Transcript Document

Presentation 13
Presentation 13
All children play ‘lets pretend games’. They dress up as
a nurses, cowboys or super heroes. For children such
role play is good fun.
In adult life, role play can take on more sinister and
dangerous characteristics. Think of the person who
stands on your doorstep and pretends to be a gas man
- he’s out to rob you. Or the hoaxer who calls a fire
engine to a non-existent fire – he’s diverting resources
from real emergencies. Whatever the motive, whether
the pursuit of profit or perverted excitement, the
players of this kind of pretence are ultimately losers.
Presentation 13
Jesus reserved his most scathing criticism for those who played at being
godly, and who pretended to be what they were clearly not.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees,
you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected
the more important matters of the law justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should
have practiced the latter, without neglecting
the former. You blind guides! You strain out a
gnat but swallow a camel. Woe to you,
teachers of the law and Pharisees, you
hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup
and dish, but inside they are full of greed
and self-indulgence.” Matt23.23-25
Presentation 13
Hypocrisy squeezed the spiritual vitality out of Judaism in Jesus’ day. The
religious leaders pretended to be something they were not in order to gain
power, prestige, recognition and praise. Hypocrisy is not to be compared to a
piece of children’s let’s pretend, it is a most dangerous game as our passage
makes clear.
Presentation 13
Pursuing A Cheap Consecration
Why did Ananias and Sapphira behave as they did? The answer is to be found
in 4v36-37, which describes the sacrificial behaviour of a church member. A
man sold his property and brought the proceeds to the apostles that it might
be distributed to the poor. His action clearly impacted on the church fellowship,
who saw him as one who had learned to hold lightly to this worlds goods.
His sacrificial act was of such encouragement
to the church that the apostles changed his
name to Barnabas, which means ‘son of
consolation’. And he was drawn into the
inner circle of disciples and held in high
respect. Later on we will discover just how
much he was used in the service of God!
Presentation 13
Pursuing A Cheap Consecration
Now Barnabas’ consecration suggested all sorts of possibilities to Ananias and
Sapphira. They coveted greatness. They wanted a reputation for spirituality
but without the kind of commitment that Barnabas had shown. For this
couple, to be thought of as, ‘wholly committed’ was more important than,
‘being committed’. They wanted a reputation that
they did not deserve.
Did they too want to be drawn into the
inner circle of disciples? This longing
for spotlight recognition has been with
the church in every age. Many people
want the reputation of being pillars of
the church, but they are unwilling to
pay the price of wholehearted commitment.
Presentation 13
Pursuing A Cheap Consecration
Ananias and Sapphira’s scheme was too sell some of their property but keep
back part of the price. This would give the impression that they were giving it
all to God. The property was theirs. They did not need to sell it. And having
sold it they did not need to give it all to the church.
We read that Ananias ‘kept back part of the money’,
and the text uses the word that is translated as ‘to
steal’ elsewhere in the N.T. By saying that they had
brought the ‘full price’, Ananias and Sapphira were
not only guilty of deceit but of theft.
Presentation 13
Pursuing A Cheap Consecration
They stole from God. Are we able to see why
this was such a dangerous game? Clearly
Ananias and Sapphira did not realise that they
were about to introduce a deadening and
pervasive virus into the life of the church.
Its influence could have had the precisely the
same influence as the hypocrisy which was
introduced into the Judaism of Jesus’ day by
the Pharisees.
Presentation 13
Pursuing A Cheap Consecration
The history of the church is one of spiritual
battle. The thrust and counter thrust of both
God and Satan is seen throughout the book of
In Ch. 2 at Pentecost the gift of God’s
transforming power was met by the opposition
of the Sanhedrin - an external threat.
In Ch.4v31 we read of a fresh endowment of
power given to the church and of her growing
credibility before men. This credibility could
easily have been undermined by the hypocrisy
of two of its members – now the church faces
an internal threat.
