Problem of the Day - Monroe Career & Technical Institute

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Transcript Problem of the Day - Monroe Career & Technical Institute

School Day 91
The numbers on the left of the equal signs are correct, but some
decimal points and/or zeros are incorrect in the numbers to
the right of the equal signs. Correct the decimal points and/or
zeros to make each statement true. Do you find it easier to
convert between metric units of measure (i.e. mL to L) or
between traditional units of measure (i.e. cups to quarts).
Explain why.
(a) 0.13 mL = 0.0013L
(b) 6 mL = 600 L
(c) 23 L = 0.00023 mL
Solution for Day 91
(a) 0.13 mL = 0.0013 L
(b) 6 mL = 0.006 L
(c) 23 L = 23000 mL
School Day 92
A 10-gallon hat is the name for the large hat that many
cowboys of the Old West wore. Although this hat was big,
it only held about ¾ of a gallon. How many quarts did the
10-gallon hat actually hold? How many liters? How many
milliliters? (1 gallon ≈ 3.8 liters)
Solution for Day 92
How many quarts did the 10-gallon hat actually hold?
How many liters?
3 Quarts
3.8 x ¾ = 2.85 L
How many milliliters?
2850 mL
School Day 93
A bottle of medicine contains 4 fluid ounces. One dose
of medicine is 3 teaspoons. How many doses of
medicine are in the bottle? If you reduce the dose to
2 teaspoons, how many doses will you get? If you
increase it to 4 teaspoons, how many doses are
FYI: 3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon
2 Tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
8 fluid ounces = 1 cup
Solution for Day 93
How many doses of medicine are in the bottle?
If you reduce the dose to 2 teaspoons, how many doses will
you get?
24 tsp = 4 fl oz
8 doses at 3 tsp. each
12 doses at 2 tsp each
If you increase it to 4 teaspoons, how many doses are
6 doses at 4 tsp each
School Day 94
There are 0.3048 meters in a foot. How many meters
long is a 12-foot cable? What percentage of a meter is a
foot? What percentage is a foot of a meter? What
percentage of a yard is a meter? What percentage of a
meter is a yard? Explain why your answers make sense.
Solution to Day 94
How many meters long is a 12-foot cable?
What percentage of a meter is a foot?
What percentage is a foot of a meter?
What percentage of a yard is a meter?
What percentage of a meter is a yard?
Explain why your answers make sense.
3.6576 m
School Day 95
Taxi fares depend upon the distance that is traveled and
the number of passengers. Tony’s Taxi charges $3 for the
first mile and $1 for each additional half mile (or fraction
thereof). If the taxi ride is 5¼ miles, what is the fare?
What if you had $15, how many miles could you travel?
When traveling, transportation costs can add up, what are
some costs associated with vacationing?
Solution to Day 95
If the taxi ride is 5¼ miles, what is the fare?
What if you had $15, how many miles could you travel?
6 miles
School Day 96
An odometer records the number of miles a car has
traveled. When the Santos family left for Florida, the
odometer read 8765.2 miles. When they arrived in
Florida, it was 9382.7 miles. They drove 18.6 miles
while they were in Florida. They returned home of
the same roads they used for driving to Florida. If
gasoline is $3.50/gal and their car gets 22 mpg, how
much did it cost them for their trip? How could they
have reduced their transportation costs?
Solution for Day 96
If gasoline is $3.50/gal and their car gets 22 mpg, how much
did it cost them for their trip?
1253.6 miles and about 57 gallons
How could they have reduced their transportation costs?
School Day 97
A stack of recyclable newspaper 36 inches high will save
one tree. If you save a stack of newspapers 14 feet high,
about how many trees are saved? If you wanted to save
100 trees, how many feet high would the stack have to
be? What is the ratio between the height of the
newspaper stack in feet and the number of trees saved?
Solution to Day 97
If you wanted to save 100 trees, how many feet high
would the stack have to be?
280 ft high stack for 100 trees
What is the ratio between the height of the newspaper
stack in feet and the number of trees saved?
