Transcript Document

Definition: dramatically unusual,
as in manner or appearance;
Part of Speech: adjective
Derivatives: bizarrely,
Link: left a scar, cigar
went too far, guitar
Sentence: The bizarre incident with the snake left
me with a scar.
Definition: tending to promote
or bring about
Part of Speech: adjective
Derivative: conduciveness
Link: do live
Sentence: Exercise is conducive to good health,
which means you do live longer.
Definition: to act or speak
with uncertainty; hesitate
Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: falters,
faltered, faltering
Link: altar
Sentence: His confidence began to falter when he
was left at the altar.
Definition: to show off
Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: flaunts,
flaunted, flaunting
Link: haunt
Sentence: The ghost had to flaunt how well he could
haunt the old mansion.
Definition: a wild outburst of
excited feelings or actions
Part of Speech: noun
Derivative: frenzied
Link: Ken Z.
Sentence: Ken Z. went into a shopping frenzy when
he won the Lottery.
Definition: the main point or
essential part of a matter,
central idea
Part of Speech: noun
Link: wrist
Sentence: I insist that you tell me the gist of what
happened when the bully grabbed your wrist.
Definition: to limit,
interfere with, or restrict
Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: hampers,
hampered, hampering
Link: camper
Sentence: The camper will not let anything hamper
his plans to be alone for the weekend.
Definition: a statement that
seems contradictory yet may
be true
Part of Speech: noun
Derivative: paradoxes
Link: socks, box,
rocks, Maalox,
Sentence: It is a paradox that towns with many
churches have much crime, because the greater the
population, the more churches and crime will be
Definition: a range or collection
of skills or accomplishments
Part of Speech: noun
Derivative: repertoires
Link: Twinkle, twinkle,
little star
Sentence: The singer’s repertoire included “Twinkle,
twinkle, little star”.
Definition: workable;
capable of being successful
or effective
Part of Speech: adjective
Derivative: viably; viability
Link: Istanbul
Sentence: Flying to Istanbul is a viable travel plan if
you have plenty of money.