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Lifelong Learning Programme
Tales for Peace
Liceo Classico Statale "Gian
Domenico Romagnosi" (Parma – Italy))
Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Janusza Korczaka
(Lędziny - Poland)
Gymnazium Jablonec nad Nisou
(Jablonec nad Nisou - Czech
Hijas de Cristo Rey School
(A Coruña – Spain)
The motivation for this project:
Over the last few years there has been a growing demand for
both students and school staff to widen their cultural and
professional horizons and confront themselves with people
belonging to different cultures and backgrounds.
- Students want more concrete motivation to study and use foreign
- Teachers want to compare methodologies and practices;
- Students and teachers want to improve their intercultural
competences and feel themselves European citizens, able to work,
study and cooperate with other European citizens.
TALES FOR PEACE will offer all participants the opportunity to
fulfil those needs.
• Relevant topics:
– the fight against racism
– education towards tolerance
– multicultural societies
• These topics will be analized by means of drama, music
and creative writing laboratories with a strong cultural
and pedagogical impact.
• These topics will be achieved through cooperative work.
• We want our students to become aware of diversity and
see it as a stimulus and a source of enrichment.
• The work in these topics aims at:
– giving voice to young people’s hopes,
emotions and thoughts;
– developing the expression of their creativity in
an intercultural environment, through the
sharing of teaching practices and
– promoting communication through the use of
technology and European languages, in order
to increase the cooperation between schools
and local cultural and administrative bodies.
Students will have the opportunity to:
- practise and improve their knowledge
of English while communicating with the
students and teachers of the partner schools
- express themselves creatively: they
will have to produce plays, songs, tales, etc.
As well as to exercise their handicraft when
manufacturing different objects/props
necessary for the plays or other pieces of
Students will have the opportunity to:
- exercise and improve their
use of modern technologies by
creating websites, writing articles,
exchanging e-mails, etc.
- learn to understand and
be open to other cultures as well
as accept and integrate students
with social problems or with
Teachers will have the opportunity to:
- practise their knowledge of foreign
- practise their team-work abilities
and coordinating skills which require
something more than teaching their
- they will also have the occasion to share classroom
activities and team-work with other European
- the teachers will be able to discover their students'
preferences and the way they look at the surrounding
Each school forms a Comenius managing group and chooses students to be
involved in the project. Teachers and students keep in touch with their partners.
A project meeting takes place in Parma (Italy): two teachers from each school.
Participants make an agreement about themes, intermediary deadlines, ways of
communicating and exchanging materials, how to organize the spring meeting.
Students from each country prepare a powerpoint presentation about their
school and the town/region where it is located. These presentations are
published on the blog. Students involved in the project communicate with each
other on the facebook project profile. (Comenius Parma).
Winter 2011-12
Each school starts to work on the chosen theme and prepares the materials and
performances to present at the spring Comenius Festival. (March 2012)
Jan. 2012
A new powerpoint presentation is published on the project blog which is
regularly implemented with contributions (articles, reviews, etc) from each
March 2012
A project meeting takes place in Parma with teachers and students from each
school. A Comenius Festival is held at Liceo Romagnosi to present the final
products (performances, sketches, poem or tale readings, choir singing, etc).
Contacts are re-established and the Comenius management groups are
A project meeting takes place in Poland: two teachers from each school.
Participants make an agreement about themes, intermediary deadlines,
ways of communicating and exchanging materials, how to organise the
spring meeting.
Students from each country prepare a short video presenting a typical day at
their school.
Winter 2012-13
Each school starts to work on the chosen theme and prepares the
performance or other materials to be presented at the spring Comenius
More contributions (articles, reviews, poems, tales, etc) are sent to the
project's blog.
Spring 2013
A project meeting takes place in Jablonec nad Nisou with teachers and
students from each school. A Comenius Festival is held in to present the
final products (performances, sketches, poem or tale readings, choir singing,
Late Spring 2013
Projects results are disseminated.
- Plays
- Sketches
- Musicals
- Expressive readings
- Choir singing
- Musical pieces,…
- Blog and facebook profile
-Powerpoint presentations
The partners will jointly draw up questionnaires to
evaluate the level of achievement of the objectives set
for each phase of the project.
Some of the evaluation criteria will be:
- skills and abilities developed by the students;
- degree of participation of the different subject areas
and of the different components;
- level of acquisition of new methodologies;
- level of cooperation with external bodies.
- Parma (Italy)
- Lędziny (Poland)
- Jablonec nad Nisou (Czech Republic)
- A Coruña (Spain)
Parma (Italy)
Liceo Classico Statale "Gian Domenico
Romagnosi" (Parma - Italy)
Liceo classico “G.D Romagnosi” wants to
characterise itself as an institution providing a
varied and wide educational offer ranking from
ancient languages and literatures to modern
foreign languages and cultures including the
comprehension of scientific and artistic languages.