3ft : 1 tree
School Day 98
A printing press that prints money can print 8,000 sheets
of 32 bills every hour. If five-dollar bills are printed, what
is the value of the money printed during an 8-hour shift?
What is the ratio of sheets per minute?
Solution for Day 98
If five-dollar bills are printed, what is the value of the
money printed during an 8-hour shift?
What is the ratio of sheets per minute?
133 1/3 sheets : 1 minute
School Day 99
At a Dollar-Day Sale everything in the designated section
of the store is priced at a dollar or in multiples of a dollar.
Mary and Joe went shopping during this sale. The cost of
the items they decided to buy was $25. They must pay
sales tax at 6¢ per dollar or 6%. What is the total cost of
their purchase? If $10 of the $25 was clothing, how does
that change the PA sales tax charge? What is their total
purchase with this change?
Solution for Day 99
What is the total cost of their purchase?
If $10 of the $25 was clothing, how does that change the
PA sales tax charge?
$0.90 tax instead of $1.50
What is their total purchase with this change?
School Day 100
A successive discount is a discount after a previous
discount has been made. Successive discounts can lead to
big savings. The price of a jacket is reduced 40%. For one
Day only the reduced price is reduced another 10%. Is
this the same as a 50% discount? Use an example to
support your answer.
Solution for Day 100
Is this the same as a 50% discount? Use an example to
support your answer.
No, it is not the same.
$100 original price
40% off leaves a $60.00 cost
Additional 10% of 60.00 is $6.00
Total Discount is $46.00 with a $54.00 cost
50% off leaves a $50.00 cost
School Day 101
Buying things on sale is a great way to save money. A CD
is marked 30% off the original price. The sale price is
$12.60. Ignoring the sales tax, find the original price of the
CD. Explain why you think it is more cost effective to
purchase CD’s or download specific songs.
Solution to Day 101
Ignoring the sales tax, find the original price of the CD.
X (70%) = 12.60
Explain why you think it is more cost effective to
purchase CD’s or download specific songs.
School Day 102
A “tip” is a gratuity, or a payment for good service. In
most cases a tip of 15%, before sales tax is added, is
acceptable. Three people went to lunch together. The bill
came to $23.91, plus 6% sales tax. They decided to leave a
15% tip and divide the cost of lunch equally, each paying
the same amount. How much would each person pay for
lunch with tip and tax? Round to the nearest cent. In the
high-end city restaurants, the expected tip can be higher,
even up to 25%. What is your opinion about tipping for
Solution for Day 102
How much would each person pay for lunch with tip and
tax? Round to the nearest cent.
$9.65 pp
In the high-end city restaurants, the expected tip can be
higher, even up to 25%. What is your opinion about
tipping for service?
School Day 103
If an investment increases at about the same rate
each year, the Rule of 72 may be used to estimate
how many years it will take for the original amount of
money to double. For example, if $1,000 is invested at
an interest rate of 6%, divide 72 by 6 (6% x 100 = 6).
Since the quotient is 12, it would take 12 years for
the $1,000 to double. Try it with $6,000 and 10.5% about how many years would it take to double? How
does this knowledge affect how you save money for
things you want?
Solution for Day 103
Try it with $6,000 and 10.5% - about how many years would it
take to double?
About 7 years
72 /10.5 = 6.85
How does this knowledge affect how you save money for
things you want?
School Day 104
Memorabilia are the kinds of things that everybody once
had, but few can find years later. Because they are hard to
find, such items may become worth much more money
than they originally cost, TV Guide, for example. Assuming
an issue of TV Guide that once sold for $0.15 now sells
for $7, what is the percent of increase? What
commonplace items of today do you think will become
collectable in 20 years?
Solution for Day 104
Assuming an issue of TV Guide that once sold for $0.15
now sells for $7, what is the percent of increase?
7.00 – 0.15 = 6.85
6.85 / 0.15 x 100 = 4566 2/3 % or 4566.666 of increase
What commonplace items of today do you think will
become collectable in 20 years?
