Bibliography Cards & Works Cited

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Bibliography Cards
By Mrs. Reynolds
Why bother with Bibliography
Cards at all??
Bibliography cards
enable you to keep track
of your sources, help
prevent plagiarism, and
will save you time in
the long run (no
unnecessary trips back
to the library).
Information to Put on
Bibliography Cards
• Author
• Title
• Publishing Information
• Punctuation
• Publication Medium
Authors on Bibliography Cards
• Begin the first line of
the bibliography
entry at the left
margin of the card.
• Indent all subsequent
lines five spaces
• Author’s last name
followed by a comma
then first name and
middle initial (if
Titles on Bibliography Cards
• Italicize titles of
books and
• Place quotation
marks around the
titles of articles.
• Capitalize words in
titles correctly.
• Separate titles from
subtitles with a colon.
Publishing Information
Publishing Info--Books
• List the place of publication.
• Follow the place of publication
with a colon, a space, and the
name of the publisher.
• Follow publisher name with
comma & publication date.
• Follow with period and medium.
Publishing Info--Magazines
• Dates: day, then month, then
• Follow the date with a colon, a
space, and the page number.
• Omit commas between the
month and the year.
• Follow final period with medium
and period.
Publishing Info--Internet
• Information will be inconsistent
from site to site.
• Look for Author, “Article,” Title or
Site Name. Version/date. Publisher.
Page number. Web. Date of access.
• URL is no longer necessary in many
circumstances, but instructors are
still allowed to insist on them.
Punctuation in Bibliography
• Follow each item with a period
(author, article, book, publishing
• Use only one period when the
author’s middle initial is
• Omit the period after magazine
• Use a period at the end of each
bibliography entry.
Other Details (helpful hints)
• If you use more than
one library, list the
name of the library
where you found this
• For books, list the call
• Make notations of key
features of source.
Sample Bibliography Card 1
Greenberg, Jan. Advertising Courses:
How Advertising Works. New York:
Henry Holt and Company, 1987.
Do you know what kind of source
this is? Book or Magazine?
Yes!! It is a book.
Sample Bibliography Card 2
McCommons, James. “The Comeback
of Moose.” Country Journal MayJune 1991: 28-32. Print.
What does 28-32 stand for?
Page numbers in the magazine.
Sample Bibliography Card 3
Barker, Joe. “Finding Information on
the Internet: A Tutorial.” 2 Sept.
1997. Web. 14 October 1997.
<http:// www.lib.berkely. Edu/
When did the researcher look up this
Yes. October 14, 1997.
Additional Bibliography Help
For more tips on writing
bibliography cards, consult an
MLA Handbook, the librarians,
OWL at Purdue, or your teacher.
Don’t just guess...
It Could Spell Disaster!!!
The End