SGŽP – Private Grammar School Podbrezov&#225

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Transcript SGŽP – Private Grammar School Podbrezov&#225

SGŽP – Private Grammar
School Podbrezová
Romana Švantnerová 1.G
Surroundings our school
 Our school locate in the community Podbrezová.
 Podbrezová is in the central of Slovakia.
 School is surround green vegetation. Surroundings look nice.
 Near school you can meet sciurine beacause surround is clean
and quiet.
Information about Our School
 The first school year was in 2006/2007.
 In the school teach four languages: english, deusch, france
and russian.
 Everyone student must wear uniform, which get by school.
 During school is opportunity gain driving licence.
School abets:
 Universal schooling.
 Qualified pedagogical staff.
 Detailed preparation for a maturity and for your next
study at a university.
 Scholarship for studies who deserve it.
 Connecting for internet.
 School residence.
 AIMS of school:
- Replace teach team and teach methods.
- Educate generation successfuls people.
Premises school and educational facility
 We have special room for bilogy, chemistry, informatics
and physics. Next we have gymnasium and fitness centre.
 Of course we have canteen and school library too.
 Next to school is versatile playing area.
 Educational facility: computers, interactive whiteboards,
programme moodle, and so.
 Sport facility: golf trainer, stationary bicycles, pas
conveyors, and so.
Study in our school
 Everything orientation have one´s own study plan.
 Specialized teachers get ready for tests us. They teach by
way presentation us.
 We are assess by way points system. It mean – points
comprise marks.
Ordinary Day In Our School
 The first lesson starts at 7:50.
 Among lessons are small or big breaks.
 During a big break students can go at lunch.
 During lessons we move to special room (room for biology,
gymnasium, ...).
 After school we at some group or go home.
At first it was orientation only for physical education.
After that come into existence orientation for informatics.
In the present we have orientation for english language at
school too.
Sport class
 Connecting study with sport. Trainings develop abilities
studies. Trainings are four a week after school and three a
week during learning.
 Sport orientations: football, golf and biathlon.
 Project Inter Campus: Cooperation with Inter Milano –
trainers of Inter Milano give experiences to our treiners.
Successful students
Michal Breznaník – Slovak represantative
of football (Player in Czech Republic.)
Juraj Kucka – Slovak representative of
football (Player in Italin club.)
And more..
 Tereza Meďveďová – actual student - Slovak representative
of cycling (champion of Slovakia)
 Matej Kazár – Slovak representative of biathlon (Contestant
of Olympic games in 2006.)
Informatics class
 Students give labtops helpful for a study.
 Students have more lessons informatics. Preparation for
next to study.
Orientation for English language
 Is a new orientation at school open this year.
 Students have every day english language and two a week
have conversation lesson.
The future for students
 Absolvents are ready to study at university.
 After finishing university absolvents have a possibility work
in company ŽP.
Life in our school
 Our school organize lots of culture, educational events
and sport activities.
 Culture and educational events: education and excursion
tours, visits theatre, different trips and competions,..
 Sport activities: special exercises
Culture events
In the theatre ...
School academy
Education events
Excursion in Štrasburg
Excursion in Vienna
Sport activities
Special exercise – the first and second class
The music band
Summer camp for informatics class
 Chance get learning in informatics free.
 Camp realize usually in jule. Every day for 6 hours.
Thank for your attention ..