Transcript Document

CIT 742: Network Administration and Security

Mohammed A. Saleh



Design Goals

 Hardware independence  Could be used on a Mac, PC, mainframe, or any other computer.

 Software independence  Could be used by different software vendors and applications.

 Failure recovery and the ability to handle high error rates  featured automatic recovery from any dropped or lost data.

 Efficient protocol with low overhead  had a minimal amount of being transferred.

“extra” data moving with the data  This extra data, called overhead, functions as packaging for the data being transferred and enables the data transmission.



 Routable Data  data could make its way through an internetwork of computers to any possible destination.

 For this to be possible, a single and meaningful addressing scheme must be used


Moving Data Across the Network

  Newer standards used packet switched networks

Circuit-Switched Network

 Older communications used circuit-switched networks Data moves across the same path throughout the entire communication    An example of a circuit-switched network is the telephone system When you make a telephone call, a single path (also called a circuit) is established between the caller and the recipient For the entire conversation, the voice data keeps moving through the same circuit.


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Circuit-switched network


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Packet-Switched Network

 Circuit-switched network was unacceptable for the Internet.

  Data had to be able to move through different routes so that if one circuit went down, it didn ’t affect communication on the rest of the network.

 Instead, data simply would take a different route.

The Internet uses a

packet-switched network

  The sending computer transmits data fragments which are more manageable chunks.

Each packet is then individually addressed and sent to its intended recipient


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 The receiving computer reassembles the packets into the original message Packet-switched network


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  The receiving computer reassembles the packets into the original message Several routes that the data packets can follow from the source to the destination


Recap : OSI Model Vs DoD Model


  

Network Interface and Internet layers

Address and route packets  Define how the packets are moved to and from the network Protocols place headers onto the packet  Like labels being placed on a package that is being mailed As each packet is received at a host, it is examined to see if it needs to be






Network Interface layer

   Primary responsibility is to define how a computer connects to a network   This is an important part of the data delivery process because data must be delivered to a particular host through a connection to a network Data leaving a host has to follow the rules of the network that it is on This layer does not regulate the type of network that the host is on  but the network that the host is on dictates the driver that the Network Interface layer uses.

The host can be on an Ethernet, Token Ring, or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)


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    The host has to follow the rules for transmitting and receiving data according to the topology of the network.

Used to receive packets and to send packets.

The header at the NI layer contains addressing information  an address called a hardware address Consider the graphic representation that follows:


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Hardware address

    Comes from a physical address that is burned into every NIC when the card is manufactured This address will not change for the life of the card This burned-in address can be called any of the following:      Hardware address Media Access Control (MAC) address Ethernet address Physical address Network Interface Card (NIC) address It is a 12-character hexadecimal address


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   It looks like this:


   The first six characters represent the manufacturer and are unique to the network card ’s manufacturer The last six characters form a unique serial number that the card ’s manufacturer has assigned to it


For all TCP/IP communication to occur, the sender/builder of the packet must know the destination hardware address.

If the target hardware address matches that of the receiving network interface card, or if the packet was broadcast, the packet is passed up the stack for processing If it is different then the packet is discarded.


Broadcast packets

   Every packet must be addressed to a host.

 every host will examine every packet to see if each is addressed to that host ’s unique hardware address.

A broadcast packet contains the target hardware address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.

NI Layer analogy  Get well soon card -> Courier -> Receiving department


Internet Layer

    Lies between the Network Interface layer and the Transport layer contains the protocols that addressing and routing of packets are responsible for Contains several protocols, including:     Internet Protocol (IP) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Internet Group Message Protocol (IGMP) As the packet moves up to the Internet layer, it also needs to contain an IP address


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 Protocols at the Internet layer


Internet Protocol

      Responsible for determining the source and destination IP addresses of every packet.

every host on a network is assigned a unique IP address IP address refers to a

logical address

An example of an IP address is:

A portion of the IP address describes the


the host is on, and a portion describes the unique address on that network.



IP layer analogy  Street address -> person receiving the letter


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  IP determines whether the destination is local or remote as compared to the source host   The target is local if IP determines that the target is on the same network it is remote if the target is on another network IP can make this determination based on the IP address of the target and the

subnet mask

of the source host.

 subnet mask is a required parameter of every TCP/IP address that is used to separate the network and host portions of that address.


   

Determining Whether the Destination Is Local or Remote

If the destination is addressed to a host on the local network  TCP/IP can communicate directly with the destination host If the host is on a

remote network

 TCP/IP needs to send the packet through the default gateway.

A default gateway, also called a router, is the address of a host on the network that offers a route off of the network Mail package analogy  Same street (you can do it) -> Different city (post office)


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    The IP protocol in Harry ’s TCP/IP stack will examine the destination address (Sally ’s) and determine that Sally is local to Harry.

How do you determine that the destination is local?

If the target host is local, IP needs to get the hardware address for the target.

If the target host is remote, IP looks in its for an explicit route to that network

routing table

  If there is an explicit route, IP needs to get the hardware address of the gateway listed in the routing table If there is no explicit route, IP needs to get the hardware address for the default gateway.


