IS 555/HCI 513 Design & Strategies for Internet Commerce

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MGT 424 Senior Seminar in Management



MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 1

MGT 424


“The first requirement of Leadership is Knowledge” Tom Landry Dallas Cowboys


To properly lead, we must understand that leading is NOT just giving orders.

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MGT 424


“You cannot manage men into battle. You manage things, you lead people.” Admiral Grace Murray Hooper

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MGT 424

z Difference between Leader & Leadership y Leader is an individual y Leadership is a function or activity the individual performs.

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“The essence of real leadership is to allow your people to see your need and desire for learning. Your actions speak more than your words. Today’s leaders must be students of change first, before they become teachers of others.” Jack Kahl

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MGT 424

z z z z z Leadership is the art and science that deals with the relationship and understanding of people .

Leadership is basically human engineering. Leadership is influencing. Leadership is the influence that particular individuals exert upon the goal achievement of others in an organizational context.

A leader embraces change. 5/6/2020 MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 6

MGT 424

z z Effective leadership exerts influence in a way that achieves organizational goals by enhancing the productivity, innovation, satisfaction, and commitment of the workforce.

Leadership focuses on positive influence, inspiring others and creating a vision of the future. 5/6/2020 MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 7

MGT 424

z z z

Leadership is situational and balances an interest for people with a concern for task accomplishments. Leadership invokes direction, opportunity, renewal and a human approach to business challenges. Leaders have passion.

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z z z

Leadership embraces consensus, empowerment, mentoring, and a transformational approach to impacting an organization. Leaders are judged by sustained success. Leaders are teachers.

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MGT 424

z Leaders convey values, energy and heart. z Leaders foster motivation and action.

z Winning companies have leaders at every level. 5/6/2020 MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 10

MGT 424

z “Leadership is not magnetic personality – that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not “making friends and influencing people” – that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, raising a person’s performance to a higher standard, building a personality beyond its normal limitations. The role of leadership is to create a vision, be a servant and, understand, trust and love your people.” Peter Drucker 5/6/2020 MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 11

MGT 424


The three C’s of visionary leadership:


create a vision


communicate the vision


construct a vision


L = f (l, f, s) which means leadership = follower (leader, follower, situation).

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MGT 424

z The 12 Qualities of Leadership y y y y y y Has A Mission That Matters Is A Big Thinker Has High Ethics Masters Change Is Sensitive Is A Risk Taker MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 5/6/2020 13

MGT 424

z The 12 Qualities of Leadership (cont) y y y y y y Is A Decision Maker Uses Power Wisely Communicates Effectively Is A Team Builder Is Courageous Is Committed MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 5/6/2020 14

MGT 424

Diff. Between Leaders & Managers

z Managers y Do things right y y y y y Command/Control Seeks Stability Seeks Predictability Structural Internally Focused z Leaders y Do the RIGHT thing y y y y y Inspires/Empowers Seeks Change Seeks Flexibility Found Anywhere in organization Externally Focused MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 5/6/2020 15

MGT 424

z “In dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but your dealing with creatures of emotion.” Dale Carniege MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership 5/6/2020 16

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Excellence in Leadership requires 3 things:

y y y

Ability to attract capable people Ability to motive people to give their best efforts every day Ability to solve problems

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Structure Job Description Responsibility 5/6/2020


Mission Goals Objectives


Communicate Motivate Inspire MGT 424 WJ Patterson Week 3 Leadership


Reward Feedback Assesment 18

MGT 424

z Questions for thought y y y Can anyone become a leader?

Who makes better leaders, Men or Women?

Can one be both a leader AND a manager?

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Puzzle of the Week

z A company has 10 machines that produce gold coins. One of the machines are producing coins that weigh one gram light. How do you tell which machine is making the defective coins with only ONE weighing?

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