What your book left out - Vista RidgeAP Human Geography

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Famous People in Human Geography

AP Human Geo S


S 4 stages of urban evolution based on the impact of transportation and communication S S S S Sail –Wagon (1790-1830)…associated with low technology Iron Horse (1830-1870)…steam powered locomotive and spreading rails Steel-Rail (1870-1920)…full impact of the Industrial Revolution Auto-Air (1920 -1970)… gas powered internal combustion engine


S Concentric Zone Model Theory (1920’s – Chicago) S S S S S CBD Zone of Transition Blue Collar Workers Middle Class Suburbs S The model is dynamic - as the city grows, the inner rings encroach on the outer rings


S Central Place Theory S Explains the number , size and location of human settlements in an urban system S Organized by hexagons to eliminate unserved or overlapping market areas S S S Range – distance a person is willing to travel for a good or service Threshold – minimum number of customers to keep the business running Hinterland – the market area


S Father of Geography He was the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth (with remarkable accuracy)


S Multiple Nuclei Model S S CBD is losing its dominant position as the nucleus of the urban area Separate nuclei become separate and differentiating (economic nodes)


S Sector Model Theory S Pie shaped wedges S S S Low-income housing could extend from the CBD to the outer edge The same is true with high-rent, transportation, and industry Focused on transportation in and out of the central city


S Environmental Determinism S S S Human behavior is strongly affected by – even controlled or determined by – the physical environment Cold climates = smarter Doesn’t hold much water – people and their cultures shape environments, constantly altering the landscape and affecting environmental systems


S Heartland Theory S Rich resource “pivot area” extending from eastern Europe to eastern Siberia.

S Believed land supremacy was the key S Eventually helped lead to N.A.T.O.

S S S “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland” “Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island” ‘Who rules the World Island commands the world”


S Population will outrun food supply S S Food supply grew linearly, whereas population grew exponentially, compounding on the year before. Author of An Essay on the

Principal of Population


S Wrote Guide to Geography


S Geopolitics – organic theory S S Linked the state to a living organism which needs land to survive Negative affiliation as Hitler used this rhetoric to justify his conquering of Europe


S Laws of Migration S S S S S Every migration flow generates a return or counter-migration Migrants move a sort distance Migrants who move longer distances favor big city destinations Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults

S Cultural Landscape S Agricultural origins



S Agricultural Zones S S S S S Market Forest (wood for fuel) Dairy/Gardening (intensive agriculture) Commercial grain (extensive agriculture) Ranching – livestock


S World Systems Theory S Global division of labor S Capitalism S Core, periphery, semi-periphery


S Least Coast Theory S Best place for manufacturing: transportation, labor, agglomeration


S Pangaea, continental drift


S 11 agricultural climatic regions