The Medieval Church

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The Medieval Church
• Pope helped spread Christianity
• Sent missionaries,
– people who try to convert
others to a new religion
• Some missionaries traveled great
distances to spread Christianity.
Saint Patrick
• Priest, Missionary
• Traveled alone to Ireland, 400s
• taught Christianity
• converted Irish
• Word means “alone”
• Religious men who devoted their lives to
God and avoid sin
• Lived in monasteries
– Isolated communities
• Lived the Monastic life for many reasons
– Escape war, avoid sin, education, better
serve Christians
• Monasteries were found all over Europe
• Take the sacrament of Religious orders- a
person dedicated to prayer and bound by vows
(follow rules)
• Dedicate themselves to religion and follow
common rules
• Vowed to:
– Remain a monk/nun until death
– Poverty
– Chastity
– Obedience (to the church)
– Never marry
– No worldly possessions
St. Benedict
• Developed monasticism
– in which a person fully devote one's life to
spiritual work
• Followers called Benedictine Monks
• Organized his monastery according
Benedictine Rule
– Work, study, prayer
• Became model for all Monastic life
• 2:30am Wake up
• 3am Prayed with
• 2pm eat daily meal
• 245pm work
• 5am Studied
• 415pm prayers
• 6am prayers
• 615pm prayers
• 7:30am Studied
• 7pm Bed
• 8am Mass
• 945am worked in
garden or workshops
• 12pm prayers
Daily Life
• Contained a Scriptorium, Refectory, dormitory,
• Collected Ancient writings from Greece/Rome.
• Self-sufficient communities
– Cooked, Build, Raised their own livestock,
sewed own clothes
• Produced cheese, beer, wine as a source of
• Some were hospitals, sheltered homeless and
New religious orders
• Order: an organization of people united
by a social goal
• New order of monks developed 1200s
• Friars- Wandering monks, helped
common people directly
• Helped poor, built schools and churches
St. Francis of Assisi
• Italian born 1181
• Gave up wealth
• Wandering monk
• Began the new order of monks
Franciscans Friars
–Dedicated to the poorest people
St. Dominic
• Began another order of Friars called
• Devoted to education
• Believed education made better
• Built schools
• Teachers
• Created by churches and students 1110s
• Teachers were clergy
• Taught religion, math, law, medicine in
Latin (language)
• Many of our customs from here (wearing
caps and gowns, class schedules,
• New ideas developed that will lead to
changes in society
St. Thomas Aquinas
Born in Italy
Dominican Friar
Famous Teacher at University of Paris
Wrote Summa Theologica
–Argued that science and religion are
–argued that science can be used to
prove that God existed.
The Church and Art
• Religion influenced art and
• Church’s were Art
• In 1100s Cathedrals built Gothic style
• Symbol of faith
Religion in Medieval Europe:
Church Art: illuminated manuscripts
• An illuminated manuscript is a
book written and decorated by
• written and decorated on
parchment, a type of animal skin
• Talented monks copied books
by hand
• Bibles, prayer books, ancient
• Works of art
• Detailed letters, and
pictures were
illuminated with gold
• Monks preserved
religious and ancient
• Church also preserved
the Latin Language
Video clip: Medieval Manuscripts
• Worksheet: Christianity during the middle
ages (Caldwell)
• The Christian church drawings
• Ppt: medieval cathedrals
PPT Cathedrals of Europe
Read pages:269-275
• Fill worksheet: The Characteristics of Life
in a Monastery and questions
Finish Working on Illuminated letter
or logic problem