School Day 105
Henry Ford worked to produce an inexpensive,
universal car. When introduced in 1908, his Model T
retailed for $850, but by 1924 – because of mass
production - it was selling for $250. Find the percent
of decrease and round your answer to the nearest
percent. The average net income in 1928 was
$6,078.93 per year. If you could save $5 a week to
buy a $250 car, how long would it take you? How
much would you have to save each week to buy a
new economy car today?
Solution for Day 105
Find the percent of decrease and round your answer to the
nearest percent.
850-250 = 600
600/850 x 100 = 70.59% rounded to 71% of decrease
The average net income in 1928 was $6,078.93 per year. If you
could save $5 a week to buy a $250 car, how long would it
take you? How much would you have to save each week to
buy a new economy car today?
6078.93 / 5 = 50 weeks of saving
School Day 106
Prepackaging is common in supermarkets. A
prepackaged item has been cut, weighed, and priced
to make shopping more convenient for customers.
According to the label on the package of turkey, the
turkey weighs 14.56 pounds. It is priced $0.79 per
pound. Find the cost of the turkey and round your
answer up to the penny. If you buy in bulk, you get a
lower price per pound. If you buy 20 pounds the cost
is $0.60 per pound, how much more will it cost you?
Is it cost effective to purchase in bulk?
Solution to Day 106
Find the cost of the turkey and round your answer up to the
If you buy in bulk, you get a lower price per pound. If you buy
20 pounds the cost is $0.60 per pound, how much more will it
cost you?
20 x 0.60 = 12.00
12.00 – 11 51 = $0.49 extra cost
Is it cost effective to purchase in bulk?
School Day 107
Environmentalists estimate that during a lifetime, an
average person will throw away garbage that is equivalent
to 600 times his or her adult weight. Using this
information, about how much would an adult who threw
away 54 tons of trash weigh? What kinds of waste
products are produced in your industry? What is the cost
of their removal or recycling?
Solution for Day 107
Using this information, about how much would an adult
who threw away 54 tons of trash weigh?
1 ton = 2000 lbs
(54 x 2000)/600 = 180 lbs
What kinds of waste products are produced in your
What is the cost of their removal or recycling?
School Day 108
Bamboo, a tall, treelike grass found in tropical or
semitropical regions, may grow as much as 1.5 feet per
Day. It may reach a maximum height of 120 feet. If
bamboo grows at its fastest rate, how long would it take
to reach its maximum height? Using bamboo is
considered environmentally positive. Do you agree with
this and why?
Solution to Day 108
If bamboo grows at its fastest rate, how long would it
take to reach its maximum height?
120 / 15 = 80 Days
Using bamboo is considered environmentally positive. Do
you agree with this and why?
School Day 109
Kathy plans to cook a turkey dinner for her family. The
turkey, which weighs about 16 pounds, takes about 6
hours to cook. Before serving, however; it must set 30
minutes. About what time should Kathy start to cook the
turkey if she wants dinner to begin at 7 PM? Why is timing
important in preparing food?
Solution to Day 109
About what time should Kathy start to cook the turkey if
she wants dinner to begin at 7 PM?
12:30 PM
Why is timing important in preparing food?
School Day 110
Math Textbook vs. Real World. Suppose Sam runs a lap
around the high school track in 2.5 minutes. How long
will it take him to run 6.5 laps - the math textbook
answer would be 16.25 minutes. In real life this answer is
possible, but unlikely. What would you estimate as a
realistic time for the 6.5 laps? Why is there a difference
between the math textbook and real life?
Solution to Day 110
What would you estimate as a realistic time for the 6.5
Variable answer and questions!
Why is there a difference between the math textbook
and real life?
School Day 111
An average adult’s heart beats 80 times per minute. An
average canary’s heart beats 130 times in 12 seconds. Of
the two heartbeats above, which is faster, and about how
many times as fast is it? Does your answer make sense?
Explain why or why not.