Presentation 13
Their Watergate Uncovered
Ananias and Sapphira were not unwilling
puppets manipulated by Satan against their
will. Nor was theirs a spontaneous response to
a violent temptation. It was a carefully
premeditated plan. They were convinced that
their property scheme - a gilt edged investment
- would guarantee their reputation as godly
souls! How naive! They put God to the test v9.
Did they think that God would stand idly by
and watch them sabotage his work? God was
determined to unlock and expose the secrets
of their heart’s. Their personal Watergate was
about to catch them out.
Presentation 13
Their Watergate Uncovered
Alarm bells began to ring in Peter’s mind, when
first Ananias and then Sapphira insisted that they
were making a supreme sacrifice by giving the total
sum of the sale of their property to God’s work.
The gospels tell us that Jesus read the motives of
men’s heart Jn.2.24. And speaking of the role of
the coming Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Jesus said he
would operate as ‘the spirit of truth’ Jn.16.13 and
make hidden things plain. This explains Peter’s
response. It was not natural but spiritual
discernment that caught this couple out.
Presentation 13
Their Watergate Uncovered
And God works in this way because:
1. he cares for his glory,
2. he cares for his church
3. and he cares for those who are intent upon
living a lie.
Jesus said, “There is nothing concealed that will
not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made
known”. Luke 12v2
Again the writer of Hebrews says, “Nothing in all
creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is
uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him
to whom we must give account”. Heb4v13.
That is a sobering thought.
Presentation 13
Sin’s Premium
Ananias and Sapphira tested God and he
responded in judgment. It cost them their lives!
Some have suggested that the shock of public
exposure brought their lives to a sudden end! But
Luke intends us to see beyond that to the hand of
God’s judgment! The idea of judgment is repulsive
to many, who feel more comfortable with the idea
of a God of love, who would not hurt a fly. But
God’s anger against sin and his love for man
cannot be separated.
Indeed, both God’s love and wrath can be found
operating in the same place and time on the cross
of Christ.
Presentation 13
Sin’s Premium
‘Why was this judgment so severe?’ Remember
that there was a spiritual awakening of great
momentum in progress. Had the sin of Ananias
and Sapphira’s deceit remained unchallenged, not
only would the church have been corrupted it
would have lost its public credibility. There was a
great deal at stake.
Note the Greek word ‘ekklesia’, ‘church’ is used
for the first time in v11. This incident was a sin
against the church! By severing a malignant limb
from the visible body, God preserved not only the
life and testimony of the church to the world
outside but he also preserved an open healthy
fellowship within. Falsehood ruins fellowship.
Presentation 13
Sin’s Premium
This passage preserves an awful irony. Ananias
and Sapphira craved prominence in the church.
Well their names have certainly gone down in
church history but as self-seeking, hypocritical,
deceitful individuals.
Samuel Rutherford writes:
‘Sins joys are but night dreams, thoughts,
vapours, imaginations’.
This couples’ pretence provided nothing
substantial only the dream of greatness.
Presentation 13
Sin’s Premium
God’s judgment was in fact of benefit to the church
“Great fear seized the whole church and all who
heard about these events” v11. This incident had a
purifying effect upon the church and it posted a
large ‘danger’ sign. Hypocrisy was nipped in the
bud. Christians became aware that their inmost
thoughts could be revealed. Those eager to create
for themselves a cheap reputation for godliness
were warned off. Lazy impostors who felt there was
some social advantage in joining the church
thought twice about doing so. And as a result the
purified church continued to prosper.
Presentation 13
Some have asked why this passage has been recorded
in God’s word? Surely it is here because of the terrible
danger of hypocrisy to the health of the church. It is
further extremely important for Christians to grasp that
what is important is not that others think them to be
wholly committed to God but that they are actually
committed to him. Cut price consecration never fools
God. God will bring the truth out into the open rather
than see his work compromised.
This passage calls us to walk before a God who requires
‘truth in the inward parts’ Ps.51v6, and to do so in godly
Presentation 13