a lot. It is trying to
show us that the birds have nowhere else
to build their nets. They have to build their
nets in the sky because all the trees have
been cut down. It sends us a serious
warning and tells us that we should
protect the environment from now on.
• Earth Day aims to increase
environmental awareness and
encourage people to take care of the
Earth and its people. The first Earth
Day was celebrated on 21 March,
1970. The reason why it fell on that
day is that night and day are equal
throughout the Earth on that day.
Today Earth Day is celebrated
annually by almost every country
throughout the world.
5. Anti-Drugs
1.------Do you think
drugs are harmful?
2.------If someone
takes drugs, what
could happen to him
or her?
3.------Does the ad
teach you about the
bad effects of taking
What are they?
Poster 5
Taking drug is harmful both to the
people who take drug and their family. If
someone takes drugs, he will become
seriously ill. This poster is intended to
educate people about health and
problems in society and calls on people
to make an anti-drugs campaign and it
also tell us not to ignore the problem
around us.
1.----what kind of
people do you think
this ad is targeting?
2.------Do you think
this ad will
persuade people to
buy this shampoo?
6. Shine Shampoo
Poster 6
This poster is targeting young people
especially girls, because they pay more
attention to their appearance. It uses
persuasive words “Shine that lasts fro
days” successfully to persuade young
people to buy this shampoo.
Table Filling:
commercial ads
public service ads
2. Computer
1. Project Hope
3. Oxlin Airlines
6. Shine Shampoo 5. Anti-drugs
What makes a good advertisement?
good ads
A “well-known” advertisement in
Slogan: 今年过节不收礼,收礼还收脑白金!
Sprite (雪碧)
Obey your thirst.
Just do it.
1. The taste is great(雀巢咖啡)味道好极了。
2. Good to the last drop.(麦斯威尔咖啡)
3. Impossible made possible.(佳能打印机)
4. Ask for more. (百事流行鞋)
5. Feel the new space. (三星电子)
6. The choice of a new generation.(百事可乐
7. Communication unlimited. (摩托罗拉)
1.Which advertisements make you
want to buy a product or service?
2.Which advertisements make you
think about problems in society or
about people who need help? Why?
3.Do you think advertisements tell the
complete truth? Why or why not?
1. We can see there are three ads that
promote learning software, an airline service
and a shampoo here. They make me want to
buy a product or service. In my opinion, the
advertisement for the shampoo is the most
persuasive not only because of the image on
the shampoo bottle, but also because it says
that this shampoo will keep my hair shiny for
days. Although I don’t believe that this ad
tells the complete truth, I want to try it anyway
2, In my eye, the other three ads for
Project Hope, Earth Day and an antidrugs campaign make me think about
problems in society or about people who
need help. People’s health, the
environment and poor children’s lives
are common social concerns.
Nobody can ignore the problems
around us. In addition, the persuasive
words and the impressive images used
in these ads strike me a lot. Of the three
ads, the ad about Earth Day
strikes me the most. The ad
shows us a bird’s nest built in the
sky. The poster is trying to show
that there is nowhere else to put
the bird’s nest because all the
trees have been cut down. It
sends us a serious warning and tells
us that we should protect the
environment from now on.
3. No. As we all know, commercial
advertisements, generally speaking, are
intended to encourage people to buy a
product or service so that companies
can make more money. Thus they try
their best to make people believe they
are telling the truth, sometimes by
tricking us. For example, ads which sell
cosmetics often use famous pop stars
who tell us how effective the product is
and how it keeps him or her young and
good-looking. It is up to us, the
consumers, to decide whether to
believe commercial advertisements
or not. However, public service
advertisements are intended to
educate people about
health, problems in society and public
welfare. Public service advertisements
are usually free and they are usually
Advantages & disadvantages of ads.
1. Provide
information about
latest products.
2. Increase sales by
repeated advertising.
3. Cut costs of
newspapers and
make them cheaper.
1.Mislead customers or
cheat them of money.
4. Make the public
aware of social
2. Give false or
incorrect information
3. Take too much time
or space on TV or
4. Make teenagers
want things that cost
Language focus.
1. advertise ---advertising advertiser
 登广告:在公告,如报纸上询问或寻找:
advertise for an apartment.登广告寻求
2. make sb. aware of / Be aware of
 What the teacher said made me aware
of the importance of English.
 The little child is not aware that he is
faced with danger.
 You are not aware how worried I felt
about your safety.
 C/n Waste must be treated so that it
 does not become a danger to life.
 That man is a danger to society.
 C/n A soldier’s life is full of danger in
 In danger (of ) …. / out of danger
 The man is in danger because the tiger
besides him is dangerous.
 4.
similar be ~ to
 Similarity
 There are some similarities and
between American English and Britain
 Your views on education are ~ to
have done
 He may have missed his train.
 They may not have finished the
work by now.
5. may
1. 这家旅馆提供练好的服务。
2. 我们该登个广告聘人来照看我们
 3. 我们不知道他在等谁。
 4. 现代有许多动物有灭绝的危险。
 5. Jack在外貌上和他的兄弟非常相
 6. 一些人还没有意识到抽烟的危险
• Suppose you are an ads-designer, how will you
design your advertisement?
1.Collect some advertisements and
try to know what products or
services the ads talk about.
2.Get ready for the Reading part.