May He Complete

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The Lord’s Church...
In a Mega-Church World
It is the LORD’S church
Matt 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock
I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail
against it. NKJV
It is the LORD’S church
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all
creation.16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven
and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created
through Him and for Him.17 And He is before all things, and in
Him all things consist.18 And He is the head of the body, the
church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all
things He may have the preeminence. NKJV
Let us agree for this evening:
We will consider the church to which we belong:
– Is it the church we find in the pages of our New
– Is it a church whose builder and maker is man?
2 Cor 10:12 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves
with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring
themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among
themselves, are not wise. NKJV
Let us agree for this evening:
We will consider the church to which we belong:
– Is it the church we find in the pages of our New
– Is it a church whose builder and maker is man?
1 Thess 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.
A Mega-Church World
What is a “Mega-church?”
It is a church whose normal membership is
greater than 2000 members.
A Mega-Church World
What is a “Mega-church?”
Mega-Church Trends in the US
Number of MegaChurches
A Mega-Church World
We have no objection to size
– A church may be large (Acts 2:41, 47)
– A church may be small (Matthew 18:20)
A Mega-Church World
We have no objection to size
"In our society growth equals success," says Scott Thumma,
faculty associate at the Hartford Institute for Religion Research.
"And religious growth not only equals success but also God's
blessing on the ministry." Forbes Megachurches,
Megabusinesses. Luisa Kroll, 09.17.03
A Mega-Church World
1. Calculated Movement
Helping churches grow is a business in itself. There is even a
publicly traded company, Kingdom Ventures (otc: KDMV news - people ), whose sole mission is to help faith-based
organizations get bigger. Forbes Megachurches, Megabusinesses
Luisa Kroll, 09.17.03, 12:00 PM ET
A Mega-Church World
1. Calculated Movement
If that doesn't help, they may steer folks to a new book they are
about to publish: PastorPreneur, which is hitting Christian book
stores this month. The book teaches pastors to think like
entrepreneurs; for instance, encouraging them to set up strategic
partnerships with nonchurch groups and to use event marketing
to draw in new members. Forbes Megachurches,
Megabusinesses Luisa Kroll, 09.17.03
A Mega-Church World
1. Calculated Movement
For a lesson in marketing, religious leaders would do well to
study the success of Bill Hybels and his Great Barrington, Ill.based Willow Creek Community Church. In 1975, he and
members of his student ministry went door to door asking
residents what kept them away from church. Hybels then crafted
his services to address their concerns, becoming one of the first
pastors to use video, drama and contemporary music in church
and encouraging a more casual dress code. "Hybels really
showed that churches can use marketing principles and still be
authentic," says Michael Emerson, a Rice University sociology
professor who has studied megachurches.
A Mega-Church World
1. Calculated Movement
...Willow Creek, which has a staff of 500 full and part-time
employees, is renowned for its conferences and seminars that
teach other churches how to market themselves as well as for its
"buzz" events, featuring well-known personalities such as
country singer Randy Travis, NASCAR Champion owner and
former Washington Redskins coach Joe Gibbs and Lisa
Beamer, widow of Sept. 11, 2001, hero Todd Beamer--all
intended to attract nonchurch goers. Forbes Megachurches,
Megabusinesses Luisa Kroll, 09.17.03, 12:00 PM ET
A Mega-Church World
1. Calculated Movement
For a fee, Rick Warren will teach his 40 Days of Purpose, A
Churchwide Spiritual Growth Campaign where he advertises
such thing as: “Exponential Thinking,” “Concentrated Focus,”
and “Catalytic Events”
In the Lord’s Church...
A faith not in the marketing ideas of men
but in the preaching of God’s word.
1 Cor 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave
the increase. KJV
In the Lord’s Church...
A faith not in the marketing ideas of men
but in the preaching of God’s word.
1 Cor 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come
with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the
testimony of God.2 For I determined not to know anything
among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.3 I was with
you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.4 And my
speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of
human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power,5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but
in the power of God. NKJV
In A Mega-Church World
2. Churches become social clubs
At Saddleback Church you will find clubs for:
Bird Watching
Road Cycling
Men's Soccer
Roller Hockey
Classic Cars
Mountain Biking
Flag Football
Post-college Age
Asian small groups
Art Classes
Decorating Ministry
In the Lord’s Church...
A devotion to the works the Lord gave
His church.
Eph 4:11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some
prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,12 for
the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ, NKJV
1 Peter 2:1 Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit,
hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,2 as newborn babes, desire
the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, NKJV
In the Lord’s Church...
A devotion to the works the Lord gave
His church.
1 Cor 16:1 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have
given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also:2 On
the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside,
storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I
come NKJV
In the Lord’s Church...
A devotion to the works the Lord gave
His church.
