Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to KS1
KS1 Team
Year 1 Mrs Pimperton and Mrs
Thompson. Mr Bedford
Year 1/2 Mrs Wilsher. Mrs
Year 2 Mr Watts/ Mrs Kemp
(Mrs Brady) Mrs Coulton
How is KS1 different to the
Foundation Stage?
• Children are taught subjects more discretely. There
will be whole class lessons in one subject- literacy,
maths, topic etc.
• This often begins and ends with a carpet time, and
then children work at tables. This may be
independently or with an adult.
• In year one particularly, the work still takes on a
practical approach- for example literacy lessons
involve drama, role play, group work, creative
activities as well as writing.
A typical day
• Register.
• Assembly
• Literacy Lesson
Playtime- Milk if ordered.
• Phonics
• Maths Lesson
• Afternoon basic skills
• Topic lessons
• Register.
• Moring basic skills.
• PE
Playtime- Milk if ordered.
• Phonics
• Maths Lesson
• Afternoon basic skills
• Topic/Literacy lessons
Most letters are now put on the website. A
text will inform you of new letters, please
ensure the office has your current mobile
Healthy Schools
• Water bottles – children need access this in
the classroom all day so these should be
separate to any drinks in lunchboxes.
• Morning tuck- Children can buy tuck in school
(30p) with a choice of fruits and
plain/flavoured milk or bring fruit in (please
• Milk can be ordered online.
Behaviour Policy
Verbal warning- Name moved on board in
Sad face- fill in a think sheet during the
following play time.
Red Card- Visit a member of senior
management and a text goes home.
No sad faces all week= a sticker on their chart.
School lunches are cooked daily on the premises.
Free school meals are available to all KS1 children.
Parents in receipt of Income support or Income based
job seekers allowance can still apply for ‘free school
meals’. This provide additional funding to the school for
your child.
If you think you may be eligible please speak to someone
in the office.
Everything is confidential!
Indoor PE Kit
• White T-shirt
• Black or navy blue shorts
• Black pumps
Outdoor PE Kit
•Jogging bottoms and Jumperno football shirts.
Topic based learning- This Autumn Term
Make models of
Where We
Directions, maps,
using geographical
Making observations.
Animals groups.
Seasonal observations
Saving work
opening programs
• Please continue to sign reading record when
you read with your child.
• Year one children in KS1 will also have words
to learn each week. They will be (informally)
tested on reading these words each week by
their LSA and will receive new words when
they can read them all.
• .
• Spellings to learn will be given each
week. Children will be tested on a Friday
• Children will have a spelling card which
their phonics teacher will record their
score on and any spellings to work on.
Maths Year 1- an overview
Number and Place Value
Count to and across 100, forwards & backwards, beginning with
0 or 1, or from any given number
Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in
multiples of twos, fives and tens
Given a number, identify one more and one less
Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words
Maths Year 1
Addition and Subtraction
Read, write and interpret statements involving addition (+),
subtraction (–) equals (=) signs
Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts
within 20
Add and subtract 1-digit & 2-digit numbers to 20. Counting on,
Counting back, Using equipment.
Solve problems that involve addition and subtraction and missing
number problems.
Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division,
calculating the answer using objects, pictures & arrays with
teacher support.
Maths Year 2- An over view
Number and Place Value
Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number,
forward and backward
Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens,
Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different
representations, including the number line
Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs
Maths Year 2
Addition and Subtraction
Solve problems with addition and subtraction:
applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods
Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and
derive and use related facts up to 100
Add and subtract numbers using the column method.
Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and
subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing
number problems
13 + 5 = 18
5+ 13= 18
18- 5= 13
18- 13=5
Maths Year 2
Division and Multiplication
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10
multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers
Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division
within the multiplication tables and write them using the
multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs
Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials,
arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and
division facts.
• Weekly phonic spellings
• Words to read.
• Regular reading
• A project relating to the half term topic. These are
usually quite open tasks for the children to be
creative with. They will present their project in class
and receive a certificate.
Children should not wear jewellery.
For P.E. the L.E.A.
requires that earrings
should be covered
with micropore tape.
This has to be
brought from home
and put on by your
If your child`s ears
are pierced they
should wear stud
Staff are not allowed to
remove or replace earrings.
All the staff at school strongly believe
in working together to the benefit of
your children. If you have any
questions, queries or problems with
any aspect of school life then please
come and talk to us ~ we will not bite!
If there is then
please ask.
In the future
the same
We are here to work together to help your child
to be happy & to learn as much as they can.