Kyland-USA Cisco Fired PPT

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Why the Kyland SICOM3170 is a Superior Product
For Our Customers
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Kyland-USA – Fact Checker: Kyland vs Cisco
 Kyland SICOM 3170 Industrial Ethernet Switch
Uses 7.2 Watts of Power at Full Load
Is IP 40 Rated
RoHS & KEMA Certified Equipment
 Cisco 29xx Switch Uses between 40 and 50
Watts (not the smaller 30 Watts)
 Cisco is Expensive and uses at least 6 Times
the power of a Kyland Switch
 The Cisco Power Supply has poor thermal
ratings and is not Rated for Outdoor Use
 Cisco is Expensive and is not Certified Green
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Question: Why buy a Cisco Factory Switch for
Outdoor Use?
 Cisco is Expensive
 The Cisco Switch was made for a factory floor
and NOT an outside cabinet
 It is not Ingress Protection (IP) rated
 Cisco switches use a LOT or power and are
expensive to operate
 Cisco has expensive support contracts
 Cisco is not certified Green Ethernet
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Kyland-USA – SICOM 3170 – Fits in any Traffic
Detector Chassis
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Colorado Springs, Colorado – February 1st 2010
Every Watt Counts at Budget Time
 Facing a $28 million budget shortfall, Colorado
Springs is resorting to some unusual measures
to balance the books. The city is ripping out or
turning off a third of its street lights, up to
10,000 of them.
 The city will turn off 8,000 to 10,000
streetlights, which is about 30 percent of the
streetlights in Colorado Springs. It will save
taxpayers about $1.2 million a year. But, some
say it will increase crime.
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Kyland-USA – Fact Checker – xxxx
 Installing 450 Ethernet Switches at Traffic Cabinets
Using Kyland versus Cisco saves over 40 Watts per switch per month
 Cisco Switch uses 48 Watts / 34.8 KW per Month
US National Average for Electricity is $.12 Per KW
Cisco Switch costs $4.18 Per Month to Operate
Cisco Switch Costs $50.16 Per Switch / Per Year to Operate
 450 Cisco Switches cost $22,572.00 Per Year in
Electricity Costs
 Cisco is $$$ and Requires SmartNet Maintenance
 Cisco is Expensive and not Certified Green Ethernet
 Cisco is NOT an outdoor switch.
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Kyland-USA – Fact Checker – xxxx
 Installing 450 Ethernet Switches at Traffic Cabinets
Using Kyland versus Cisco saves over 40 Watts per switch per month
 Kyland SICOM 3170 Switch uses 7.2 Watts / 5.2
KW per Month
US National Average for Electricity is $.12 Per KW
SICOM 3170 Switch costs $.62 Per Month to Operate
SICOM 3170 Switch Costs $7.44 Per Switch / Per Year to Operate
 450 SICOM 3170 Switches cost $3,348.00 Per Year
in Electricity Costs
 Kyland is Economical to Operate / 5 Year Warranty
 The Kyland SICOM 3170 is an OUTDOOR Switch
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Kyland-USA – Fact Checker – xxxx
 Installing 450 Ethernet Switches at Traffic Cabinets
 450 Cisco Switches cost $22,572.00 Per Year in
Electricity Costs
 450 Kyland SICOM 3170 Switches cost $3,348.00
Per Year in Electricity Costs
 Annual Savings: $19,224.00
 10 Year Savings - $192,240.00
 Cisco is NOT an outdoor switch.
 The cost of Electricity is Projected to go UP!
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Kyland-USA – Summary
 Buy the Kyland SICOM 3170
Better Switch, Better Certifications, Lower Capital Cost, Lowest
Operational Cost and it is meant for field installation
 Protect your employer from costly lawsuits
 Engineer your network to real SCADA specifications
 Save your job or someone else’s by lowering your
network costs
 Keep your towns lights lit by saving money!
 Every Watt Counts
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Kyland-USA – SICOM 3170 – Fits in any Traffic
Detector Chassis
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Kyland-USA – Contact US
Email us at: [email protected]
Call us at: 816-256-2466
Better Product – Better Price – Lowest Cost of Operation
Smallest Carbon Footprint of any Traffic Switch
Certified Green Ethernet
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