Chapter 3.1: The Geography of the Nile

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Chapter 3.1:
The Geography of the Nile
Find out how the geography of the
Nile changes along its course.
Learn about the first communities
that settled along the Nile, and how
people used the Nile for trade.
“There would be no Egypt without the Nile.”
The Course of the Nile River
The Nile River….
the world’s longest river,
4,000 miles.
The Course of the Nile River
The Nile River….
the world’s longest river,
4,000 miles.
It is about the distance from
New York to Alaska.
The Course of the Nile River
The Nile River has TWO
main sources of water
Blue Nile in present day
The Course of the Nile River
The Nile River has TWO
main sources of water
Blue Nile in present day
White Nile in East Africa.
The Nile Through Ancient Nubia
Nubia – Ancient region in the
Nile River valley.
The Nile Through Ancient Nubia
Cataracts – Rock filled
The Nile Through Ancient Nubia
Cataracts – Rock filled
First and Second cataracts
was Lower Nubia.
The Nile Through Ancient Nubia
Cataracts – Rock filled
First and Second cataracts
was Lower Nubia.
Third thru Sixth cataracts is
Upper Nubia.
The Nile Through Ancient Egypt
Delta – A plain at the
mouth of the river.
The Gift of the Nile
Hapi – The god of the Nile.
The Gift of the Nile
Praise to Hapi
Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over
this land, and comes to give life to Egypt!
Come and prosper!
Come and prosper!
O Nile, come and prosper!
O you who make men to live through his flocks
and his flocks through his orchards!
Come and prosper, come,
O Nile, come and prosper!
Black Land and Red Land
Kemet or Black Land called this because of
the dark soil left by Nile floods.
Black Land and Red Land
Red Land - Vast desert.
Living Along the Nile
Egypt’s early farming communities settled
in the delta and valley regions of the Nile
due to fertile river beds.
Living Along the Nile
Egypt’s early farming communities settled
in the delta and valley regions of the Nile
due to fertile river beds.
Nubians added fish to their diets.
Living Along the Nile
Egypt’s early farming communities settled
in the delta and valley regions of the Nile
due to fertile river beds.
Nubians added fish to their diets.
They also hunted ducks and other birds
along the banks of the Nile.
A Highway For Trade
In Egypt, the Nile was used to transport
A Highway For Trade
In Egypt, the Nile was used to transport
Nubians became famous traders of the
ancient world.
A Highway For Trade
Throwstick – A type of