Transcript Slide 1

Literacy – children will continue to be given opportunity to practice and
develop their joined handwriting style. Much of this terms writing will be
based on non-fiction linked to the theme in the form of reports and recounts
of events in history. They will also improve their skills through diary writing
(inspired by Samuel Pepys) and poetry. They will be reading, learning,
performing and writing their own poems on a theme of fire. Through this the
Y2 children will be concentrating on the use of capital letters and full stops
and also will learn to use exclamation marks and question marks. Y3’s will
continue to develop their sentence construction and use of a variety of
punctuation including the above and also speech marks and apostrophes for
possession. All Y2’s will continue to have a daily lesson in phonics. Y3’s will be
learning about spelling rules in particular how to add suffixes and prefixes to
words and they will learn about apostrophes for contraction and possession.
Guided Reading will continue to take place every day. We will have a ‘Pudding
Lane Bakery’ as our role play area.
Maths - Our main focus in number this term will be on understanding, using
and recalling multiplication facts. Y2’s will practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
They will learn to recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and odd and even
numbers up to 100.They will continue to practise and use their knowledge of
place value within 2 digit numbers. Y3’s will continue to developing their
understanding of multiplication and the instant recall of the 2,3,4,5,8,10 and
11 times tables. Later in the term we will also look at division and begin to
investigate fractions of shapes and numbers.
We will take some time to learn about graphs and data collecting, making our
graphs and charts and using them to interpret the information we have found.
We will also be learning about right angles and rotations.
History – The children will learn about the Great Fire of London.
They will be finding out what happened in the Great Fire of London.
They will ask: How do we know about the Great Fire of London? Why
did the fire spread so quickly? How are houses different now to
1666? How was London rebuilt? The children will use a variety of
different resources to help them answers these questions and
develop their knowledge and understanding of the past.
RE- This term we will continue our focus on Worship within the
Christian faith and will in particular be looking at different types
of prayer and why they are important to Christians.
PE – Gymnastics and dance will continue to be on Tuesdays and
Fridays. The FUNDA coaches will continue to help us to deliver the
sessions on gymnastics on Tuesdays.
Class 2 Parent Information Sheet – Spring Term 2015
Celebration – Monday Feb 23rd 2015. We have arranged an Educational Visit
from ‘Real History Alive’ The children will spend the whole day learning about
the Great Fire of London and what it was like to live during the Stuart period.
There will be a fun/fact interactive live show which uses technology mixed with
live actors to bring the era to life and then the children will take part in a
variety of fun hands on workshops for the rest of the day.
Computing – Children will learn to use technology to organise and present ideas
in different ways based on the theme. They will practise using the keyboard to
add, delete and space text for others to read, to change images using basic
cropping tools and to save and open files. They will learn about the world wide
web and how to use safe search tools to find appropriate information about the
Great Fire of London.
Science – This term the children will be learning about materials with a focus
on their properties and uses of materials for Year 2 and a focus on fossils,
soils term
for Year 3.
– This
Geography - The children will learn where London is and what it is like today
compared to the London of 1666. Whilst doing so they will note the physical
changes that were made to the geography of London created by the fire. They
will also name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and
capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas.
French and Music will
continue to be taught
on Wednesdays by
Mrs McElroy and Mr
Calvert respectively.
PSHE – we will be spending
some of our PSHE sessions
firefighters in the present
day and our first half term
theme is ‘Going for Goals’
Art– Inspired by our Great Fire of London theme, our Art will be very cross curricular
this term. We plan to learn about primary and secondary colours as we learn to mix paint.
We will be using paintings and pictures of the great fire of London to inspire our own
sillhouettes of the fire using painting and collage techniques.
Art Week - During the first week of this term we have a whole school “Art Week” where
each class will be studying a famous artist and using lots of different skills to create
pictures and models in the style of the artist. We have chosen to focus on paintings by
Gustav Klimt – in particular a Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer, a portrait of Emilie Forge and
the Tree of life.
Mrs Drinkall &
Mrs Kemp