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An Introduction To:
A u t o m a t e d I C WA C o m p l i a n c e
28th Annual "Protecting Our Children"
National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
From Opportunity to Reality: Honoring Our Dream
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
The Dream
Practical Problems - Notice
Honoring the Dream
• ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
• Automated ICWA Noticing
Honoring the Dream
Current Status
Ayazuta Future
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
The Dream
Indian Tribes, People, and Traditions are fundamentally respected
Tribes have a right to exist
Tribes have a right to their history and traditions
Indian People have a right to pass those traditions forward to their children
Indian Tribes have a right to intervene when their children are being
removed from their parents, separate from any parental rights
When coming into contact with care agencies, the child has a right to:
Professional, diligent, involved, and documented investigation of their
Indian heritage
To have requirements for Notice, Active Efforts and Placement Preferences
systematically respected
Involvement of experts to ensure cultural appropriateness of actions
Proportionality and fairness
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Practical Problems
Claims are mostly of historical Tribe membership rather than of Federally
recognized tribal government, and many Tribes are not Federally recognized.
There is poor Federal mapping of Historical to Federally recognized tribes.
States may require all possible Tribes receive notice of all hearings, and one
historical tribe could have 20 Federally recognized tribal governments.
The Tribal ICWA contact address published in the Federal Register can be out
of date.
FACT 1 - This generates the bureaucratic nightmare of Case and Social
Worker time spent administering Notices rather than supporting children
FACT 2 - There is variable and in some cases poor compliance
FACT 3 – BIA receives 20,000 notices per year, Los Angeles County reports it
takes about 8 hours to notice a hearing, with 4-6 hearings per case per year
plus countless hours and costs in appeals from failed noticing
Assertion 1 – The process and paperwork are at the center of the system –
not the child
All of these issues work against the best interests of the Indian child
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Honoring the Dream
The notice process, as is:
Difficult or impossible to comply
Heavily paper based
Poor audit trail
Largely manual
The process needs to be:
Compliant and Self Auditing
Meeting Court and Tribe reporting
Supportive of the Case and Social Worker
Few if any supportive systems at a State
or County level
All available information in one place and
easy to use
Time consuming, expensive, and fraught
with the potential for error
Fully Automated, with a target Notice
production time of 8 minutes
8 hours average to produce notices for 1
Fast, accurate, repeatable, with little
potential for error
Partial support from Federal Government
Nationally Available, up to date Data
Variable Federal to Historical Tribe
Maintained Federal Tribes to Historical Tribes,
keyword and State mapping
Aging of contact information
6 Month review cycle
Not responsible for noticing
Distrust between States, Counties and
Poor statistics, measurement, analysis
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Trust based on Verification
Statistics, Process measurement
Consistent verifiable compliance
Introducing Ayazuta
1. ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Live and being used
Illinois Administrative
Office of the Courts
2. Automated ICWA Noticing
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Demo System
ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Maps Historical Tribes to Federally recognized Tribal governments
Name, keyword, and State mapping in a single database
Keeps Tribal contact data up to date
Maintains the address published in the Federal Register
Multiple contact points if appropriate, and ongoing validation of information
A well defined
verifiable process…
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Maps Historical Tribes to Federally
recognized Tribal governments
Name, keyword, and State mapping in a
single database
Keeps Tribal contact data up to date
Maintains the address published in the
Federal Register
Multiple contact points if appropriate, and
ongoing validation of information
Tribal confirmation by an
authorized representative…
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Maps Historical Tribes to Federally recognized Tribal governments
Name, keyword, and State mapping in a single database
Keeps Tribal contact data up to date
Maintains the address published in the Federal Register
Multiple contact points if appropriate, and ongoing validation of information
Resolving issues with the
Federal Register…
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Maps Historical Tribes to Federally recognized Tribal governments
Name, keyword, and State mapping in a single database
Keeps Tribal contact data up to date
Maintains the address published in the Federal Register
Multiple contact points if appropriate, and ongoing validation of information
Serving an increasing
number of users….
