Many Hats, One Head:

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Many Hats, One Head:
How to Survive—and Even Thrive—
When Pulled in Many Directions
Dr. Steve McLeod, Associate Dean
Harding School of Theology
My Hats, Your Hats: How Close?
Small School (about 150 students)
Branch Campus of University of 6000+
Duties—primarily Registrar
A Banner school
One-person office
My Hats, Your Hats: How Close?
Many Others = inch wide, mile deep
Small College Registrar = mile wide, inch deep
How Handle Wide-ranging Duties?
Remember the Main Thing
“The Main Thing is to keep
The Main Thing
The Main Thing.”
--Lige Turman, Former elder (deceased)
Highland Church of Christ, Memphis, TN
What’s the Main Thing?
Make Boss Look Good
Keep the School Open
Improve the School (Institutional Research)
Keep Auditors Satisfied (THEC, VA, etc.)
Tips to Handle the Main Thing
(and some little ones, too)
1. Never Agree to Present a Lecture on “How to
Survive and Thrive When Pulled in Many
Directions.” (Or, Don’t take on too much that
is not necessary.)
2. If you can’t know everything, find a friend
who does! (Network)
 Let them know how thankful you are for
their help.
Tips, Cont’d
3. Communication is Key
4. Take Advantage of Available Resources
5. Use Technology Judiciously
 Google Calendar
 Smartphone
Tips, Cont’d
6. Get Help! Doing it yourself will not work.
7. If Faculty or Student asks Question, Send
Answer to Everyone Who Might Need It
8. Choose Listserves Carefully
Small College Registrar Listserve
ATSRAO: [email protected]
Tips, Cont’d
9. Plan Ahead and Work Ahead So You
Won’t Get Behind
10. You can’t change others.
You can’t control events.
You can only change your attitude.
Tips, Cont’s
You can get upset but it will not help
Laugh and move on
Have Fun
(Email in December 2012 to faculty concerning
date grades were due )
According to the Mayan calendar,
if all grades are not in before 12:01 PM on
Friday, Dec. 14,
the World Will Come to an End.
And It Will Be YOUR Fault.
Have Fun
(Email to Students re: Graduation Application)
Plan A
• Return application by Jan. 12
• Receive your graduation info by Jan 19
(before spring classes begin)
Plan B
• Return form after Jan. 12; receive your
graduation info AFTER those who turned the
forms in by Jan. 12.
There is no guarantee that this response will
come before spring classes begin.
You might not be in the correct classes that
you need to graduate, and there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.
(I do not recommend Plan B)
Are You Thriving Yet?
Observations, Questions, Comments?
(Leave Criticisms for Evaluation Feedback)
Contact Information
Dr. Steve McLeod, Associate Dean
Harding School of Theology
[email protected]