Section 2-1 Earths Crust in Motion

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Transcript Section 2-1 Earths Crust in Motion

Section 2-1 Earths Crust in Motion Theo Hernandez Garvis Noyles 12/10/07

Anticline • A anticline is the top of a mountain.

Syncline • It’s the opposite of a anticline because the crust is heading down

Shearing • Shearing makes 2 rocks slip past each other

Tension Tension streches out the rocks

Compression • Compression squeezes rocks together

Deformation • Deformation is when anything or the value on the Earth crust

• A fault is a crack on earth crust.


Folds • A fold is where two parts of the crust gets pushed together

Fault block mountain • It’s the middle of two parts of the crust that is a mountain

Strike slip fault • A strike slip fault is when a fault slips past another fault

Normal Fault • Tension forces crust to make a normal fault

Reverse fault • It’s a force in the crust where the left part of the crust goes down and the right part goes over the left

Footwall • The footwall is the opposite of the hanging wall because it goes up

Plateau • Its land that’s made high over sea level

Hanging wall • The hanging wall is the crust that is going down

Stress A stress is a force in the earth’s crust that builds power.

Earthquake • Earthquakes are a strong shake on the crust

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Grade Rubric

for Theodore Hernandez

Presentation has title, mentions member’s names, and includes a complete date.

Topic slides are well thought out, informative, full of details, and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject.

Presentation is very creative, animated, and uses many of the formatting techniques learned in class.

Student helped gather the information, cooperated with the formatting, and helped the group stay focused by avoiding off-task behavior.

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 40 22 Science

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Grade Rubric

for Garvis Noyles

Presentation has title, mentions member’s names, and includes a complete date.

Topic slides are well thought out, informative, full of details, and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject.

Presentation is very creative, animated, and uses many of the formatting techniques learned in class.

Student helped gather the information, cooperated with the formatting, and helped the group stay focused by avoiding off-task behavior.

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 40 22 Science

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Teacher Notes

Nice vocabulary definitions, but almost all need pictures Missing main ideas summaries Missing an “I Learned” slide Too much playing around and off-task behavior caused you to run out of time and rush your project Project is still very incomplete