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Tribal ICWA Contacts Database
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Problem – Mapping Historical Tribes to Federally recognized Tribal governments
Ayazuta Solution – Public and free mapping of Historical Tribes, Keywords, States
to Federally Recognized Tribes, available on the internet 24/7
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Introducing Ayazuta
1. ICWA Tribal Contacts Lookup
Live and being used
Illinois Administrative
Office of the Courts
2. Automated ICWA Noticing
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Automated ICWA Noticing
– Allows storage of the relevant case information
• Tribal Claims related to a child
• Investigation information
• Notice information
• Tribal responses
• Notice/Response audit trails and Court documents
– Automates production of notices
• Relating claims of historical tribal membership to appropriate Federally Recognized
• Automated prompting and production of notices
• Automated update of responses from Tribes
– Nationwide Coverage
• Up to date Judicial Council forms from all customer states
• Updates of contact information from all entities
– Audit Trail
• All access and changes to records recorded
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Automated ICWA Noticing
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Problem – Variable, and in some cases, poor compliance
Ayazuta Solution – Full audit trail of all activities, changes and Notices
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Social Worker Time
Problem – Social Services time consumed in paperwork
Ayazuta Solution – Automated Notice, more time to concentrate on the Outcome
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Relationship Between
Tribes, States and Counties
Problem – Variable relationships
Ayazuta Solution – Focus on the Child – collaborative implementation of a
structured solution increases trust
Federally Recognized Tribe
- Receives compliant notice audit trail
- Potential for Court notice
- Fewer notice based Appeals
- Receiving clearer communication
from States and Counties
- Tribe has data to exercise jurisdiction
- Easy notice response
- Benefits from more accurate Notice
- Higher probability of being reconnected with
the tribe
- Higher probability of being dealt with
in a culturally sensitive way
Social / Case Worker
- Enters Case Informaion
- Investigates Heritage Claims
- Enters Results of investigation
- Retrieves/Updates hearing details
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- Retains ICWA Case Information
- Maintains map of Federal to Historical Tribes
- Maintains up to date ICWA related Forms
- Prompts Notice and Hearings
- Produces Declarations and Notices
- Stores responses to Notices and Investigation
- Produces an Audit Trail of Notices and all changes
- Keeps Federal Tribal Information Current
- Reduces costs at every stage of an ICWA enquiry
- Reduces tribal workload
Bureau of Indian Affairs
-Updates Tribal ICWA contacts
-Facilitates ICWA notice oversight
System Structure
- Business Context Diagram
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Honoring the Dream
ICWA helped define the Dream
There are lots of “practical” and “real” reasons why the
ICWA Dream was only ever partly realized; the conditions
for compliance are not in place
Without technology, the Dream cannot be delivered (after
32 years we can conclude that the manual way does not
consistently work)
Tribes are universally capable of adopting technology, and
overwhelmingly and vocally support improvements in the
administration of ICWA
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Honoring the Dream
Cost Benefits
Reduced cost of maintaining accurate Tribal ICWA contact information
Fewer Case and Social Worker hours in Notice, Administration and Hearing
Reduced hours preparing for Appeals
Reduced cost of Notice production, USPS confirmations
More effective tracking and responses from tribes
Social Benefits
Better relationships between Tribes and States
Better handling of the child’s welfare through more accurate notice
Children with Indian heritage are more likely to be identified and reconnected
More people, focused more of the time, on better outcomes
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Current Status
Tribal database is built and usable now
Validation process continues, all Tribes contact information will be validated every 6
Fee based service for State, County and Commercial organizations to download the
database and get updates monthly
Community driven design
Ayazuta to be developed by the community of users through a collaborative process
that builds positive relationships between courts, social services, tribes, and Indian
supportive services.
Tribes and tribal support groups will have free access to system
Great reaction from all interested parties
Plan for system to be completed and rolled out to initial customer Q3/Q4, 2010
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Ayazuta Future
Capabilities to support
Phase 1 – Tribal Contacts Database
Phase 2 – Automated Notice production
Demo produced to drive the design
Getting the system delivered
Tribal ICWA worker access
BIA access
Phase 3 – “Active Efforts” support
Phase 4 – Placement Preferences
Technology to support
Print production and distribution of notices
Digital confirmations and responses to digital notices
Closer integration with Bureau of Indian Affairs
Closer Integration with Tribes
Incrementally reduced cost of ICWA compliance
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
What Can You Do
If you're a connected to a Tribe
Check the contact details on the site
Tell your Social Services agencies about the site and ask them to use it
Give us a letter of support
Add a link to Ayazuta from your website
Sign up for the Ayazuta newsletter, Twitter
Apply pressure to your local BIA region, asking them to support an Ayazuta trial
If your connected to Social services
Use the contact details database, add its use to training materials
Add a link to County and State court and social services department websites to
Tell your State DSS and Courts, you want accurate, up to date Ayazuta data in their
Get the people who do noticing to look at the Ayazuta demo
Sign up for the Ayazuta newsletter, Twitter
Apply pressure to your local BIA region, asking them to support an Ayazuta trial
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Questions & Answers
Kevin Hughes
Principal , H7 interactive LLC
Creators of
[email protected]
1 (310) 403 5565
© H7 interactive, llc 2010
Heather Zenone
Director of Indian Child Welfare
Indian Dispute Resolution Services
[email protected]
1 (916) 803 1919