Dia 1 - Bond

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Hilkka Vuorenmaa Chair of EuroNGOs Senior Advocacy Officer Väestöliitto, Finland

        European network of non-governmental organisations that cooperate in the field of SRHR, population and development. Seeks to translate the commitments of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) into international cooperative programmes in the field of SRHR in low-income countries.

Established in 1996 in Hanover Governed by a 5 member Steering Committee + observers Secretariat (2 persons) in IPPF EN Annual General Meeting: Conference on relevant theme; provides opportunity to network; E-mail lists/update: serve as a tool for strengthening co-operation, fostering coherence and exchanging information on projects, campaigns, meetings and other events. Annual workshops on relevant themes.

   In addition to the members of EuroNGOs, parliamentary groups and organisations from other parts of the world are a part of the network as associate members (30 members, 7 ass.members). US Foundations: the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, Population Action International, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Summit and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundations.

IPPF and UNFPA observers

     Dominated by 3 F's: financial crisis, food crisis and fuel crisis Environment and climate change Security issues Changing aid modalities New US President brings hope for decreased opposition against SRHR?

     Social and human development slipping to the sidelines; ICPD and SRHR especially vulnerable; Opposition has increased within EU; SRHR linkages with other development issues may provide windows of opportunity; Obama – new hope for SRHR – will it have influence in EU

       In 2004 no official UN ICPD+10 follow-up event Countdown 2015 – major NGO led initiative Aim was to look both globally and regionally at progress, obstacles and future strategies on ICPD agenda Global Roundtable (650 participants/109 countries) Regional and national events Over 1600 participants in the events (NGO, governmetn, UN, policy-makers, academics, medical sector) Youth Forums in majority of events organized by youth

     “The recruitment of new allies, and the recognition of the critical role of young people in the next decade of efforts to both fulfill the commitments made at ICPD and bring real change to people's lives” Action Agenda Report Card Regional Materials and Recommendations Countdown 2015 video

     In light of present global agenda role of NGOs to promote ICPD and SRHR even more crucial; ICPD@15 provides a momentum; NGOs have a role of being the driving force behind advocacy efforts; Need to take our watch-dog role seriously; Work on national, regional and international levels;

     NGOs need to come out of comfort zone; Find allies and build up partnerships with other development organisations – environment, human rights, women, children etc. Find linkages among SRHR and other development issues: environment, food, security – find justification for more support to SRHR; Work with your southern partners: bring in the true voices from the global South; Work with more recent EU member states

      Mobilize MPs/All-Party Groups: parliamentary questions, hearings, media appearances, seminar, participation on European/international events; Work with government officials; hold accountable for ICPD PoA; encourage to take part in ICPD+15 actions; Involve young people in ICPD+15 activities Build up alliances with other CSOs to gain support to ICPD; Bring together different stakeholders for joint activities (eg. MPs, government officials, NGOs); ICPD+15 campaigns; media, new media

    Joint efforts of European SRHR community (incl. EuroNGOs): statements, advocacy activities, conferences, declarations, campaigns etc.; Mobilize your MEPs – EPF-EPWG to keep ICPD alive in EP; Work with southern partners; invite as speakers, participants, studytours; Support the more recent EU member state NGOs to advocate for ICPD in their countries (especially important now when opposition is increasing in this part of the world)

     Joint advocacy efforts with SRHR community Participation in international events Encourage national MPs, MEPs, gvt officials, young people to participate in events Involvement of global South UNFPA, IPPF activities

       Global NGO Forum, NGO-led conference in Berlin by DSW, EuroNGOs, UNFPA; first week of September 2009; 400-500 participants from all over the world Meeting on ICPD+15 arranged by Swedish government (RFSU involved) MSI: to launch an ICPD+15 parliamentary call to action Ministerial meeting on the ICPD+15, end of 2009 in Cairo, by Dutch and Egyptian governments International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Poa (IPCI) on ICPD+15, end of 2009 in Cairo, UNFPA, EPF, Asian Parliamentary Forum ICPD@15: 15+ counting, IPPF campaign EuroNGOs plans are still open