Solution to Day 111
Of the two heartbeats above, which is faster, and about
how many times as fast is it?
Set up a proportion and solve for the missing value
130 times : 12 seconds = X : 60 seconds
Canary is 650 bpm which is 8 times faster
Does your answer make sense?
Explain why or why not.
School Day 112
The escape velocity is the minimum velocity (speed) that
an object needs to overcome the pull of gravity from
another object. For a spacecraft to leave Earth, it would
need to achieve an escape velocity of about 7 miles per
second. This is faster than the speed of sound, which
travels at about 760 miles per hour (at 0°C). Express the
Earth’s escape velocity in miles per hour. About how many
times the speed of sound is this? Explain how you solved
this problem.
Solution for Day 112
Express the Earth’s escape velocity in miles per hour.
About how many times the speed of sound is this?
25,000 mph
33 times the speed of sound
Explain how you solved this problem.
School Day 113
A light year is the distance a ray of light travels in one
year (about 186,000 miles per second). After the sun, the
nearest star to the Earth is Proxima Centauri at about 4.3
light years away. A parsec is another way to measure
great distances in space. Proxima Centauri is about 1.3
parsecs from Earth. About how many parsecs equal a
light year? About how many light years equal a parsec? Do
your answers make sense?
Solution to Day 113
About how many parsecs equal a light year?
About how many light years equal a parsec?
About 3.2 light years
About 0.3 parsecs
Do your answers make sense?
School Day 114
Each quarter, Mary’s teacher gives four tests. No test has
any extra credit or bonus problems. So far, Mary’s test
grades are two 85s and 89. The last test of the quarter is
scheduled for next week. Can Mary obtain an “A” test
average for the quarter? Explain.
Solution for Day 114
Can Mary obtain an “A” test average for the quarter?
Mary would need a 101 on her last test.
School Day 115
A batting average is the number of hits a batter makes,
divided by the official number of at-bats he or she has
had. Bases on balls and sacrifices do not count as official
times at-bat. A player’s batting average is expressed by a
3-digit decimal, rounded to the nearest thousandth. What
is the batting average of a player who has been to the
plate 45 times, and of these times to the plate has 10 hits,
7 bases on balls and 3 sacrifices?
Solution for Day 115
What is the batting average of a player who has been to
the plate 45 times, and of these times to the plate has 10
hits, 7 bases on balls and 3 sacrifices?
45-(7+3) = 35 official at-bats
10/35 = 0.285714286
0.286 batting average (rounded)
School Day 116
A player’s on-base average is the number of times the
player reaches base, divided by the number of at-bats. This
includes bases on balls, being hit by a pitch, and sacrifices
as at-bats. It is expressed as a 3-digit decimal, rounded to
the nearest thousandth. What is the on-base average of a
player who walks 5 times, singles 12 times, doubles 3
times, strikes out 5 times, grounds out 25 times, flies out
8 times and sacrifices 2 times?
Solution for Day 116
What is the on-base average of a player who walks 5
times, singles 12 times, doubles 3 times, strikes out 5
times, grounds out 25 times, flies out 8 times and
sacrifices 2 times?
22/60 = 0.366…
0.367 (rounded) on-base average
School Day 117
The pitcher’s performance is measured by the ERA. An earned
run is a run that is not the result of a runner reaching first
base or scoring because of a fielding error. A pitcher’s ERA
represents the number of runs the pitcher has given up during
a 9-inning game, rounded to the nearest hundredth. Calculate
the ERA by multiplying the number of earned runs scored by 9,
then dividing by the total number of innings pitched. Find the
ERA of a pitcher who has pitched 130 ⅓ innings and has
given up 50 earned runs.
Solution to Day 117
Find the ERA of a pitcher who has pitched 130 ⅓
innings and has given up 50 earned runs.
50 (9) /130 1/3 = 3.45268522
Rounded to 3.45 ERA
The lower the ERA the better the pitcher!
