Navigating the PCC Career Fair

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Transcript Navigating the PCC Career Fair

Navigating the Armstrong Career Fair

The Purpose of a Career Fair

• Make initial contacts (network) • Learn more about companies • Meet employers face-to-face • Discuss anticipated and current vacancies

What to bring?

Copies of your resume

(on resume paper, which you can get for


from Career Services)

Professional looking pen

(no hotel logos or bright colors)

Leather folder/padfolio

(run between $10 $30) All items listed can be purchased at office supply stores, Wal-Mart and Target


Please come see us in Career Services if you have not had a professional review your resume.

• DO NOT use a template • Short blips of information – Use action verbs • Each person’s resume will be unique and may change depending on resume recipient • Quantify information – percentage, increases, accomplishments • Accuracy is key along with attention to detail • Revise, revise, revise!

The first impression counts!

Women: What to Wear

• Invest in a good quality suit in a conservative color: black, dark grey, brown or navy • Avoid something too trendy or “loud” • No low cut or see through blouses

Women: What to Wear

• Wear simple jewelry and only one earring per ear • Polish shoes/heels (no more than 2-3 inches high) • No open toed shoes or platforms • Wear pantyhose or trouser socks/knee highs • No perfume or body splash • Manicured nails and hair styled nicely

Men: What to Wear

• Two-piece business suit in black, gray, navy, or brown • Long sleeve shirt, in a light color (white is usually the best option)

Men: What to Wear

• Conservative tie (nothing too flashy) • Dark socks that go over the calf and that will not slide down • Shave and cut long hair • Clean fingernails and brush hair

Event Logistics

• Held in Student Union Ballroom • Check-in will occur in the hallway outside the ballroom • Approximately 35 employers • Tables/booths setup throughout the area

Prior to the Event

• Review the list of participating organizations through your CareerWeb account: • RESEARCH certain organizations that you are interested in and the type of positions currently available • Understand what skills/attributes YOU bring to an organization • Think about questions you want to ask the representative

Prepare a two or three line script for yourself as a “one minute commercial” Tell the recruiter

– Name – Class year – Major(s) – Whether you’re interested in a full-time, part-time, or internship position – Career interests and why you came to the company’s table

When You Arrive to the Event:

• Check in with Career Services • Wear nametag received at check-in • Have your Pirate Card ready to scan • Review listing/map of employers • Prioritize employers you want to connect with

At the Event

• Greet the employer with a firm handshake and good eye contact – Deliver your “one minute commercial” & make a great first impression • Ask pertinent questions, and express your interest in available opportunities • Make sure to provide employers you are interested in with a resume

Sample Questions

• What skills/qualities do you typically seek in candidates for these positions? • How might one progress within your organization? • As a person interested in working for your organization, how should I proceed to receive consideration for openings?

• What are typical entry-level jobs for someone with my background? • Would you describe the duties for these jobs?

Closing the Conversation

• Ask how to officially apply to the position • Get a business card from every employer with whom you talk • Find out how they would like you to follow up and write that information on the back of the business card

Don’ts at the Career Fair

• Don't cruise the booths with a group of friends. • Don't carry your backpack, large purse, or other paraphernalia with you. • Don't come dressed for “sports” practice (or any other extremely casual activity). • Don't "wing it" with employers. Do your homework!

• Don’t say, "I'll take anything" or "I don't know" when asked about interests shows a lack of focus. • Don’t just grab the freebies on the table.

• Don't come during the last half hour of the event.

After the Event

• Write thank you notes to employers who you are interested in pursuing further (send within 24-48 hours) • Complete any online applications to formally apply • Evaluate your performance

RECAP – How to make the Career Fair work for you!

1. Clarify your goals. What do you want to get out of the fair?


Prepare a resume 3.

Know what organizations are attending 4. Research the organizations 5.

Prioritize your list: Make an “A” and “B” list 6.

Prepare a one minute commercial 7. Prepare questions for the representative/recruiter 8.

Connect your background with the needs of the organization 9.

Practice your interpersonal skills 10. Dress professionally/appropriately

Questions or to set up an appointment:

Career Services Armstrong Atlantic State University MCC 101 [email protected]
