Transcript Slide 1

Social Protection Floors
Mozambique Experience
New York, 12th September 2013
Mozambique socio-economic context
About 23 million of population (52% are women);
High levels of Economic Growth in the last 15 years;
The poverty rate in 2008/2009 was 54,7%;
High dependence on subsistence farming (70% of households);
High exposure to weather related and economic shocks
Between the months of December and March food insecurity levels rise to
around 40%.
About 20% of the population is food insecure
43% under 5 suffer from Chronic Malnutrition
Main progresses in recent years
• The Government of Mozambique, aware of the challenges to
guarantee the welfare of the population, especially those living in
vulnerable situations and that can be affected by various risks,
defined the basic social protection as one of priorities, highlighting
the care the most vulnerable groups.
• As milestones, Mozambique defined specific legislation on social
protection and the basic social security enshrined as one of the basic
levels to guarantee this right so important.
• The recognition that all citizens should have access to a social
protection floor that led to consecrate the structured interventions in
health, education, social action and the creation of employment
opportunities for people with capacity to work.
Main progresses in recent years
• Social Protection gained a prominent position in national debate
– It is now one of the priorities within the PARP (PRSP)
• Basic Social Security Regulation approved in 2009
• Basic Social Security Strategy approved in 2010
• Programs Revision approved by the Council of Ministers in 2011
• Started a revision of the operational system, including a fully review of
Manual of Procedures, including identification and targeting mechanisms
• Ongoing development of a new Management and Information System
including: single registry, terciarization of payments, case management,
Social Action identification card
Main progresses in recent years
• For the Government of Mozambique, the interventions in the area
of ​basic social protection is evident in key Government planning
instruments (PG, PRSP).
• These important instruments defined priorities and goals to be
achieved in the establishment and strengthening of a social
protection floor in Mozambique.
• One of the great achievements in the reform process that was
conducted to revise the basic social protection programs
implemented by the Government and directed to people who live in
poverty and vulnerability.
Main progresses in recent years
Today, with the process restructuring of our programs stand out as successes:
•Increased investment in human capital interventions with sustainable, long-term
programs taking in account the main challenges of our country;
•Increased coverage of basic social protection interventions to more households,
a fact which allowed us to increase the coverage of the families who need these
interventions since 2010, from about 7% to 20%;
•The response to the needs of children, elderly, people with disabilities, women
became more structured and integrated because these groups have access to the
benefits of health, education, social welfare and we have tolls for better
monitoring and evaluate government response;
•The budget allocation has registered remarkable progresses;
•A better coordination between the different stakeholders.
The National Basic Social Security Axes
Direct Social Action: managed by MMAS,
comprised of social transfers used to address the needs of the most vulnerable and
destitute households (older people, people with disabilities, those who are chronically
ill, and households with orphans and vulnerable children) and to respond to situations
of permanent and transitory vulnerability.
Health Social Action: managed by the Ministry of Health, this intervention aims at
promoting the access of the most vulnerable populations to primary health care;
Education Social Action: managed by the Ministry of Education, this action promotes
the participation of the most vulnerable populations in the education system
Productive Social Action: jointly managed by different sectors, this intervention aims to
promote the economic inclusion of households living in absolute poverty, but with
residual capacity to participate in the labour market.
The Revised Social Protection Programs
implemented by government
• The Basic Social Subsidy Program (PSSB) - a cash transfer program
targeting extremely poor households in which no adult is able to
work (i.e., households headed by the elderly or by persons with
• The Productive Social Action Program (PASP). Consists of direct
employment in public-works projects aimed to build or upgrading
infrastructure in poor and vulnerable communities, and by
providing training programs and other educational opportunities.
• The PASP focuses on extremely poor households in which one or
more adults are able to work, but face limited employment or
income-generation prospects.
The Revised Social Protection Programs
implemented by government
• The Direct Social Action Program (PASD), which provides shortterm support to households that are temporarily vulnerable,
– Pregnant women head of households, including support after
– Support to Households with Children suffering from acute
malnutrition (identified by the Ministry of Health);
– Support to HIV patients receiving ART support (identified by the
• Social Action Services
– Orphanage, Day care for Children and Elderly
– Promote of Family Reunification
– Access to information to vulnerable groups
Budget Allocations for Social Protection
Programs implemented by government
• increase in 2012/2013 and likely 2014 in National Budget
and new pledges from development partners
• Around 90% of the Budget comes from domestic sources
Evolution of Budget Allocation to INAS Programs - Absolute (Million Usd) and
Relative (% of GDP)
2014 (Proposta)
USD - Million
% of GDP
What changed for people?
