Transcript Slide 1

San Gabriel River Trail Project:
Connecting Academics and the
The Trail
8.2 mile hike and bike
trail that connects
downtown Georgetown
with Lake Georgetown
connects with 16 mile
Good Water Trail
around Lake
San Gabriel River Trail
Unnamed Spring
San Gabriel River Trail
San Gabriel River Trail
San Gabriel River Trail
San Gabriel River Trail
Good Water Trail
Trailhead Near Cedar Breaks
Austin Explorer:
Good Water Trail
Good Water Trail
Crockett Gardens
Good Water Trail
Crockett Gardens Spring
Austin Explorer:
Good Water Trail
Near Tejas Camp
Austin Explorer:
Good Water Trail
Near Russell Park
Austin Explorer:
From the dam looking east
3M Foundation Vision Grants
helping liberal arts
colleges and
universities make
connections between
academics and the
Southwestern University
awarded a 3M Vision Grant in June 2006
focuses on research and creative projects
that benefit the San Gabriel River Trail
$50,000 over three years
multidisciplinary projects
students and faculty apply for funding
University/Community Partnership
City of Georgetown
US Army Corps of
SGRT Project Steering Committee
Kimberly Garrett
Director, Parks and Recreation
City of Georgetown, Texas
Laura Hobgood-Oster
Associate Professor of Religion
and Philosophy and
Chair, Environmental Studies
Southwestern University
Ben Johnson
Southwestern University
Michael Kamen
Associate Professor of
Education and Chair
Southwestern University
Ben Pierce
Professor of Biology
Southwestern University
Vicente Villa
Community Leader
City of Georgetown
Carey Weber
Park Manager, Lake
US Army Corps of Engineers
Application for Funding
Project Narrative (limit entire narrative to no more than 4 pages)
1. Background (provide context and reason for conducting this research/creative
works project)
2. Goals of Project (briefly list the major goals and objectives of the project)
3. Project Methodology (describe how the project will be carried out, including any
specific methods used)
4. Project Participants (list or briefly describe who will participate in the project)
5. Project Schedule (give a brief schedule for major milestones of the project)
6. Community Involvement (briefly describe how members of the local community
will be involved in the project)
7. Use of the San Gabriel River Trail (explain how the project will utilize and/or
benefit the San Gabriel River Trail and its users)
8. Evaluation (Briefly describe how you will assess the goals of the project,
including reflection by student participants on the role of community in research
projects and creative works)
9. Dissemination (describe how the results of the project will be disseminated to
members of the academic and local communities)
Requirements for Funding From SU 3M
Vision Grant
must be a research or creative project that
involves students
class projects
student research projects
faculty/student collaborative research projects
must focus on or benefit the San Gabriel
River Trail or trail users
must have a community component
Funding Levels for Projects
typically $500 - $1500,
but will consider larger
and smaller amounts
Application Procedure
short application form on web site
talk to one of faculty coordinators
Laura Hopgood-Oster
Michael Kamen
Ben Pierce
may need to visit with City of Georgetown or
Corps of Engineers
fill out application
applications considered by Steering
Web Site
San Gabriel River Trail Project
Funded through a grant from the 3M Corporation
Ideas for Potential Trail Projects