School Day 118
Average Rate = Total Distance ÷ Total Time
A car traveled from Jackson to Smithville at an average
rate of 40 mph. On the return trip along the same route,
the average rate was 60 mph. If the towns are 240 miles
apart, what is the average rate for the round trip? Why do
we have to use an average rate?
Solution for Day 118
If the towns are 240 miles apart, what is the average rate
for the round trip?
240 / 40 = 6 hr
240 / 60 = 4 hr
240 (2) / (6+4) = 48 mph
Why do we have to use an average rate?
School Day 119
The range of a set of data is the difference between the
greatest and least numbers in the set. The highest point
on Earth is Mt. Everest at 29,028’. The lowest point is the
Marianas Trench at 38,635’ below sea level. Find the range
of the highest and lowest points on Earth. Explain how
range is used in your program or another example.
Solution for Day 119
Find the range of the highest and lowest points on Earth.
29028 - (-38635) = 67663 ft is the range
Explain how range is used in your program or another
School Day 120
Goals are often given in ranges. A training range or target
rate in beats per minute gives you the heart rate safety
zone while exercising. It is based on your age and
heartbeats per minute. To find your training range: (1)
Start at 220 beats per minute; (2) Subtract your age; (3)
Your training range is 60% to 75% of the answer from
step 2. Find your training range. Why do you need this
Solution for Day 120
Find your training range.
Variable answers
Why do you need this information?
School Day 121
The mode is the number that occurs most often
in a set of data. Depending on the set of data,
there can be one mode, many modes, or no mode.
Count the number of times each letter appears in the
bolded sentences above. Find the mode.
How is finding the mode of a set of data useful?
Solution for Day 121
Find the mode.
“E” occurs 17 times and is the mode.
How is finding the mode of a set of data useful?
School Day 122
The median is the “middle” number when a set of data is
arranged in numerical order. When there are two middle
numbers, the median is their average. Consider the
perfect squares from 1 to 25 inclusive. List the squares
from lowest to highest as a set. What is the median of the
set? How is finding the median of a set of data useful?
Solution for Day 122
List the squares from lowest to highest as a set.
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169,196, 225, 256,
289, 324, 361,400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625
What is the median of the set? 169 (the 13th value)
How is finding the median of a set of data useful?
School Day 123
A set of data may often be described by various statistical
measures. Two of the most common of these measures are
median and mean. The longest rivers in six of the continents
are below; find the median and mean of their lengths and
explain the process.
Volga; Europe: 2290 mi
Murray; Australia: 1600 mi
Yangtze; Asia: 3400 mi
Nile; Africa: 3485 mi
Amazon; South America: 4000 mi
Mississippi; North America: 2330 mi
Solution for Day 123
Find the median and mean of their lengths and
explain the process.
Median – 2865 mi
Mean – 2850.83… rounded 2851 mi
School Day 124
The eight planets (terrestrial and gas giants) are listed below
with their number of moons. Find the mode, median, and mean
of the set of moons. Which statistical measure is the most
useful in this example and why?
Mercury, 0
Venus, 0
Earth, 1
Mars, 2
Jupiter, 16
 Saturn, 20
 Uranus, 15
 Neptune, 8
Solution for Day 124
Find the mode, median, and mean of the set of
0, 0, 1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 20
Mode – 0
Median – 5
Mean – 7.75
(2 + 8)/2
Which statistical measure is the most useful in this
example and why?
School Day 125
Sally earned 60, 65, 65, and 80 on four tests. How would
scoring 100 on the next test affect the mean? Explain why
you would want to know how your grades are calculated.
How would you use this knowledge?
Solution for Day 125
How would scoring 100 on the next test affect the mean?
6.5 point increase to the mean
Explain why you would want to know how your grades
are calculated.
How would you use this knowledge?
School Day 126
In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is
numerically distant from the rest of the data. Tom
recorded his daily caloric intake for 5 days. The results
were as follows: 2500, 2600, 2600, 2400, and 3900. How
would removing the outlier affect the mean, median, and
mode of the data? Why would you want to remove
outliers from a data set?
