Transcript Document

Δ Storage Middleware
What’s new since GridPP9?
CERN, 02-04 June 2004
Objectives – briefly
• Build SRM v1 interface to ADS
– Deploy at RAL
– Integrate with LCG testbed (via Replica
• Build SRM v1 interface to disk
– Deploy at Tier 2 centres in UK
• Local storage management
– Clean up cluster’s volatile storage resources
Objectives – SRM v1
• SRM is a control interface – no data transfer
• SRM 1 provides async get(), put()
– get (put) returns request id
– getRequestStatus returns status of request
– When status = Ready, status contains Transfer URL –
aka TURL
– Client changes status to Running
– Client downloads (uploads) file from (to) TURL
– Client changes status to Done
• Files can be pinned and unpinned
• SRM copy in version 1.1, not in 1.0
– 3rd party copying – requires delegation
Status – EDG SE
• Current version of
EDG SE stable &
running since Nov
• Now accessed by
– providing Grid
interface to ADS at
– support via GFAL
being built
EDG SE provides “SRM-like”
Interface, but simplified (to
meet EDG deadlines)
Status – SE development
• Completed upgrade to (internal) Metadata
Now more scalable
More useful (and reliable ) metadata stored
Currently using Berkeley databases 
But we are investigating using relational databases
(research topic) 
• Planned release 1 July
– But delayed slightly due to traveling … 
– Expect deployed on ADS next week
– To be used via LCG Replica Manager
Status – SRM
• Our SRM interface(s) works in insecure mode
– Tested with dcache SRM client, srmcp, for uploading
and downloading
– We have two interfaces: one based on Tomcat, one
on gSOAP
• Being integrated with metadata release
– So getFileMetadata() not supported yet 
• Secure mode being tested
– Using CoG in Tomcat
– Using CERN’s plugin for gSOAP (written by Ben
Status – dCache
• dCache initial local storage mgmt solution
• We’ve started dialogue with DESY dCache
Developers’ focus: stability, robustness, bugfixing
We won’t contribute code directly (maybe patches)
Bug reports, testing
Feature requests – in principle we can add features
• We haven’t started investigating it yet
• dCache to become Open Source  “in a matter
of weeks”
• CHEP will probably be the future forum
Status – dCache SRM
• “Thin layer” client & server, written by FNAL, in
• Sits on top of dCache
• “Reference” implementation
– Any SRM SHOULD work with this
– But not currently open source…
– …and it uses IAIK crypto libraries
• Not Open Source either
• Commercial, but free-ish (as in free beer) for academic use
• Some peculiarities
– Fetches WSDL file before making SOAP call!
– Doesn’t quite follow protocol (doesn’t set file status to
Group Infrastructure
• Coordinating support and deployment
– Phone conferences – not stable yet 
– Need to ensure that all Tier 2 sites covered…
– …currently participants from Bristol,
Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial, Manchester,
– …need to ensure that we have people who
can commit some effort to deployment and/or
• RAL currently interviewing for second
storage mware post
• GridPP2 releases coincide with EGEE
• May need more formally defined interface
with EGEE JRA1?
– This would be common to (almost) all GridPP
middleware groups
• How to support EGEE’s biomed
• Getting LHC experiments’ input on storage
– J-P Baud’s approximate road-map: first draft
June, 2nd draft July, finalised Aug-Sep
– Size of group discussed within LCG…
• Sufficiently many people to get “nearly all”
• …but not too many either
• Do we need such a group specifically for
the UK?
– Probably not
SRM 2.1
• On-going work within SRM group
– Except we are not attending GGF 11…
• Currently discussing “SRM 2 “Basic””
– Subset of SRM 2 functionally equivalent to
SRM 1 – possibly
• Other issues…
– …include WSRF – what does it mean for
Other stuff
– Discussing with SRB developers whether to
write SRBSRM interface, or SRMSRB
– Requirements?
– Some technical issues, mostly concerning file
• Data transfer
– ATLAS have finished data transfers between
CERN and RAL (“data challenge 1.5”)
• Current EDG SE (still) stable
• Significant developments & improvements
in first ½ of 2004
• Making good progress preparing for start
of GridPP2 
– “People” and interactions networks being set
– We gain experience and evaluate before
– A few infrastructure bits missing
• No web page yet