How to Create a PBWorks Site

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Transcript How to Create a PBWorks Site

How to Create a
PBWorks Site
FRIT 7737
Mrs. Sharon Moore
Online Tools and
 Steps to create a wiki in PBWorks will make the task
easier. The steps are as follows:
 Create an account
 Set the access and workspace editing permissions.
 Create a new page
 Edit page
 Create more pages based on the information you would
like on your site.
Creating an Account
 Create a basic Pbworks account.
 Passwords and usernames are important to remember.
 Go to homepage to get started creating the pages.
Select the settings link found in the top right hand
Select workspace security found under access control
under the settings menu on the left side.
Decide who can view and who can edit. Anyone is a
common setting for viewing, but not a great idea for
Save your changes.
Creating a New Page
Pbworks page editing is very similar to that
found in Microsoft office programs. To begin
editing you must click the edit button at the top
of the page. Next, type the name of the page
and then highlight the name. After that, select
the insert/edit link button. When the new box
appears you should press okay and then save.
You will follow this procedure for every new
Create a New Page
Create a New Page menu will pop-up. Click the create
page button on the menu to the right. You can then begin
actually editing your page.
Editing Pages
Once you are on a page you can edit the page. Click edit
at the top left of the page. You will then add slides, text,
images, gadgets/widgets, or other information to your
page. You can change the font colors, add links, create
lists, and change text style and size. Once you are finished
with your changes you must press save or save and
continue. Change more pages until you have all of your
information on the site.
How to Insert a Link
Select the Edit button in the top left hand
corner. This is when you can edit the
document. Type and then highlight the text
you want to make into a hyperlink. Select the
insert/edit link button that looks like a chain.
Decide whether you are inserting a page link
or external url.
Inserting Link
 To insert a link to an existing page on the wiki, use the
drop down and select the page and then ok.
 To insert a link to a url, select url from the drop down
menu under link type. Put the url in the box and press
 Don’t forget to press save at the bottom.
Adding Pictures to Your
Pbworks File
 Begin by saving any pictures you want on your website
inside of a folder on your computer. Selecting pictures
ahead of time will save time.
 You will need to upload any pictures and documents to
the Wiki page by going to Pages and Files and uploading
the pictures and documents.
Adding Pictures to Wiki Files
 Locate the insert links menu on the right side of the
 Select the images and files tab.
 Click upload files and find the folder with your pictures.
Double click on the picture that you want to upload.
That adds the picture to your file.
Adding Pictures to Wiki
 Place your cursor on your wiki page, within editing,
where you want your image to appear. Click on the file
in the images and documents list.
 You can change the size of your picture by clicking on it
and dragging the lines.
Embedding Slideshows,
Videos, etc.
 You will need to find the embed code for what you want to
embed. To find it you should look for text that says share
this, get the code, or embed this.
 When you find the code you have to highlight and copy the
 Go back to the edit page and click on insert plugin on the
toolbar. Choose the area that the code would fit under. Paste
the code into the box. Click ok and then the editing page will
show the green boxed plugin.
 Don’t forget to save before leaving the page.
Creating a Wiki page is quite easy when you
have a series of steps. Work with your
facilitator and follow the guidelines from the
PowerPoint. There are a few more things you
can do in wiki pages and your facilitator will
share that information with you.