Management of Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine tumour

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Management of
Neuroendocrine Tumour:
an update
Joint Hospital Surgical Grand Round
Dr Chan Kwan Kit
Caritas Medical Centre
Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs)
Epithelial neoplasms with predominant
neuroendocrine differentiation
 Considered rare traditionally, comprising
~0.5% of all malignancies
 Increasing incidence and prevalence, 2.5 5/100,000 people per year
 Increasing
 Improvement in diagnostic modalities
Gastrointestinal tract: ~65%
 Bronchopulmonary system: ~25%
 Other locations ~10%:
 thymus
 gonads
 heart
 kidneys
 prostate
Gastroenteropancreatic NETs
WHO classification:
 tumour
 degree of differentiation and grading
 functionality
TNM classification
Non-functional: non-specific symptoms
 abdominal
pain, small bowel obstruction,
gastrointestinal bleeding, anorexia, weight loss
Functional: hormone/ peptides-related
 Serotonin:
carcinoid syndrome
 Insulin: Whipple’s triad
 Gastrin
 Vasoactive intestinal peptide etc.
Biochemical markers
 Radiological imaging
Investigation: biochemical markers
Specific markers depending on origin
 Urinary
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA):
main metabolite of serotonin
 Gastrin
 Insulin
 Glucagon etc.
Investigation: biochemical markers
Chromogranin A
 Co-secreted by different neuroendocrine cell
 Correlates with tumour burden and stage
 Established roles in literatures:
 Diagnosis
 Treatment
response monitoring
 Relapse detection
Chromogranin A
Relatively high sensitivity 53-85%
Ben L. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am 40 (2011) 111–134
Elevated in non-NETs condition:
 Non-neoplastic:
chronic atrophic gastritis; renal failure;
liver cirrhosis
 Neoplastic: HCC; colon cancers
 Drugs: proton pump inhibitors
Investigation: radiology
Computed tomography:
 arterial
enhancing lesions with washout in
venous phase
Magnetic resonance imaging:
 more
sensitive for liver and bone marrow
Endoscopic ultrasound
High sensitivity for tumours at esophagus,
stomach, duodenum, and pancreas
 Allows image-guided biopsy
Somatostatin (SST) receptor scintigraphy
 Principle: 80-90% of NETs express SST
Inflammatory lesions and some non-NET
malignancies may give false positive
Positron Emission Tomography
Ga-68 DOTATOC: high binding affinity
for SST receptors
18-FDG: identifies clinically aggressive
lesions with high metabolism
PET: pros and cons
Better spatial and contrast resolution
giving higher sensitivity
Specific radioisotopes not widely available
 Hasn’t been fully validated with strong
evidence yet
Principle of imaging for GEPNETs
CT or MRI combining with functional
imaging to obtain maximal information
 Currently Octreoscan is still the gold
standard for radionuclide imaging
 Will likely be replaced by PET scan with
specific radioisotopes
Cehic G et al. COSA. Nov 2010
 Non-surgical
Surgery remains the only curative
 Curative surgery should always be
considered if feasible
Palliative surgery in metastatic disease:
 Debulking
 Resection
of primary tumour
Proven benefit for local and hormonal
symptom control
Surgical plan dictated by:
 Tumour’s
site of origin
 Degree of tumour burden
 General health or debility of the patient
Operative consideration
Perioperative somatostatin analogs
 Prevents
excessive hormone release during
 Particularly important for intestinal carcinoids
Somatostatin (SST) analogs
First line medication
Acts through SST receptors on NETs
 Inhibition
of cellular proliferation and hormonal
Available for clinical use: octreotide and
SST analogs
Reduction in tumour size: <10%
 Stabilization of tumour: 40-60%
 Biochemical response: 50-70%
 Symptomatic response: 70-90%
Evidence of tumour response AND
improvement of quality of life are well
SST analogs
No conclusive evidence for survival benefit
with use of SST analogs
Alpha-Interferon (IFN)
Induces apoptosis
 Antiproliferative and anti-angiogenic
 Evidence suggested usage in lowproliferating NETs only
