Transcript Slide 1

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PCV Contact Name: Karin N. Jones
Group Number: 38
Email: [email protected]
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Title: Author(s): Karin N. Jones
Topic: International Monetary Fund guest lecture
Description: This is the presentation for the guest lecture I gave on the International Monetary Fund to
university and college students. It has a MS Word document with notes that goes along with it.
Document Type: Presentation
Date Developed: March 2011
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The International Monetary Fund
Karin N. Jones
Community Development Volunteer
Peace Corps Ukraine
What is Globalization?
The opening of international borders to flows of free trade, immigration,
direct investment, information, and technology.
 Benefits
 Criticisms
What is the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
Part of the United Nations (UN) System.
 Conceived at a United Nations conference convened in Bretton Woods, New
Hampshire, United States, in July 1944.
 Organization of 187 countries, working to:
foster global monetary cooperation,
 secure financial stability,
 facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic
growth, and
 reduce poverty around the world.
Primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary
Why the Bretton Woods System was created
Avoid Past Mistakes
Economic policies that contributed to Great Depression of the 1930s and WW II.
 Protectionism.
 Tariff wars.
 Competitive Devaluation.
Rebuild confidence in international cooperation and international financial
How does the IMF operate?
Maintains monetary exchange stability.
 Assists member countries who are experiencing balance of payments
Capital base consists of membership quotas.
Total quotas amount to almost $300 billion.
Currently a near-global membership of 187 countries.
 Members’ quotas are determined by their economic position relative to other
members and are reviewed on a regular basis.
 A country’s quota determines its access to financing and voting power.
IMF Quotas (percentage of total)
United States
Asia and Pacific
Middle East
Key IMF Activities
 Financial Assistance and SDRs
 Technical Assistance
For low-income countries.
Monitors global, regional, and national economic developments.
 Assesses the impact of the policies of individual countries on other economies.
 Provides advice on issues such as the choice of exchange rate policies and
ensuring consistency between the regime and fiscal and monetary policies.
 Financial Sector Assessment Program enables the IMF to determine the
strengths and weaknesses of countries’ financial sectors.
Financial Assistance
IMF loans are meant to help member countries tackle balance of payments
problems, stabilize their economies, and restore sustainable economic growth.
 The IMF is not a development bank and, unlike the World Bank and other
development agencies, it does not finance projects.
 Many different loan programs, depending on
Whether it is a low-income country
 Whether it is a long-term or short-term loan
IMF Lending through the years
IMF Credit and Loans Outstanding by Region
Asia and Pacific
Latin America and
Middle East and Turkey
Who are the biggest borrowers?
 Romania
 Ukraine
 Hungary
 Greece
 Pakistan
Technical Assistance
Designing and implementing fiscal and monetary policies.
 Drafting and reviewing economic and financial legislation, regulations, and
 Institution and capacity building .
Central banks
 Treasuries
 Tax and customs departments
 Statistical services
Training for officials of member countries.
Changes in the IMF
Since IMF’s creation:
End of colonialism, fall of the Berlin wall, rapid advances in technology,
globalization and growth of international capital markets.
 IMF membership increased from 45 to 187.
 Today’s challenge: Making globalization work for all.
Quota System Changes
The IMF and Ukraine
Joined September 03, 1992
August 2010 Country Report
 Key objectives of the authorities’ program
are to:
 consolidate public finances,
 restore banking system soundness, and
 develop a more robust monetary policy
framework focused on domestic price
stability, with greater exchange rate