Solution for Day 126
How would removing the outlier affect the mean, median,
and mode of the data?
The outlier is the 3900
No change in the mode (2600) or the median (2600). In this
case the mode and the median are the same number. Removing
the last value would often change the median, but not in this
The median would decrease from 2800 to 2525
Why would you want to remove outliers from a data set?
School Day 127
Which measure of central tendency, mean, median, or
mode, would best depict information gained when
analyzing the following data: 10, 200, 200, 300, 325, 351,
400? Describe a situation where you would get data
values like this. Does that change the statistical measure
that you chose?
Solution for Day 127
Which measure of central tendency, mean, median, or
mode, would best depict information gained when
analyzing the following data: 10, 200, 200, 300, 325, 351,
Median – 300
Mode – 200 Mean – 255
The mean is reduced because of the outlier (10)
Mode is not effected by the outlier, but it is at the lower end of
the range of values.
Median is the closest to representing the data.
Describe a situation where you would get data values like
Does that change the statistical measure that you chose?
School Day 128
Adam tried to compute the average of his 7 test scores.
He mistakenly divided the correct sum of all of his test
scores by 6, which yielded 84. What is Adam’s correct
average test score? Why would you want to keep track
of your test scores? What would you do with that
Solution for Day 128
What is Adam’s correct average test score?
First find the test total
Test total / 6 = 84
84 x 6 = 504 which is the correct sum of the tests
504 /7 = 72 correct average
Why would you want to keep track of your test scores?
What would you do with that information?
School Day 129
A total of 50 juniors and seniors were given a math
placement test. The 35 juniors attained an average score
of 80 while the 15 seniors attained an average of 70.
What was the average score for all 50 students who took
the test? Why do colleges and universities give placement
Solution for Day 129
What was the average score for all 50 students who took
the test?
[35(80) + 15(70)] / 50 = 77 average score
Why do colleges and universities give placement tests?
School Day 130
The heights of the members of a family are 5.8 ft, 5.9 ft,
4.3 ft, 6.1 ft, and 3.4 ft. Find the range of their heights.
Why do medical professionals collect family health
information? Give an example to illustrate your reason.
Solution for Day 130
Find the range of their heights.
3.4, 4.3, 5.8, 5.9, 6.1
6.1 – 3.4 = 2.7 ft or 2’ 8.4” or 2’ 8 1/5“
Why do medical professionals collect family health
Give an example to illustrate your reason.
School Day 131
You have two test grades of 84 and 82. What must you
get on the third test to have an average of 85? Give an
example of why you would want to have a particular
grade point average.
Solution Day 131
What must you get on the third test to have an average
of 85?
Give an example of why you would want to have a
particular grade point average.
School Day 132
A college football team recorded attendance for its 7 home
games. Find the mean, median, mode, and range. How do you
think the school might use this data?
Solutin Day 132
Find the mean, median, mode, and range.
23416, 24329, 43243, 58704, 65312, 76875, 78698
Median – 58704
Mode – none
Mean – 52939.57143…
Range – 55282 people
How do you think the school might use this data?
School Day 133
Would you use mean, median, mode, or range for each
Jack noticed that half of the cereal brands in the store cost
more than $2.00.
The average score on the last test was 77.
The most common height on the basketball team is 6 ft 1 in.
The heights of players on the basketball team vary by 8
How could you use the statistical measure information you
calculate to make a predication about the future?
Solution to Day 133
Various answers
School Day 134
In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is
numerically distant from the rest of the data. What effect
will the outlier have on the median of the data if the
outlier is excluded?
64, 56, 59, 125, 58, 64, 65
Describe a situation where an outlier changes your
interpretation of the data.
Solution to Day 134
What effect will the outlier have on the median of the
data if the outlier is excluded?
56, 58, 59, 64, 64, 65, 125
125 is the outlier
Median will decrease if the outlier is excluded
Describe a situation where an outlier changes your
interpretation of the data.
