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21.07.2015 05:04:31
Ivan Slavinsky's unique artistic style does not allow attributing his work to any
established school of art; his talent and mastery allow him to use freely any
genre he needs at the moment.
Fantastic realism is the name that art historians invented especially for him and
for the phantasmagoria of our world.
Slavinsky shows us the new reality: startled, we recognize in the joining of
plastic enigmas, flashes of light, in the play of shadows the familiar and diverse
world around us where the need for beauty, the intellect and the desire for
emotional shock are equally powerful.
The composition, which at first seems overloaded by details, is fully
subordinated to the underlying philosophical meaning, and quoting at times
helps us to find the solution and to find something new in ourselves, to think
about life passing by.
Look at yourself with Slavinsky's eyes and try to see and to understand how we
will look in the eyes of the next generations.
1989 Personal exhibition in Dublin, Ireland
From 1988 to 2004 Regular exhibition at the gallery "Nevsky, 20", Saint-Petersburg.
Personal exhibitions took place in this gallery in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1998 and 2001.
1990 Participation in the gallery parade in the Manege exhibition hall in Saint-Petersburg
1990 Participation in the exhibition "Russia days in Sweden", Stockholm
1991 Exhibited his works in the Journalists' House during the common exhibition of the young artists of
1992 Participation in an international exhibition in Marseilles, France.
From 1994 to 2001 Collaboration with the Natalie Boidereff in Paris, France; five personal exhibitions took
place there
1996 and 1998 Personal exhibitions in Luxembourg
1999 Participation in the art exhibition in the Central Exhibition Hall of the Artists' Union of Russia in
2001 Participation in the World of Eight exhibition in the memorial flat of the actors Samoilov on the
Stremyannaya street in Saint-Petersburg
Since 2002 A constant exhibition is opened in the ROSARTA gallery in Rotterdam in Netherlands
2003 Participation in the artists' exhibition "Saint-Petersburg Free Artists'
Fellowship" dedicated to the anniversary of the city
2007 Personal exhibition MASTER OF TIME in the Art Gallery SLAVINSKY
2007 Christmas exposition of landscapes 'Winter Petersburg' in the Art Gallery
2008 Special exhibition 'SPEED and COLOR' within the limits of the
International Forum " Sochi 2014: the international and cultural-educational
measurement " (Moscow city)
2008 The exhibition 'THE KING OF THE MASQUERADE' in the Art Gallery
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