Transcript Slide 1

Jennings 10
Some endangered animals
Siberian tiger
Cougar >
Giant panda
Asiatic lion
Gray wolf
These are some endangered animals
Siberian tiger
 The Siberian tiger is
endangered. In the early
1900s, it lived throughout
northeastern China,
northeastern Mongolia and
southeastern Russia. Today,
the majority of the population
is a tiny part of Russia's
southern Far East: the AmurUssuri region of Primorsky .
There are very few tigers in
northeastern China and fewer
still in North Korea.
 Humans hunt the
jaguar for sport, for
its spotted hide, and
to protect their
domestic stock. The
jaguar is
because it is hunted
for its fur.
Gray wolf
 The wolf has been hunted
to near extinction by
ranchers and land owners.
This fear is sometimes due
to myths about the nature
of the wolf to attack man.
Due to the wolf's
competition with hunters
for wild game animals,
they have been known to
kill farm stock when no
other alternatives were
available for food sources.
 because of
uncontrolled hunting
and trapping, habitat
loss and destruction,
and decline in their
main food supply - the
white-tailed deer.
 Only the Florida race is
in trouble. As a
species, they are
holding on well. The
white tailed deer is still
a very common
animal, as well.
 Critically endangered: faces an extremely
high risk of extinction in the immediate future.
Examples: Arakan Forest Turtle, Javan Rhino,
Brazilian Merganser
 Endangered: faces a very high risk of
extinction in the near future. Examples: Blue
Whale, Giant Panda, Snow Leopard, African
Wild Dog, Tiger, Albatross, Crowned Solitary
 Vulnerable: faces a high risk of extinction in
the medium-term. Examples: Cheetah, Gaur,
Lion, Wolverine, Manatee
Why are these animals
 Some ways in which these animals are
killed is if they have valuable fur, tusks or
 Some are also hunted for sports which
are illegal
 And some are killed for food .
 To stop cruelty
 Treat them with respect
 I hope you have enjoyed this slide show
presentation and take all these facts in to