• Constant trend in terms of increasing nr. of beneficiaries
• Increase o benefits:
– For PSSB (the biggest program):
• Basic monthly transfer was 70 Mts (2,3 Usd) in 2007 and is be
250 Mts (8.6 usd) in 2013
• Adding 25% for each dependent (up to a max of 4), going up
to a maximum of 500 Mts ( 17,2 Usd) per HH
Nr. of HH (thousands) covered by INAS Programs
70 167
100 197
250 439
Nr. of HH Beneficiaries
Transfer amount (Mtm)
A New Social Protection Operational System for
government Programs
– Including a single registry (in a first phase to be used for INAS Programs, but on
a second phase to be rolled out to other Ministries like M. Health and M.
– Improved manuals of procedures including:
• New beneficiary targeting mechanisms
– Involving categorical targeting for some programs and community
mechanisms for others
• New payment modalities
– Including using third parties like mobile phone companies (ongoing
process for public tender)
• Reinforcement of INAS Case Management function
– INAS will be more close to the beneficiary
– Promoting linkages with other sectors like health and education
– Reducing inclusion and exclusion errors
• Monitoring & Evaluation with linkages to the production of National system
of statistics (including information on panel national household surveys)
Main challenges for the implementation of a
Mozambican Social Protection Floor
Fiscal resources have been increasing, but are still not enough to
cover the existing needs
• Still 20% of poor HH are covered by INAS Programs
To finalize the development of the new Information Management
System and to be able to roll out at National level
• Big challenges in terms of investment in human resources – the new system
symbolizes a change in the way business is and was always done
• Needs a component of training for chance and motivation
Strategy comes to an end in 2014 – not goals were not reached
and lessons need to be taken. New strategy
• New strategy is an opportunity to better cover the specific needs from some groups
like Breast feeding mothers; HH with Children
• To review extension priorities (for instance implementation is showing that PW
targets were set to high, due to the operational requirements to scale it up)
The importance of South-South
• Mozambique benefited in different moments from the experience of other
countries, particularly from the African Continent
– At policy level inspiring visits
• to Brazil early in the process (2005 and 2006)
• to Cape Verde in 2009 during the Strategy drafting
• To countries in the region - Zambia (2006), South Africa (2008),
Malawi (2010) and Botswana (2011)
– Visit to Ethiopia (in 2010) to see in loco the implementation of the
PSNP, including management and decentralization process;
– Participation of more than 20 African countries in a Conference
Organized by Mozambique in 2012 that fed the National Discussion on
social protection;
– Kenya Visit (2013) to look at payment and targeting mechanisms;
– Participation in Global, Continental Training Experiences
– Participation in South South Events
The role of International Partners
• Mozambique benefited from the support of various partners,
• Particularly relevant was the work of the UN team in Social Protection (ILO
– Supporting capacity building –investment in training and facilitating the
exchange of experiences with peer countries
– Enhancing and participating on the National Development Dialogue
(through a strong participation on the PRSP Working Groups)
– Enhancing coordination among International Development Partners and
promoting the SP agenda
– Providing Technical Assistance in key moments
• Support to the definition of the National Basic Social Security, the
Regulation and its operational plan, including its costing
• Evaluation of the old programs and assistance on the reviewed design
– Support to the development of operational systems (the new IMS)
• Strong role in advocating the role of Social Protection in promoting Social
Inclusion and Poverty Reduction
The role of International Partners
The joint ILO and International Monetary Fund work to support
government in a mid-term costing of the programs and compare it
with the potential fiscal space, contributing to national dialogue and
increasing budget allocations;
• to guarantee the budget allocation for social sectors, taking into
account the priorities set out in the main strategies and programs in
the realization of basic social protection;
Final considerations
Mozambique has reaped rich lessons with the materialization of a
social protection floor and coordinated work with partners. It has
been increasingly evident that:
• the establishment of a social protection floor that responds to the
needs of vulnerable groups, is an effective response to the needs of
these groups;
• the social protection programs should include sustainable responses
to people and households with members who are able to work;
• the social protection interventions should allow greater access to
health care, greater access to education and social assistance to the
most vulnerable people and for who may be affected by risks arising
from structural and environmental impacts;