Diapositiva 1

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Jack-o'-lanterns are the most popular halloween decoration.
People also put a candle inside the pumpkin at night
Jack o’ lantern derives its name from a British folktale.
The legend says that a person named Jack o’ lantern was condemned to
wander the earth with a pumpkin in his head.
Another version of an Irish legend tells about a man named Stingy Jack, who invited
the Devil to have a drink. When it came the time to pay, he convinced the Devil to
change into a sixpence, but instead of paying for the drink Jack pocketed the
sixpence and kept it stored beside a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from
changing back. Jack made a deal with the Devil before letting him free that the Devil
could not harass him. Next Halloween Jack died and he was turned back from the
Gates of Heaven. He went to the Gates of Hell and the Devil told him to go away, as
Jack had made him promise not to claim his soul. Jack didn't want to leave because it
was dark and he couldn't find his way. The Devil tossed Jack a glowing coal and Jack
put it inside a turnip, and ever since with this "Jack O' Lantern", Stingy Jack's lonely
soul has been roaming the faces of this earth
Trick-or-treating is another Halloween tradition, in which costumed children go from
one house to another soliciting candy or other treats from their neighbors. According
to this custom, children greet each homeowner with the cry "Trick or Treat,"
suggesting that some sort of hoax will be played unless treats are provided. Formerly,
trick-or-treaters vandalized the house if no treats were produced or if the treats met
with their disapproval.
• Your age doesn’t matter, in halloween people wear costumes of
many terrorific characters, usually adults prefer classical style like
frankestein or dracula and children prefer modern characters.
• Cats have been considered by many to be spiritual animals. They
have been worshiped in many societies and are thought to have the
ability to sense good and evil spirits. Western superstitions would
have us believed that black cats have special powers, that they can
represent spirits or even incarnated humans, thereby linking black
cats to occultism. The color black is also commonly linked to the
dark realm.
Known by different names throughout the world, the scarecrow is commonly
used as a means of scaring unwanted flying visitors away. Commonly they
are dressed in ragged garb and mounted crucifix style to a pole or wooden
stake. Though the origins are unknown, they are associated with Halloween
and fall holidays in modern culture.
• Bobbing for apples
Probably the most well known and favorite Halloween game of all.
Float apples in a large wash tub filled with water. The target of this
game is to grab one of the apples and remove it from the water
using only your mouth. Hands must be kept behind player's backs.
• The black cat and her kittens
A great Halloween game for children which is neither too tricky or too scary
for them.
One child is chosen as the black cat and he is taken from the room for a
moment. The rest of the children then take their places around the room,
laying their heads on their arms so that they cannot see anything. The game
leader touches several children on their heads, tapping them as the black
cat’s kittens. When the black cat returns to the room, the kittens softly meow
for their mother, and the mother attempts to locate them by their meows.
The first kitten to be found takes the mother cat’s place for the next round,
but the rest must keep up their meowing until every last kitten is found.
• Ghost Stories
Setting the scene for a scary story is what is needed for maximum
effect. Your story could be a real life haunting, a classic ghost story,
or an urban legend. Candles, strange noises and even a hidden
prankster ( to jump out at the right moment, or squeak some
floorboards) will all provide suitable 'fright'.
Adrián Egea
Francisco Martínez
Daniel Sáez