Transcript Document

The Biblical mandate for Leadership
…leadership words that convey a strong sense of personal
authority is avoided when the NT speaks of church
The Biblical mandate for Leadership
The two words used in the New Testament for
church leaders are προι ̈́́στημι = stand in front
(e.g. 1 Timothy 3:4; 5: 17; 1 Thess. 5:12) and
κυβέρνησις = to steer (1 Cor 12:28).
Hebrew 13:7 uses ἡγέομαι which means
“to go before”
Mark 10: 42 - 45
 In NT times “deacons” were essentially house
servants (John 2: 5,9 ; Matt 22: 13; John 13)
 Deaconship = servant / service / ministry / task
 The NT church developed deacons into an
“office” (Acts 6: 1 – 6)
 They are described separately to Elders
(Philip. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3)
Bishops / Elders / Pastors / Deacons
• In the New Testament, Bishops = Elders = Pastors
(Acts 20:17,28; Titus 1:5 – 7; 1 Peter 5: 1 – 4)
• Their responsibilities were Pastoral oversight and Teaching
(Acts: 20:28;1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:9; Eph 4: 11; John 21:16)
• Deacons provided a support to successful ministry functions
(Acts 6; 1 Tim 3; Philippians 1:1)
John 13 = “The ultimate demonstration of
Servant Leadership…
• The motive of his ministry was Love
• The nature of his ministry was Service
• The attitude of his ministry was Humilty
Ted Engstrom “The making of a Christian leader”
NT Leadership is not: (cf Luke 22: 24 – 27)
1) Political power-play
2) Authoritarian attitude
3) Cultic control
New Testament leadership is not flashy public relations and
platform personality, but humble service to the group. The work of
God is to be carried on by spiritual power, not personal
Foundational Theological Issues:
• God is the ultimate and only authority (Mark 14:36; Luke 1:37;
Acts 17:28)
• Jesus Christ has been granted authority over the Church as its
head (Matt 28: 18; Col. 2:10, etc)
•Every other authority is merely a delegated authority (Rom 13:1)
• The gathered church is the final authority in matters of polity
(Acts 15:22; Matt. 18:17)
• The NT Church exercised authority in the area of discipline
(Gal. 6:1) , administration (2 Cor. 8-9) and election of
leadership (Acts 6: 3-6; 15:22; 1 Cor. 16:3).
"The servant-leader is servant first. It begins
with the natural feeling that one wants to serve.
Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to
lead. The best test is: do those served grow as
persons; do they, while being served, become
healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more
likely themselves to become servants?"
 Robert K. Greenleaf, The Servant as Leader, 1970
The servant leader serves the people
he/she leads which implies that they
[people] are an end in themselves rather
than a means to an organizational
purpose or bottom line.
- Robert K. Greenleaf -
“Servant leadership is about how
we lead (style) and not to command
over people…
Attitude …gentleness and humility
Quality of own life”
LO Richard “Theology of Church Leadership”
“Servant leadership is a relationship
in which one person seeks to
influence the thoughts, behaviours,
beliefs or values of another person”
Walter Wright “Relational Leadership”
“…not to meet demands of
followers…not carrying out ideas of
others…they take initiatives, they listen
to God and to the voices around them in
order to determine what God wants of
them…they are committed for the long
haul, maintaining faith and hope,
patience and fortitude – also withdraw to
reform and renew strength”
Eddie Gibbs “Leadership Next”
“…servants of God…not the servants of
the people.”
John Finney “Understanding Leadership”
1 Corinthians 7: 22 &
2 Corinthians 4:5
Servant Leadership - Progressive Growth
in Christ
Servant leadership requires the practice
of certain disciplines (habits we practice
to please the Lord). These disciplines are
key elements of "abiding in Christ.“
Greenleaf’s – Characteristics of Servant leaders
(expanded by Larry Spears in “The Power of Servant
Leadership” )
• Listening
• Conceptualization
• Empathy
• Foresight
• Healing
• Stewardship
• Awareness
• Commitment to the growth of
• Persuasion
• Building Community
Greenleaf’s – Characteristics of Servant leaders
(expanded by Larry Spears in “The Power of Servant
Leadership” )
1) Stewardship = holding in trust for the greater good
2) Commitment of the growth of people = nurturing the
growth of people as more than just workers
3) Building community = overall morale
Greenleaf’s – Characteristics of Servant leaders
(expanded by Larry Spears in “The Power of Servant
Leadership” )
4) Empathy = understand peoples special and unique spirit
5) Healing = relationships and inner hurts mended
Greenleaf’s – Characteristics of Servant leaders
(expanded by Larry Spears in “The Power of Servant
Leadership” )
6) Listening = deep commitment to listening intently to others
7) Awareness = General and self-awareness to understand values
and ethics
8) Persuasion = rather than personal authority in convincing others
9) Conceptualization = “dream great dreams"
10) Foresight = see the likely outcome of situations
They are progressive in nature as set forth below:
•Humility - "apart from Him I can do nothing" - leads me
•Seek Him - and as He reveals Himself and what He is
doing - I can:
•Love Him - by obeying and working with Him - this will
lead me to:
•Serve Him - as I lovingly serve others - this creates
opportunities to:
•Exalt Him - by giving Him the glory - and to maximize my
•Accountability - I ask others to hold me to these
What do servant leaders do?
•devote themselves to serving the needs of
organization members.
•focus on meeting the needs of those they lead.
•develop employees to bring out the best in them.
•coach others and encourage their self expression.
•facilitate personal growth in all who work with them.
listen and build a sense of community.
- Robert K. Greenleaf -
“Servant leadership is an attitude defined by who you are than
by what you do”
Servant leadership happens when:
• You get the proper ministry motive
• Clarify your personal mission
• Understand your individual attributes
• Work in your ministry setting
• Shape love as your motive (choose to do a dirty job, serve
anonymously, serve secretly, serve an enemy, choose to make
someone else successful)
The Character of Leadership - Nine Qualities that Define Great LeadersBy Jeff Iorg
“Principles…Leadership is about …
•Influence and service
•Vision and hope
•Character and trust
•Relationships and power
•Dependency and accountability”
Walter Wright “Relational Leadership”
“Servant Leadership is more than
just a style of leadership, it is an
essential attitude that underlies the
nature and exercising of leadership”