Radionuclide therapy:
Radiolabelled SST analogs
SST analogs, IFN,
chemotherapies, and
external irradiation all
have poor response in
advanced or rapidly
progressing GEPNETs
Radiolabelled SST analogs
GEPNETs: high level of SSTR expression and
good vascularization
Studied radionuclide agents:
 111In-pentetreotide
 177Lu-DOTA-Tyr-octreotide
Encouraging short and intermediate term results:
23-28% objective response rate
 63-70% symptomatic response rate
 Longer progression free survival for pancreatic NETs
Waldherr et al. J Nucl Med. 2002; 32:133-140
Paganelli G et al. Biopolymers 2008; 66: 393-398
No long term result available yet
Cytotoxic chemotherapy
Sensitivity of NETs correlates with primary
tumour location and tumour grade
 low
grade carcinoid tumours typically resistant
First line therapy only for metastatic/
unresectable pancreatic NETs
 combination
of streptozotocin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
Some evidence for use in high grade ileal NETs
Targeted therapy
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR): serine
kinase regulating cell growth and proliferation
mTOR inhibitor: everolimus
 Two
recently completed phase III studies (RADIANT 2
and RADIANT 3) demonstrated statistically significant
improvement in progression-free survival (PFS) in
metastatic carcinoid tumours
Targeted therapy
NETs are highly vascular and frequently
overexpress VEGF ligand and receptor
 Bevacizumab and sunitinib: VEGF
 Phase II studies for both agents are
 Multinational phase III study ongoing
Liver-directed therapies
Liver is the predominant site of metastases
 Metastatic liver disease gives more
carcinoid syndrome
 Treatment options:
 Liver
resection/ ablation
 Hepatic artery embolization
Liver resection/ ablation
Advocated if more than 90% of tumours
can be successfully resected or ablated
 Symptom palliation and survival
prolongation well reported
Hepatic artery embolization
Diffuse unresectable liver
Rationale: tumours derived
majority of their blood
supply from arterial
Bilobar metastases: staged
lobar embolization at 4-6
weeks interval
GEPNETs represent a complex and
heterogenous tumour entity with rising
incidence and prevalence
 Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due
to its relative rarity
Diagnostic and treatment options for
GEPNETs are expanding
 Controversies exist for choice and
sequencing of treatments requiring
relevant expertise input
 Multidisciplinary approach warranted for
best outcome for patients
Investigation: biochemical markers
Urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
 Main metabolite of serotonin
 helps
diagnosing carcinoid syndrome
Not applicable for non-functional tumours
Operative consideration (2)
Role of prophylactic cholecystectomy
 Rationale:
somatostatin analogs treatment
leads to development of gallstones
 However most of these stones are
 No conclusive evidence to recommend
prophylactic cholecystectomy
Side effects of SST analogs
Usually mild: flatulence; abdominal pain;
diarrhea in less than 10% patients
 Choledolithiasis: in 20-40% patients with
long term SST analogs; acute symptoms
SST analogs + IFN
Combination therapy as upfront treatment in
therapy-naïve patients is not well established
Evidence for additive effect of tumour response:
 sequential use of the two drugs; and,
 combination after progression with single
No proven survival benefit
Side effect profile (Radiolabelled
SST analogs)
Toxic effects are mild in most patients
Nausea and vomiting being the commonest
Severe lymphopenia and renal toxicity have
been reported
Waldherr et al. J Nucl Med. 2002; 32:133-140
Paganelli G et al. Biopolymers 2002; 66: 393-398
De Jong M et al. Int J Cancer 2001 Jun 1; 92(5): 628-33
Ebrahim S et al. Cancer biotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals Vol 23, No. 3, 2008
Hepatic artery embolization
 Poor
liver function
 Moderate to severe ascites
 Portal venous thrombosis
Liver-directed therapies
Novel approaches:
 Radioembolization
 Liver