Transcript Document

Insight Development
SSHRC funding programs
Choosing a funding opportunity
Insight Development Grant
Elements of a strong proposal
Submitting your application
Tips & Resources
Q &A
SSH Team –Research Services Office
 Krista Montgomery
Research Funding Manager - Partnerships
 Sarah Scott
Research Funding Officer -Individual & informal team
 Christine Kwan
Research Funding Administrator
SSHRC Program Structure
Three Programs:
Two Funding streams
researchers and
Formal partnerships
Insight Grants
Insight Program
 Build knowledge and understanding from disciplinary,
interdisciplinary and /or cross-sector perspectives through
support for the best researchers;
Support new approaches to research on complex and important
topics, including those that transcend the capacity of any one
scholar, institution or discipline;
Provide a high-quality research training experience for students;
Fund research expertise that relates to societal challenges and
Mobilize research knowledge to and from academic and nonacademic audiences, with the potential to lead to intellectual,
cultural, social and economic influence, benefit and impact.
IDG compared with IG
Insight Development
1 to 2 years
3 to 5 years
$7,000 to $75,000
$7,000 to $500,000
Maximum annual budget
International co-applicants
SSHRC deadline
February 1
October 15
50% of competition funds
No separate funding pool
New Scholar funding
Project descriptions for
Different descriptions
New and Regular Scholars
No difference
New Scholar
 has not applied successfully, as principal investigator or
project director, for a SSHRC grant; and in addition, must
meet at least one of the following criteria:
has completed their highest degree no more than five years
before the competition deadline (first doctorate); or
has held a tenured or tenure-track university appointment
for less than five years; or
has held a university appointment, but never a tenure-track
position (in the case of institutions that offer tenure-track
positions); or
has had their career significantly interrupted or delayed for
family reasons.
IDG or IG?
 New Scholar
 Projects to develop new research questions/approaches
 May build on graduate work and/or represent a
continuation of overall research trajectory
 Regular Scholar
 New research questions/approaches that are distinct
from applicant’s previous or ongoing research
 Projects should be clearly delimited and in early stages
 IDG is not intended to support ongoing research for
Regular Scholars
IDG or IG?
 New Scholars: duration of project, ability to complete
meaningful work in 2 years, international co-apps
 Regular Scholars: project must explore new research
questions/approaches distinct from past/current work
 Can only apply to one in a given calendar year
 Can apply for an IG in October and an IDG the
following February BUT objectives must differ
 Can act as co-applicant on another researcher’s grant
at any time
Some statistics…
2011 IDG
 Total SSHRC budget $13.1 m (New: $7.0m; Reg $6.1m)
 National success rate for New Scholars 39.7%
 National success rate for Regular Scholars 38.3%
 New Scholars:
13 successful, 9 recommended, 5 unsuccessful (27)
 Regular Scholars:
9 successful, 15 recommended, 6 unsuccessful (30)
Eligibility to apply
 Academic status at time of application
• Paid academic appointment
• Status-only appointment
• Senior lecturer
• Professor emeritus
 Postdocs and PhD students can apply directly through
 Other statuses – please contact your Chair and Research
 Co-applicant from UofT – same as above
 Collaborator – no affiliation required
 Peer-review committees, no external assessors
 5 Research Groups
 Committees created as needed within groups
 Multi-disciplinary review possible upon request
 If in doubt about research group, contact a SSHRC
program officer
 The application is scored on the evaluation criteria
listed in the grant description:
 Challenge 50%
 Feasibility 20%
 Capability 30%
 Must achieve at least 3/6 on each criterion to be
recommended for funding.
Priority Areas
 Priority areas
• Aboriginal Research
• Canadian Environmental Issues
• Digital Economy
• Innovation, Leadership and Prosperity
• Northern Communities: Towards Social &
Economic Prosperity
Getting started
 Ahead of time (i.e. now)
• get your SSHRC ID and password
• complete CV and prepare Research Contributions document
• check departmental deadlines and support
• if you are unsure about your eligibility contact your Chair
• make sure your subject matter is eligible
• Contact your co-applicants and collaborators
 This is the one section which all members will read
 Write for non-specialists
 Clearly state the research question or problem and the
 Where will the benefit and impact be?
 Why is it important and why are you the right person
or team to do it?
