Transcript Document

Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in lukeActs
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Although recently questioned there has
been a general consensus that Luke 4:1630 is of programmic significance in LukeActs. This pericope has attracted a large
amount of attention, because of the major
themes Luke encapsulates in the story and
repeats elsewhere.
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Among the stories in Acts which parallel the Lukan
story at Nazareth are the beginning of Paul's ministry
at Damascus (Acts 9:19b-25); the start of the first
missionary journey to Cyprus in the power of the
Spirit (Acts13:1-12) and Paul's first missionary
speech in the synagogue of Antioch of Pisidia (Acts
13:14-52). The themes of Luke 4:16-30 are also
reflected in the speeches of Peter at Pentecost
(2:17-40); in the Temple (3:11-26) and at Cornelius'
house (10:34-33). Finally, Luke seems to bind the
beginning of the ministry of Jesus with the end of
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Luke 4:16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been
brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the
synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to
read. 17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was
handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where
it is written:
Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because
he has anointed me to preach good news to the
poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Major themes in Luke’s Commission:
Release of the captives
The word “release” grounded in Jubilee
Jesus’ ministry to the excluded/women
Mary Magdalene, Prodigal, Zacchaeus
Peter proclaims “forgiveness” in Acts 2:38
The rejection of Jesus and the apostles.
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
“All this material demonstrates the
fulfillment of the commission which Jesus
announced in Nazareth, the commission to
preach good news to the poor and proclaim
release to the captives and oppressed”
(Tannehill 1986:139).
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
“More strikingly, Paul summarizes his mission in words
that seem to paraphrase Jesus' description of his
mission in Luke 4:18. In Acts 26:17-18 Paul presents
his commission from the risen Christ in these terms: ". . .
the people and the nations, to whom I send you [cf. Luke
4:18: "He has sent me"] to open their eyes, [cf. Luke
4:18: "to proclaim . . . to the blind new sight"] so as to
turn from darkness to light and from the authority of
Satan [cf. the "prisoners" who need "release" in Luke
4:18] to God so that they might receive release of sins"
(cf. "release" in Luke 4:18)” (Tannehill 1986:67).
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Gen. 2:1-3
7 Days
Lev. 25:1-7
7 Years
Lev. 25:8-17
7 x 7 Years
Daniel 9:1-2
70 Years
2Chron. 36:21
70 Years
Land Rests
Daniel 9:24
70 weeks
Jews Blessed
Daniel 9:25
7(7) and 62(7)
Daniel 9:27
1 week
Mission Seminar in
Luke’s Commission in Luke-Acts
Sabbath as