Transition 101: Preparing Before ‘TRANSITION’ Hits!
Transcript Transition 101: Preparing Before ‘TRANSITION’ Hits!
Transition 101:
Preparing Before
Developed by:
Transition Services Liaison Project
Purpose of the
Transition Services Liaison Project
Provide technical assistance and
training to transition age students
with disabilities and families, special
educators, and adult service
agencies across the state.
What do we do?
Services that we provide:
Linkages with schools, families, service agencies
Technical assistance and training
Identify local resources
Post-secondary linkages
Teacher Trainings
Youth Leadership Forum
“Catch the Wave” activities
Website (
Regional transition forums
Serve on Interagency transition councils
Project Skills & Project SEARCH programs
Federal Transition Requirements
Based on IDEA 2004,
transition must be
addressed beginning no
later than the first IEP to
be in effect when the
child turns 16, or earlier if
appropriate, and then
updated annually
Also required is ‘a
statement of interagency
responsibilities or any
needed linkages’.
Why are you here?
From the moment
our children are born,
we wonder about
their future!
Who, what & where
will they be when
they grow up?
Why worry about Transition before IT
No brochure or book
was ever published
to help us deal with
all we deal with as
Let alone this thing
called Transition!!!!
Even if there was a
book, none can
prepare for the
realities of life!
Why is transition planning
It helps you to start thinking long-term
(instead of year-to-year)
It identifies and links students to needed
post-school supports, services and
programs BEFORE they exit high
And most importantly…The process of
moving from entitlement (while in high
school) allows everyone time to get to an
understanding of eligibility (adult world).
Will My Child------
Go directly into the job market??
Go on to post-secondary education??
Get training to live as independent as
Be able to handle his health needs?
Drive or use public transportation?
Be able to handle his finances?
By age 16,
EVERY IEP should:
Be future-directed
Be goal-oriented
Be based on student’s preferences,
interests and needs
Include interagency linkages
AND include MORE than academics!
It is IMPERATIVE that the student be present
at IEP meetings to discuss transition!!
How can the team know his/her
How can the team know his/her
preferences and interests??
Who should be on the team?
The Student
Their family
At least one special education teacher
At least one general education teacher
Administrator (or LEA Rep.)
Any related service provider
Expanded team members (some examples):
VR counselor
CSP rep.
Independent Living Center reps
Post Secondary Disability Service coordinators
Teams must write long range measurable
post-secondary goals in the areas of:
Education or Training
Independent Living,
where appropriate
Word of Caution---These are the student’s goals for his/her future and
should be what the students wants in his/her future!
There should be a
direct relationship between:
The student’s desired goals,
The classes (course of study) and
services the student will take/receive in
school, and
The long range plan for adult life.
Challenges for you as parents:
To help your child “find their dreams”.
To provide opportunities for your son/daughter to discover for
themselves what they can and cannot do, or COULD possibly
do with further education or training.
Help your son or daughter to plan and prepare for the
challenges and complexities of the adult world.
Keep your child in school and ensure he is engaged in
meaningful educational experiences so they will be prepared for
life after high school.
Let go, have faith and confidence that your child will be able to
adapt and participate in the community with the supports
Not to be intimidated by school staff and/or service providers!
Speak up for what you believe in!
Why start planning early?
Some schools require students/families to
determine a graduation “path” or “track” by
the time they enter 9th grade.
If the team/teachers don’t know that a
student wants to pursue post-secondary
school early, they may not have the required
credits by graduation time.
For students with significant challenges,
some adult services have years’ waiting lists.
Ways to begin early …..
Encourage your child to attend their
IEP’s early, at least by middle school
Share transition information/resources
with your child’s teacher at any level,
especially starting at middle school
Become knowledgable about transition
issues & the law
Teach your child to be a
by doing the following:
Talk to them about their disability at an
early age and have them learn about it.
Talk to them about what they can do,
what they enjoy and how they can
become a productive member of society
in the future.
Give them a voice! From the dining
room table to the IEP meeting,
encourage your child to speak up!
Backing up and letting others provide
support for your child!
Let them make mistakes & learn from
Get engaged in their community,
whatever this community may be!
Do Remember - As a parent you need to speak up for what you feel is
truly needed for your child to make the transition from
high school to postsecondary options with as little of
the ‘unexpected’ as possible!
You are the parent and will generally know your
child’s strengths, interests, preferences & needs the
You are the key expert on your child! However….
The transition IEP is all about your child’s life so
listen to your child & keep conversation open as to
what his/her dreams & wishes for the future are!
Regional Transition Liaisons
Coordinator & Central Region
Dan Rounds
Pierre, SD
Western Region
Dave Halverson
Sturgis, SD
South Eastern Region
Bev Petersen
Sioux Falls, SD
North Central Region
Cindy Kirschman
Aberdeen, SD
South Central Region
Mary Livermont
Pierre, SD