 Don’t repeat text from the Detailed Description
Detailed Description
Clear and precise objectives
Clear theoretical or conceptual framework
Define all key terms or concepts
Provide a complete literature review
 Explain and justify methodology
 Fit between objectives / hypotheses and methodology
 Address the evaluation criteria
Research Team, Student Training
 Justify team approach
 Describe contribution, role, value added by each team
member (applicant, co-applicants, collaborators) - use
percentages to indicate contribution to project and
time spent
 If including international co-applicants, give clear
 What will each student be doing, how will it
complement their academic training, how will they be
supervised, will they possess or develop any special
Knowledge Mobilization, Intended
Knowledge Mobilization Plan attachment
 Traditional and innovative, taking advantage of digital
• Can refer to teaching, curriculum and pedagogy
• Cross-discipline, -sector, international, open-access
• Plan, time-line and goals
Intended outcomes module
dropdown lists and text box
the final research report will expect comment on these
Writing your Insight
Development Grant
 Convey and inspire confidence
 Present a challenging topic
 Clearly establish the need for the research
 Demonstrate its importance and originality
Strike a balance between ambition and realism
 IMPORTANT: the appropriateness and justification of
the budget is now an evaluation criterion – it will
count towards your overall score under Feasibility
 Budget and Budget Justification are about more than
the funds you request:
• Management of research
• Clarity and thoroughness of planning
• Training of students
• Dissemination
Budget DO’s
Follow structure of SSHRC form
Ensure that budget relates closely to methodology in proposal
Explain how amounts are calculated
Follow institutional guidelines where applicable
 compensation: ask business officer
 per diems: UofT ($55 in Canada, $75 international)
 Indicate that hourly compensation includes benefits and
vacation pay
 Payment by stipend must be justified
 no limit on stipend amounts: ask business officer
 Explain what each student will be doing
Budget DON’Ts
 Avoid including items that are not clearly related to the project
e.g. travel for dissemination early in the project
Don’t include ineligible items – smartphones, tablets,
connection of phone lines
Cell phones are only allowed if needed for data collection or
Do not include overhead
Avoid math errors
Avoid multiple trips to one destination without justification
Avoid hiring non-students without a clear justification
CV and Research Contributions
 CV form is completed online, can be maintained and
updated at any time
• Your CV form will be captured when you click on Submit
• Note that for co-applicants, their CV form is captured when
they accept invitation – follow instructions on SSHRC site
to refresh
Research Contributions
 Now an attachment to the application form
 Ensure that you follow SSHRC presentation specifications
 Use SSHRC categories
 Indicate SSHRC-supported contributions by * in margin
 Last 6 years (Feb 2006 to present) – period can be
lengthened if you have had a career interruption
 Explain periods of low productivity due to special
 Where co-authored, indicate student authors
Research Contributions
 Include citation figures
 Where appropriate, add text
 Do not include work not yet submitted
• previous & ongoing research
 Most Significant Career contributions (for Regular
Scholars only)
• Goes back before the 6-year cut-off
• Describe impact and significance of each
Text attachments
 Formatting
 minimum Times New Roman 12 point
 minimum 3/4” margins
 Readability
 Headings, white space, judicious use of bold and italics
 Text boxes
 unformatted text
 USE PREVIEW to ensure text is visible - the character counter is
Common weaknesses
SSHRC committees: top 4 critiques
 Incomplete or outdated literature review
Lack of theoretical rationale
Lack of specificity and justification in the methodology
No link between the conceptual framework and the
Writing your Insight
Development Grant
Prepare your proposal with the Committee in mind –
anticipate their questions
Ensure you have met the program and evaluation criteria
Follow the application and CV instructions
Invest time in preparing your proposal
Ensure there are no errors
Present a well-written and carefully crafted proposal
 Have your grant proposal read by colleagues who have
been successful in previous competitions
How to submit
 No later than noon, Monday, January 30, 2012
1. Submit SSHRC application online
2. Submit to Research Services a completed RIS form, signed by
applicant and Chair or Dean to
[email protected]
RIS forms from UTM and UTSC also require signature by
Vice-Principal Research
 Note that departments/faculties have earlier internal deadlines
 SSHRC Insight Development Grant description
 SSHRC IDG application instructions
 Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide
 Departmental business officer
 Department or divisional research manager
 Research Services staff
 UofT Guide to Financial Management
 Research Services website
Your questions