Eph 3:10 to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God
might be made known by the church to the principalities and
powers in the heavenly places,11 according to the eternal
purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, NKJV
In A Mega-Church World
3. “Vibrant” worship meant to entertain
“Lakewood makes sure to put on a grand show. It has a 12piece stage band, a lighting designer to set the mood and
three large projection screens. The technology will be even
more spectacular when it moves into its new home in the
former Houston Rockets' stadium ‘We really want it to feel
like a concert,’ says Duncan Dodds, Lakewood's executive
director. Something is working: Church attendance has
grown from 6,000 in 1999 when Osteen became pastor to
25,060 today.” Forbes Megachurches, Megabusinesses
Luisa Kroll, 09.17.03, 12:00 PM ET
In A Mega-Church World
3. “Vibrant” worship meant to entertain
“Lakewood Church is widely recognized for its powerful
and inspiring worship services… The Creative Arts
Ministry is here to support and enhance all the ministries of
Lakewood Church with quality dramatic, video and musical
production… Lakewood's Drama Team is offering a FREE
acting workshop for all interested parties 18 and older.”
Lakewood Church Website,
In A Mega-Church World
3. “Vibrant” worship meant to entertain
“We are currently developing a Dance team to complement
our dramatic presentations. Presently we are looking for
experienced and trained dancers…. The Creative Arts
Ministry is offering a beginner dance class for anyone 18
and older interested in improving their dance skills. This
class offers instruction in ballet, jazz and lyrical styles. This
class is free of charge.” Lakewood Church Website,
In the Lord’s Church...
Worship for God
– God is the only object of our worship (Matt. 4:10)
– Not all worship is good worship (Matt. 15:9)
Acts 24:14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way
which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers,
believing all things which are written in the Law and in the
Prophets. NKJV
In A Mega-Church World
4. Multiple worship options meant to fit
the person
Saddleback Church, Lake Forest CA:
“Try One of Our Worship Venues! We have something for
everyone! One of our few "traditions" at Saddleback is to
keep trying new ways to tell the good news of God's love.
What is a worship venue? It's a live feed of the message on
a large bright LED screen. It's live bands with different
styles than in the Worship Center. It's a smaller, more
intimate atmosphere for worship. AND you can even bring
your coffee with you into the service!”
Sadleback Church Website,
In A Mega-Church World
4. Multiple Worship options meant to fit
the creature.
1. Worship Center:
You’ll hear the familiar musical sounds of Saddleback and enjoy
live teaching that is videocast to our other venues.
2. Tent 3:
Hear Gospel music that moves your heart – and likely your feet
too! This big, Gospel choir worship experience includes a
videocast message
3. Tent 2:
This venue has guitar-driven, rock-style worship in a concert-like
setting that you can FEEL! So rev it up in worship, and then get
ready for the videocast message.
In A Mega-Church World
4. Multiple Worship options meant to fit
the creature.
4. Room 404:
Get away to the islands for a time of worship, complete with hula
and island-style music. Laid back and relaxed, the "full body"
worship with our hula ministry leads into the videocast message.
At a potluck "luau" right after the service on the first Saturday of
every month, you’ll enjoy food, fun, fellowship, and hula lesson
5. Tent 2:
If you are a single adult who enjoys current Christian radio hits,
this service is for you. Each Saturday following the videocast
message, get to know other singles at a special event
In A Mega-Church World
4. Multiple Worship options meant to fit
the creature.
6. Plaza Room:
Enjoy a small, traditional church feeling as you worship with
hymns, choruses, and favorite songs of the faith, all at a
lower volume! The message is videocast on big screens for
great viewing.
In the Lord’s Church...
Vibrant worship meant to praise the
Creator not the creature.
– In Spirit and in Truth
– Un-Authorized worship is not pleasing to
In A Mega-Church World
5. One Charismatic Leader
•Joel Osteen at Lakewood, Houston
•Rick Warren at Saddlebrook, CA
•Bishop T.D. Jakes at The Potters House, Dallas
•Dr. H. Edwin Young at Second Baptist, Houston
•Bill Hybels at Willow Creek Community Church, Ill
•Pastor Bob Coy at Calvary Chapel, Fort Lauderdale, FL
In A Mega-Church World
5. One Charismatic Leader
“The Presbyterian form of church government, which
is typical in Presbyterian and Reformed churches,
puts the decisions of church policy in the hands of a
select group of elders (the "presbytery") who are
appointed in various different ways, depending on the
church. These elders are over the pastor, who in turn
is over the congregation. The problem here too is that
this system puts the God-appointed leader, the
pastor, under some of those he is supposed to lead.”
Calvary Chapel, FL Website,
In A Mega-Church World
5. One Charismatic Leader
“Calvary Chapels are organized differently... Basically,
at Calvary Chapel we believe that the pastor is
responsible for the church, responsible to hear from
God, and responsible to feed and love His people
faithfully. Elders are appointed in the larger churches
to help the pastor care for the spiritual needs of the
congregation, as are deacons to help the pastor care
for the material needs of the church.” Calvary Chapel,
FL Website,
In the Lord’s Church...
