Genesee Education Consultant Services, Inc. (GECS)

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Transcript Genesee Education Consultant Services, Inc. (GECS)

Genesee Education Consultant
Services, Inc. (GECS)
 Welcome to Genesee Education Consultant Services, Inc.
 Today you will be completing several forms in hard copy
format and several in electronic format during your
Orientation process.
 Please make sure you have your photo ID, Social Security
card, TB test results and credentialing documentation
(degrees, transcripts, resume, recommendation letter,
etc.) at your workstation and ready to be copied.
 At the end of this session, you will be photographed and
provided with an ID if you have satisfied the Orientation
process requirements.
 Genesee Education Consultant Services, Inc. (GECS) is a
non-profit corporation under the Genesee County
Educational Foundation.
 Its first employees were hired in January, 2012.
 GECS is an employment agency providing quality
employees throughout Genesee County.
 We provide cost-effective, collaborative employee services.
Employment at Will
 Your employment is completely at the will of you and
 It can be ended at any time by you or GECS for any reason
not prohibited by law.
 You are not under contract or a member of a bargaining
unit with GECS.
 You will sign an online form indicating your
understanding and agreement after you review the
policies listed on the statement.
New Hire Reporting Form
 You will find this form in your packet. Employers are
required to report this information to the State of
 Please complete all* sections of this form now.
 *(Although the bottom portion says “Optional”, you
must complete this section too; otherwise the form will
be rejected by the state and returned.)
Conviction Disclosure
 You will find this form in your packet. Please complete it
now and make sure you remember to sign and date it.
You must disclose whether or not you pled guilty, no
contest, or have been found guilty of any crime. (Initial
whichever is applicable.)
 Indicate any felony and misdemeanor convictions—
Review the “Convictions Requiring Disclosure for School
Employees” list—this list is yours to keep.
Conviction Disclosure
 Explain all crimes (offense, date, court, city, state,
circumstances around conviction and disposition of
 You cannot be employed by GECS if you have been
convicted of a felony, unless it is approved by GECS Board
of Directors.
 In the unlikely event you are arraigned for any felony or
misdemeanor while employed, you need to report it to
GECS’ HR Department. (See pg. 15 of the Employee
Handbook for the disclosure form.)
Criminal Records Check
 If you have never been fingerprinted, have been
fingerprinted before 1/1/2012, or fingerprinted after
that date, you should have completed a Livescan
Fingerprint Request and been fingerprinted—if not
please see the group presenter.
 All others will sign a release for a criminal records
check, allowing the results to be forwarded to GECS.
 Your employment is contingent on the review of
your criminal records check by GECS.
Report of Absence
 You will find this form in your packet. It is yours to keep. In
the future, you will need to complete it if you have an
unscheduled absence—i.e. you call in the day of your
absence. Check with your supervisor if you have talked with
her/him ahead of time and received permission to rearrange your schedule (you may or may not need to report).
 Your supervisor will sign the form and send it to GECS’
Human Resources Department.
 You can download additional forms from GECS’ website @ under Staff Resources/Forms
Biweekly Record
 You will find two biweekly records on one sheet in
your packet, as well as a completed sample for your
reference. These are yours to keep.
 On the last Friday of GECS’ payroll period, you will
complete and submit your Biweekly Record to your
Site Coordinator or Payroll Secretary , i.e. your 1st
level of approval.
Biweekly Record
 Your Site Coordinator or Payroll Secretary will
submit your Biweekly Record to your Supervisor for
final approval, who will send it to GISD’s Business
Services office by the Tuesday after the payroll
period ends.
 If you submit your Biweekly Record late, you may
not be paid until the next applicable payroll period.
 More forms are on GECS’ website @ under Staff Resources/Forms.
GECS 2012-2013 Payroll
 You will find this form in your packet. It is yours to
keep for future reference.
 Please keep in mind that there is a two week lag in
payroll timing.
GECS 2012-2013 Payroll
 If you should misplace your 2012-2013 Payroll
calendar, it is available on GECS’ website @ under Staff Resources.
 Below is a sample on how the process works.
 Sally began working 6/11/12.
 Her 1st payroll period ended on Sunday, 6/24/12.
 Provided she submitted her Biweekly Record on Friday,
6/22/12, she would have received her payroll deposit on
Computer Technology and
 You will find this policy in your packet. Please make
sure you read it thoroughly. It is yours to keep for
future reference.
 You are not to use company/district computers for
recreational or personal purposes.
 If working with students using computers, make
sure they are supervised.
Computer Technology and
 If relying on the Internet for your job, make sure you
have a back-up lesson plan if it the system should be
 Always check with your worksite supervisor before
disseminating any student information to ensure
signed parental permission slips have been obtained
authorizing the dissemination!
Employee Web
 You will find this form in your packet—it explains
how the Employee Web works. It is yours to keep.
 You will receive an employee ID so you can access
the Employee Web. Please save the ID for future
 Your PIN for the Employee Web will initially be the
last 4 digits of your SSN—if you wish, you can
change your PIN anytime after logging in to the
Employee Web
 You can access the Employee Web through GECS’
website @ under Staff
Resources/Employee web.
 The Employee Web allows you to view and print your
basic info, contacts, attendance, deductions, W4
info, payroll (current and history) and W2 info once
your first payroll is processed.
Employee Handbook
 You will find this form in your packet.
 Do not hand it in today—you need to review the full
Employee Handbook and become familiar with the
 If you misplace your handbook, you can access it online at
GECS’ website at: under Staff
Resources/Employee Handbook. It is password protected
and the password is: GECS2012PW. You must use all caps
because it is case sensitive.