The rigorous study of the past forms the basis for
the analysis and understanding of the present and
the acquisition of the ability to plan ahead into the
future in a creative way.
Liceo Romagnosi wants to respond
students´requests to confront themselves with the
wider world and promotes participation in European
projects to satisfy young people´s requirements
Liceo Classico Statale "Gian Domenico Romagnosi"
(Parma - Italy)
The school is located in a socially and economically developed region.It
receives students coming from a wide catchment area belonging to all
social classes.It accepts students with disabilities and belonging to migrant
families. There are some cases of families in social and economic
difficulties who have entrusted the school with the task of developing
students´potentialities and abilities.
What families generally demand is
a qualified education able to help
students to develop personal
autonomy and awareness and
endow them with all the necessary
successfully integrate themselves
in further education or in the
working world.
Lędziny - Polska
Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Janusza Korczaka
(Lędziny - Polska)
Janusz Korczak Gimnazjum provides general education with a sports
class. Our school works in an environment which consists mainly of
the miners´ families. There is also a quite numerous group of children
who come from the farms. Part of the families suffer from financial
problems. This partly leads to a phenomenon of so called
euro-orphans, whose parents went to work abroad.
There is a group of students in our school who are liable to social
exclusion, due to their parents´ unemployment as well as pathologies
appearing in their families. There is also rather big percentage of
families in which there are no clear patterns prefering the importance
of knowledge and learning. All the students can find help at both
teachers (who organize some after-school classes and learning help)
as well as the school pedagogue. Students take part in various
contests, scoring highly. In ratings of final exams results we place
above the average.
Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Janusza Korczaka
(Lędziny - Polska)
The community of
Ledziny is rather
closed in their local
problems and opens
itself reluctantly. All
contacts with people
from outside our
town (including the
foreign contacts) are
achieved with great
Jablonec nad Nisou - Czech Republic
Gymnázium Jablonec nad Nisou
(Jablonec nad Nisou - Czech Republic)
Gymnázium Jablonec n./N. existing since 1897 is for its quality and
tradition a very important institution not only in the local aspect. The
institution provides a varied and rich educational offer accentuating
the teaching of modern foreign languages, communication
technologies, cultures and civics. The reason why Gymnazium
Jablonec n./N wants to take part in European projects is to offer the
students a possibility not only to know other people, countries or
cultures but also to cooperate with them, respect and understand
their culture and situation.
Gymnázium Jablonec n./N. is situated in an economically and
socially developed area. Its students come from a wide catchment
area and belong to all social classes.
Gymnázium Jablonec nad Nisou
(Jablonec nad Nisou - Czech Republic)
The school admits students from
ethnical minorities, students with
physical disabilities. In all the area
it is possible to see problems with
the integration of some ethnical
minorities, especially with Roms.
While taking part in the project the
pupils will learn more about
respect and tolerance and will
understand better that racism and
discrimination are not the right way
to sort out this socio-cultural
A Coruña- Spain
Hijas de Cristo Rey School
(A Coruña – Spain)
The school “Hijas de Cristo Rey” is a private
school placed in the town council of Oleiros,
adjoining to A Coruña. A Coruña is a town
located in the northwest of Spain. The
educative levels go from Preschool Education
(3 years old) to Baccalaureate (18 years old).
The majority of students come from the town
council. As for the socioeconomic status of
our students` families it`s necessary to point
out that most part of them belong to the
middle class.
During the academic year 2010-2011 the school counts on 72 teachers
and approximately on 1.100 students. Students learn English during
their stay at school. They also study French compulsory from 12 to 14
years old. They can continue studying this language optionally to 18
years old.
Hijas de Cristo Rey School
(A Coruña – Spain)
Participation in the TSCI project aims to bring students and teachers to
European citizenship, taking special awareness of the need to form
active part of EU development. It also seeks to foster among
participants the positive assessment of the difference between
cultures, races ..... and use it as a starting point to express their
thoughts and emotions through different artistic manifestations .This
allows them to practice foreign languages, get to know and understand
other cultures, and cooperate with other European citizens.
In addition to this the project will improve the digital skills of all
“We are all citizens of one world,
we are all of one blood. To hate a man
because he was born in another country,
because he speaks a different language, or
because he takes a different view on this
subject or that, is a great folly. Desist, I
implore you, for we are all equally
human.... Let us have but one end in view,
the welfare of humanity; and let us put
aside all selfishness in considerations of
language, nationality, or religion.”
from John Amos Comenius, The Great Didactic, 1649
(translated by M.W. Keatinge 1896)