Elders (also known as pastors, or bishops)
leading and shepherding the flock among
– Titus 1:5
– 1 Tim 3:1
– Acts 20:17, 28
– Ephesians 4:11
– Philippians 1:1
In A Mega-Church World
6. “Relevant” Teachings
You'll enjoy upbeat music and practical messages that
help you deal with real life issues. Saddleback Church
In A Mega-Church World
6. “Relevant” Teachings
“Mr. Warren preaches in sandals and a Hawaiian shirt, and he
encourages ministers to banish church traditions such as hymns,
choirs and pews. He and his followers use "praise team" singers,
backed by rock bands playing contemporary Christian songs. His
sermons rarely linger on self-denial and fighting sin, instead
focusing on healing modern American angst, such as troubled
marriages and stress.” Suzanne Sataline, The Wall Street Journal,
September 05, 2006
In A Mega-Church World
6. “Relevant” Teachings
Using drama, multi-media, contemporary music, and a
message that connects with people's lives, the ageless
wisdom of Scripture is presented in a creative, yet straightforward way. People who haven't attended church, or for
some reason have quit going to church, are often surprised at
how meaningful these services are.
Willow Creek Community Church, Barrington Ill,
In the Lord’s Church...
Teaching the whole counsel of God
Acts 20:26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent
of the blood of all men.27 For I have not shunned to declare to
you the whole counsel of God. NKJV
In the Lord’s Church...
Teaching the whole counsel of God
Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has
appeared to all men,12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness
and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly
in the present age,13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious
appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,14 who
gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless
deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for
good works. NKJV
In the Lord’s Church...
Teaching the whole counsel of God
– All of the gospel is relevant, practical,
2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness,17 that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work. NKJV
In A Mega-Church World
7. Doctrines of Appeasement
“Because of its size and influence, many Christians
have asked exactly what Calvary Chapel believes and
what makes us distinct. At Calvary Chapel, we have
always been hesitant to answer those questions, not
because we are unsure of our beliefs, but because we
are cautious to avoid division within the body of
Christ… When Christians move away from these
foundational doctrines to those that are less
essential, there is always a risk of setting barriers up
in the church, something we at Calvary Chapel have
no desire to do.”
Calvary Chapel, FL Website,
In A Mega-Church World
7. Doctrines of Appeasement
“... It is not our purpose to cause division or discord
in the body of Christ; rather, we long for unity among
all of God's people, and we allow for a great deal of
flexibility even within our own church… It has not
been our intention to say that we are right and
everyone else is wrong, nor has it been our intention
to argue our position with any Christian believer. We
are content to agree to disagree, and we desire to
have nothing but love and fellowship with anyone
who calls on the name of our Lord in truth and
Calvary Chapel, FL Website,
In A Mega-Church World
7. Doctrines of Appeasement
“... In a broad general sense, Calvary Chapel is the
middle ground between fundamentalism and
Pentecostalism in modern Protestant theology. In
fact, we believe that this is at least part of the reason
why God has raised up this ministry. ..Over the years,
however, fundamentalism, while it clung to the
integrity of God's Word, tended to become rigid,
legalistic, and unaccepting of spiritual gifts. Similarly,
Pentecostalism became enthusiastic and emotional at
the expense of the teaching of God's Word. Calvary
Chapel is the balance between the two…”
Calvary Chapel, FL Website,
In the Lord’s Church...
Teachings that reprove, rebuke and
In A Mega-Church World
Don’t get the idea that the megachurches are all sweet and fuzzy...
Some pastors learn how to make their churches purpose-driven
through training workshops. Speakers at Church Transitions Inc., a
Waxhaw, N.C., nonprofit that works closely with Mr. Warren's
church, stress that the transition will be rough. At a seminar outside
of Austin, Texas, in April, the Revs. Roddy Clyde and Glen Sartain
advised 80 audience members to trust very few people with their
plans. "All the forces of hell are going to come at you when you
wake up that church," said Mr. Sartain, who has taught the material
at Mr. Warren's Saddleback Church.
In A Mega-Church World
During a session titled "Dealing with Opposition," Mr. Clyde
recommended that the pastor speak to critical members, then help
them leave if they don't stop objecting. Then when those
congregants join a new church, Mr. Clyde instructed, pastors should
call their new minister and suggest that the congregants be barred
from any leadership role.
"There are moments when you've got to play hardball," said the
Rev. Dan Southerland, Church Transitions' president, in an
interview. "You cannot transition a church ... and placate every
whiny Christian along the way." Suzanne Sataline, The Wall Street
Journal, September 05, 2006
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