Transcript Slide 1

Themes Discussed

1. Education Responses, Policy Responses: case of Nomadic Population

ADEA Working Group on Non Formal Education

2. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme


3. Efforts in the field of combating illiteracy


4. Oral presentation of the Ethiopian NFE programme

Ministry of Education, Ethiopia

Situational Analysis


BECAUSE Missing from National Aggregated Education Statistics Missing from Educational Policies (few national exceptions: Nigeria, more recently Kenya and Burkina Faso)


Situational Analysis

Comprise more than 50% of the Population

Manage as much as 80% of Livestock Sector

Important contributors to livestock, agricultural, fishing production of national economy

Most efficient and sustainable way of exploiting natural resources of the drylands

Highly Vulnerable to Environmental & Economic Hazards

Insecurity due to cattle rustling, banditry and clashes.

Situational Analysis



New types of Rural Migrant Populations with Specific Education Needs:

Fishing communities, Small-scale mining groups, Tea harvesters, Sugar cane cutters, Refugees from conflict situations.

High Iliteracy Rate Low Enrolment Rates

in Primary Level of Education (significantly lower than the national average) Enrolment in Pre-Primary or in Secondary Level is Almost non-existent

Situational Analysis

• Poverty & Underemployment • Migrant (Labour Exode) • Child Labour: Young Girls used as Domestic Workers/Boys in Agriculture (i.e farming, fishing, animal husbandry), v/s school attendance • Practices such as Early Marriage • Womens’ Excessive Work Burden

Situational Analysis

• Inadequate or Irrelevant Policies & Strategies for Education and Socio-Economic Development of Rural Populations • Absence of InterSectoral Strategies • Irrelevant Curriculum • Lack of Adult Literacy and Education Programmes • Unsustainable Programmes • Perverse effects of aid programmes in rural areas (‘delivery’ systems creating dependency)


Situational Analysis

• Non-contextualised curriculum • High Ratio of Untrained Teachers • Lack of suitable teaching and learning materials • Inappropriate teaching methods. • Varied attitudes of parents to education (for example, in herding situations, boys and not girls are kept away from school).

Situational Analysis

NFE & Innovative Approaches

: • Focus on Enhancing the Life & Survival of Pastoral Societies instead of Transforming them • Responsive to Grassroot Situations thru Continuous Interaction with Recipients

No Education Process Is Context-Free

Policy and practice changes are essential - and need to be targeted and consistent with a vision based on

responsiveness, diversity and innovation.

Situation Analysis

• Negative Stereotypes leading to inadequate policy responses • Absence of National Level Coordinating, Planning and Management Structures • Low Funding Priority

Promising Practices

• Participatory Approaches • Community Initiatives and Ownership of Education Programmes (community schools, teacher employment and management, curriculum development etc.) • Learner friendly and flexible scheduling of educational activities • Flexible entry age.

Promising Practices

• Teachers from the community and knowledgeable of local language and culture • Use of research (needs assessment research) • Integration of formal and nonformal systems to provide quality learning outcomes • Linking literacy and skills acquisition to poverty reduction strategies • Designated unit or ministry to develop and oversee the implementation of rural Education strategy and co ordinate planning .

Promising Practices

Tools and resources (ICT)

• Use of multiple modern and traditional communication channels for capacity building • Technical information and training workshop based on the principles of adult education & using interpersonal communication tools • Community radios to inform the decisions of the community, to link communities etc.

• Community drama: (forum theatre about HIV/AIDS in fishery community)


To Ministries of Education & Agriculture

• Participatory Approach in Developing and Implementing Programmes as well as Monitoring & Evaluation • Ensure continuity and institutional memory


To Civil Society & rural Communities

• Responsibility of acquiring knowledge and skills, and develop culture of lifelong learning • Efforts should complement government’s actions and initiatives


To Governments

• Integration of NFE in education programme • Intersectoral Approaches and Strategies at national level • Priority to rural education at national & international levels through resource allocation • Institutional mechanism and coordination to implement policies


To Financial & Technical Partners

• Renewed support of literacy programmes and EFA goals • Give priority to rural education in resource mobilisation programmes and instruments e.g. PRSP


To All

• Create mechanisms for conflict prevention and management • Positive discrimination in favour of educational, and socio-economic development of rural populations • Acknowledge the diversity of cultural and physical contexts to which education has to adapt if it is to be accessible and relevant.

• Complement the free primary education policy by introducing additional and specific policies that address the other obstacles to increasing access to education in pastoralist societies.


To EFA HIGH LEVEL GROUP 15 years ago: The World Declaration encouraged ”learning through a variety of delivery systems” and the adoption of “supplementary alternative programmes” (Article 5).

Every person – child, youth, adult – shall be able to benefit from educational opportunities designed to meet their basic learning needs.

The World Declaration on EFA provides the framework for governments to revise policies and practices to tackle chronic gender-based and geographical disparities

Renew the commitment with regard to Adult Literacy and Education for Disadvantaged groups