سُوۡرَةُ البَیّنَة بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡ

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Transcript سُوۡرَةُ البَیّنَة بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡ

C L A S S P R A C T I C E Q U I Z F O R A G E S 1 1 - 1 3 T E S T Y O U R K N O W L E D G E O F T H I S S U R A H .

B E F O R E D O I N G T H E Q U I Z T H E K I D S M U S T L E A R N T H E W O R D F O R W O R D M E A N I N G S O F A L L T H E W O R D S I N T H I S S U R A H .

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:1 ﴿ ا َهَلا َزْل ِز ُض ْرَ ْلْا ِتَل ِزْلُز اَذا

Explain what is meant by “zalzalah” here?

Zalzalah means to shake violently over and over again.

When will the “Zalzalah” mentioned in this verse occur?

According to a large section of scholars, it implies to the earthquake with which the second stage of Resurrection will begin, i. e. when all the former and the latter generations of mankind will rise back to life.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:2 ﴿ اَهَلاَقْثَأ ُض ْرَ ْلْا ِتَجَرْخَأ َو

What is it that the Earth will “throw up”?

The Earth will “throw up” 1.

Bodies of the dead 2.

It will also bring out all traces and evidences of the words, deeds and activities of their former Iife .


It will cast out the treasures of gold, silver, jewels and every kind of wealth lying hidden in the earth's belly.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:3 ﴿ اَهَل اَم ُناَسْن ِْلْا َلاَق َو

Why will people say “What is the matter with her/it”?

For people after resurrection and coming to senses the first impression of every man will be as to what was happening around him on Earth.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:4 ﴿ اَه َراَبْخَأ ُثِ دَحُت ٍذِئَم ْوَي

What news will the Earth give us?

The earth on the Day of Resurrection will bring out every act that would have been done on its back.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:5 ﴿ اَهَل ىَح ْوَأ َك ب َر َّنَأِب

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:6 ﴿ ُْْهَلاَمَْْأ ا ْو َرُيِل اًتاَتْشَأ ُساَّنلا ُرُدْصَي ٍذِئَم ْوَي

What kind of groups will the people will be in on the Day of Resurrection?

It has two meanings 1.

Everyone of them will be presented before Him individually on the Resurrection Day.


That the people who during thousands and thousands of years had died at different places; will be rising from different corners of the earth and proceeding in groups.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

﴾ 99:7 ﴿ َُُرَي اًرْي َخ ٍةَّرَذ َلاَقْثِم ْلَمْعَي ْنَمَف ﴾ 99:8 ﴿ َُُرَي اار َش ٍةَّرَذ َلاَقْثِم ْلَمْعَي ْنَم َو

What do you understand from verses 7 and 8?

Not an atom's weight of good or evil done by a person, will have been left unrecorded in his conduct book, and he will see it in any case.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings