Early Life, East and West

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Early Life, East and
West-Chapter 2
Native Americans of North
The Eastern Woodlands
• Tribes, such as the Iroquois, lived in the
Woodlands region.
– This area provided rich ___________, such as:
• Endless supply of wood
• __________ to hunt for food such as deer, bear, elk,
and beaver
– Used ________ and __________ as clothing
• Lake, rivers, streams supplied water and __________
• Fertile soil helped Native Americans to grow corn,
beans, and squash for food
The Great Plains
• Great Plains region is a fairly _________
region even today
• Tribes of the great plains include the
Lakota(Sioux), Pawnee, Osage, and Cheyenne.
• Plains people survived by hunting and
– They settled their villages by rivers so they could
get water for their crops-corn, beans, squash, and
Plains people continued
• They lived in __________
– Lodges were large round huts built over a deep
– Walls were made of earth (mud, clay), packed
over a wood frame.
• They hunted ____________
– Used the buffalo for meat, clothing, utensils, and
Plains People continued…
• When hunting buffalo, the people live in
– _____________ set up poles in a circle, their tops
coming to a point.
– They cover the frame with buffalo ____________
The Cheyenne
• Horses were gained by the Cheyenne by:
– Taming wild horses
– Raiding other tribes and taking their horses
– Trading with other tribes
• Horses had a big impact on the Cheyenne
– Made buffalo hunting ______________
– Made settlements more ___________, easy to move from
place to place
• Cheyenne placed a high __________ on horses
because it changed their way of life by making it easier
to hunt, travel, and defeat enemies in warfare.
The Southwest Desert
• Region is mostly ________ and _________
• Some tribes that settled in this area were the
Hopi and Zuni who later were known as the
– Life was based on farming
– The Hopi today live on a reservation in Arizona where
they blend _______ and ________ ways of living
• Other tribes include the Apache, who were
hunters, and Navajo, who raised sheep
Northwest Coast
• Tribes include Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, and
• Had plenty of natural resources
– Forests contained cedar bark and were rich in game
for hunting
– Coastal waters were filled with fish and seals
• Never had to grow crops because they hunted
and gathered everything they needed
• Kwakiutl used animal hides and cedar bark to
make ____________ because they were the
resources that were available.