 Please return the receipt to GECS within two weeks of
TB Test
 You must provide GECS with the results of a current
TB test (within the last three years) before you can
begin work. You should have those results with you
today to be available for copying by the group
 Going forward, you will need to have TB tests
completed every three years and provide the results to
GECS’ Human Resources Department.
Feedback, HR Contact
and Parking
 Feedback
 Your supervisor may complete Feedback forms re: your
 HR
 Contact HR for general information re: training, work
related injuries, TB test updates, auto insurance
updates, etc.
 Parking
 Do not park in Handicapped (unless you have a permit),
Reserved, or Visitor Parking, nor in driveways or school
bus loading zones
Recess Periods/School
 Recess Periods
 If working at a school, recess periods will be discussed
with you by your supervisor.
 School Closings
 If schools are closed due to inclement weather, you
may or may not be paid, depending on your
employment contract.
 Watch WJRT-TV 12 or listen to WCRZ (CARS 108FM) for
school closings. Other stations are listed in the
School Safety
 School safety
 Please make sure you become familiar with your
worksite location’s safety plan.
 If there is an emergency situation, you will be notified
through your worksite’s communication process
Employee Handbook
 Administrative Guidelines
 These will soon be available on the GECS website at, under the Staff Resources tab. You
are responsible for reviewing these.
 Bloodborne Infectious Diseases Exposure
 Depending on the position, annual training is required
to eliminate or minimize employee exposure.
 Training is mandatory for employees working with
children; check with your worksite supervisor for the
training plan.
Employee Handbook
 Bomb Threat/Suspicious Objects
 If you receive a bomb threat, notify the
principal/administrator (or designee) at your worksite
location immediately.
 Review the Bomb Threat Phone Check Sheet in the
Employee Handbook (pgs. 24-25).
 Make sure you know your worksite’s procedures.
Employee Handbook
 Corrective Action (pgs. 28-32)
 Generally progressive, but depending on the
circumstances, could result in accelerated action
 Three levels:
 Verbal warning
 Written Warning
 Termination
Employee Handbook
 Report of work related Accident/Injury/
Communicable Disease/Suspected Exposure to
Bloodborne Infectious Diseases (pgs.55-57)
 Immediately report to your supervisor
 Complete the report form, available in all buildings and
bus garages
 Person you report incident/exposure to will forward it
Employee Handbook
 Confidentiality (please read pgs. 26-27)
 Do not divulge confidential information contained in
any records or files of GECS or anywhere where you are
working as an employee of GECS
 Do not divulge confidential information to any other
employee unless he/she needs it for their job
 Social Security Numbers are restricted and to be kept
 If you are asked for confidential information, refer the
requestor to your supervisor
Employee Handbook
 Equal Employment Opportunity/Non-Discrimination
(please read pgs. 36-38)
 GECS does not discriminate on basis of race, color,
religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, height,
weight, marital status or any other legally protected
Employee Handbook
 Harassment/Bullying (please read pgs. 39-52)
 Harassment of employees, applicants for employment
or students is prohibited.
 In the unlikely event that you feel you are personally
being harassed or bullied, contact your supervisor
immediately. If you are not comfortable contacting
your supervisor, contact the Human Resources
Department or the CEO.
Employee Handbook
 Safe and Drug-Free Workplace (please read pgs. 5865)
 GECS employees are strictly prohibited from:
the unlawful manufacture,
possession and/or
use/consumption of, or
being under the influence of a controlled substance and/or
alcohol anywhere in the workplace or while performing
job responsibilities
Employee Handbook
 Professional Dress Code (please read pgs. 66-67)
 GECS employees are expected to set an example in
their dress and grooming, dressing appropriately for
their position.
 They are to present an image of dignity that
encourages respect.
 Dress requirements may be more extensive, depending
on an employee’s position.
Employee Handbook
 Staff Ethics (please read pg. 68)
 All GECS employees are expected to maintain high
standards in their working relationships and in
performance of their professional responsibilities.
 Employees must exercise due care to protect the
mental and physical safety of students, colleagues and
Employee Handbook
 Tobacco Free and Weapon Free Schools (please read
pgs. 70-71)
 You are prohibited from using tobacco products on
school grounds, in district facilities, in vehicles parked
on school property and in school buses and other
school vehicles.
 You are also prohibited from carrying or possessing a
weapon on school premises without prior written
approval of the worksite supervisor.
Employee Handbook
 Tobacco Free and Weapon Free Schools-continued
(please read pgs. 70-71)
 Weapons include, but are not limited to:
 Firearms including guns of any type
 Knives and Razors
 Clubs
 Electric weapons
 Metallic knuckles and Martial Arts weapons
 Ammunition and Explosives
Employee Handbook
 Workplace Safety (please read pgs. 77-78)
 GECS want to ensure its employee’s working
environments are free from disruptive, threatening
and/or violent behavior.
 Employees are responsible for maintaining a safe work
environment and participating in investigations as
Employee Handbook
 Workplace Safety (please read pgs. 77-78)
 If an employee is involved in an investigation or
provides information during an investigation, steps will
be taken to ensure he/she does not suffer retaliation.
 Employees involved in inappropriate workplace
behavior may be subject to corrective action.
Online Forms Completion
 You will now be completing an online form that will
auto fill your tax forms, I-9 and direct deposit form.
 The information will be reviewed with you and you
will sign each form via a signature pad.
ID Badge/Online Form
 You will be photographed for an ID badge after you complete
an Online Form. To access the online form, right click on the
following link:
 Let the group presenter know when you have completed your
online form. The group presenter or designee will make sure
your supporting documents have been copied.
 If you have any questions, please make sure you ask the group
 This will complete your Orientation process. Thank you for
attending and good luck in your new position!