Determining the Hardware Address


  

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If a packet needs to be sent to a remote host, the destination hardware address will be for the default gateway and the destination IP will be for the host The gateway then determines whether the target IP address is on one of its other interfaces or whether the default gateway needs to forward the packet to another router Airport analogy - > direct or indirect flight   If the target is on one of the other interfaces, IP can send the packet through that interface onto the destination network. IP on the gateway strips off the original IP header and puts a new IP header on the packet.

The gateway is now the source, and the destination of the packet is either the actual target


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 IP uses the

Address Resolution Protocol

(ARP) to get the hardware address of the destination host  Finds the hardware address of the destination host based on the IP address that the Internet Protocol is asking for.


Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

  It is a protocol that can resolve an IP address to a hardware address   After the hardware address is resolved ARP maintains that information for a short time Before translating a logical to a physical address ARP will look at its ARP cache    ARP cache is an area in RAM where ARP keeps the IP and hardware addresses that have been resolved If the IP address is not in ARP cache, ARP will initiate an




Once the resolution is done the hardware address will be stored in the ARP cache for 120 seconds


Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

 ARP cache  An entry in ARP cache is dynamic when an address has been discovered through broadcast, and static when the address has been manually added


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Using Broadcast to Resolve a Hardware Address

  When does an ARP protocol initiate an ARP request?

This request is broadcast on the local network  Harry ’s ARP is trying to get resolution for the IP address of

    ARP broadcasts a packet onto the network that basically says: “HEY, WHOEVER IS, I NEED YOUR HARDWARE ADDRESS!

” The ARP broadcast is addressed to every host by setting the destination hard- ware address to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF  The ARP broadcast also contains the source ’s hardware address.

Including the source ’s hardware address expedites the reply from the destination host


ARP Operation


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 As the ARP packet is received at each host  the network interface card takes the packet off of the wire and passes it up through the Network Interface layer to the Internet layer and ARP   When the hardware address is found an ARP reply is packaged and sent back, including the source and destination hardware addresses An ARP reply is sent out as a unicast whereas the ARP request is a broadcast.


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Cases using ARP

 1.




There are four cases that use ARP: Same LAN  Here the ARP request is broadcast on the LAN if not already available in the ARP table of the sender.

Host to Router  A host wants to send a packet to another host on another network. It must first be delivered to a router.

Router to Router  A router receives a packet to be sent to a host on another network . It must first be delivered to the appropriate router Router to Host  Router receives a packet to be sent to a host on the same network.


Case 1: Same LAN


Case 2: Host to Router


Case 3: Router to Router


Case 4: Router to Host



     Each router/host maintains an ARP table The table is empty on boot up An ARP request is a


while an ARP reply is a


Each time an ARP request is answered, it is entered in the table for the future The computer receiving the request can add the source computer ’ s details to its own ARP table.


  

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Used primarily for sending error messages, performing diagnostics, and controlling the flow of data.

Types of ICMP messages

Destination unreachable  may be sent from the host or from a router unknown/unavailable/prohibited network/host/service.

Source quench  message informs the source that a datagram has been discarded due to congestion in a router or the destination host  The source must slow down the sending of datagram until the congestion is relieved.


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 Time Exceeded  Whenever a router receives a datagram with a TTL value of zero, it discards the datagram and sends a

time-exceeded message

ICMP message to the original source.

 Redirection  This is an ICMP message generated due to inefficiency of the initial routes chosen to send packets.


    

Performing Diagnostics with ICMP and Ping

Using ICMP as a diagnostic tool is with the


utility Four ICMP echo request packets to the destination host for them to be replied.

If the data returns, the admin can assume successful connectivity to the destination.

If the ICMP packet does not return, then a connectivity problem exists.

A ping command can be executed at the command prompt (win) or the terminal in an (Ix) 


[ip address]


[dns name]





 The

source destination host host

( (


) pinged the  Figure shows a screenshot of the result obtained.


Screenshot shows:






(Frame 1) An ARP request is broadcast for the target

(Frame 2) An ARP reply is sent to the source at with the target ’s hardware address.

(Frame 3) An ICMP packet is sent from the source

requesting an to “echo.” the destination

(Frame 4) An ICMP echo reply is sent from the destination

to the source

(Frames 5 –10) Steps 3 and 4 are repeated three more times.


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     It takes virtually no overhead for the destination to respond with an ICMP reply.

Some websites will not reply to ICMP request packets.

Example websites include

and Enormous amount of ping- request traffic Microsoft was receiving caused the overhead to get excessive Their servers no longer reply to such requests   ICMP echo packets are filtered or dropped at the fire- wall for security purposes A company may not want outsiders pinging or their network.

“groping” inside


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     It takes virtually no overhead for the destination to respond with an ICMP reply.

Some websites will not reply to ICMP request packets.

Example websites include

and Enormous amount of ping- request traffic Microsoft was receiving caused the overhead to get excessive Their servers no longer reply to such requests   ICMP echo packets are filtered or dropped at the fire- wall for security purposes A company may not want outsiders pinging or their network.

“groping” inside


     

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

Enables one host to send one stream of data to many hosts at the same time.

The destination IP address used by IGMP is called a

multicast address

Multicast addresses contain reserved IP ’s, which are not assigned to hosts.

Devices on a network use IGMP packets to exchange data Some routing protocols use IGMP to exchange routing tables Across the Internet, many sites are using IGMP packets to move streams of data to many hosts concurrently