School Day 135
You work at a fruit market. Bananas cost 50¢ a pound. A
customer hands you a bunch of bananas that weighs 3.75
pounds and a five dollar bill. How much change should the
customer get?
Solution to Day 135
How much change should the customer get?
$3.12 change
School Day 136
Your employer, an interior decorator, has been commissioned
by a repeat customer to provide curtains for a living room
window. You need to figure the estimated cost.You believe the
work time will be 4 hours. Your minimum labor charge is $100
which includes 2 hours of work; anything over that is an
additional $50.00/hr charge. The project needs three pieces of
fabric in the following lengths: 3 feet, 3 feet, and 5 feet plus an
additional yard of fabric for pattern matching. What is the
estimate for the curtains if the fabric is $49.00 per yard?
Explain how you calculated this estimate.
Solution to Day 136
What is the estimate for the curtains if the fabric is
$49.00 per yard?
Materials charge
3’ + 3’+ 5’ + 1yd = 11’ + 3 ‘ = 14’ total or 4 2/3 yds
4 2/3 x $49.00 = $228.67
Labor charge
$100 + 2 hr ($50.00) = $200.00
$228.67 + $200.00 = $428.67 for the estimate
Explain how you calculated this estimate.
School Day 137
You make and sell pies at a farmers' market for $12.50
each. A group of five people want to pitch in equally and
purchase a pie. They ask you how much each of them will
need to pay to buy a whole pie together. What do you tell
They are skeptical of your answer – seems like too much!
How do you prove you are correct?
Solution to Day 137
What do you tell them?
$2.50 each
They are skeptical of your answer – seems like too much!
How do you prove you are correct?
School Day 138
You are a receptionist at a doctor's office. A patient's
bill for a checkup totals $85.00. The patient's health
insurance requires the patient to pay 20% of the total
bill.Your office collects payments at the time of
service. How much should the patient pay before
they leave?
How much will be paid by the insurance company?
Explain an easy way to calculate 20% using mental
Solution for Day 138
How much should the patient pay before they leave?
How much will be paid by the insurance company?
Explain an easy way to calculate 20% using mental math.
School Day 139
At R&R Distribution the products are sent out daily. Business is
increasing and you are scheduling a new delivery route to
improve efficiency.You need to find out how long it will take a
driver to complete the route.You drive it yourself and start
the route at 9:50 A.M. and finish at 2:05 P.M. How long does it
take to drive the route?
What factors might influence the route times on a day to day
basis? Which factors can be controlled? Which cannot be
controlled? How might these factors be accounted for in
creating the schedule?
Solution for Day 139
How long does it take to drive the route?
4 hrs 15 min or 4 ¼ hrs
What factors might influence the route times on a
day to day basis?
Which factors can be controlled?
Which cannot be controlled?
How might these factors be accounted for in creating
the schedule?
School Day 140
As a bowling instructor at Knock’em Down Lanes, you
figure your students' averages during tournaments. In
5 games, one bowler had the following scores: 143,
156, 172, 133, and 167. Two weeks later at the Spring
Fling Tournament the same bowler had the following
scores: 148, 158, 176, 139, and 155. Find the averages
for both tournaments. Did your instruction improve
this bowler’s skill level? Give reasons for your answer.
Solution for dat 140
Find the averages for both tournaments.
Average – 154.2
Average at Spring Fling – 155.2
Did your instruction improve this bowler’s skill level? Give
reasons for your answer.
School Day 141
At Future Labs you are employed as laboratory assistant.You
measure chemicals using the metric system and, according to
lab protocol, calculate to the nearest hundredth. For your
current research, you need to measure out 45 grams of
sodium chloride. The bottle you are using lists the amount in
ounces. About how many ounces of sodium chloride will you
need to measure? (1 Ounce = 28.3495231 Grams)
How do the rounding protocols affect the measurements?
What would happen if the protocols were not in place?
Solution for Day 141
About how many ounces of sodium chloride will you
need to measure? (1 Ounce = 28.3495231 Grams)
45 g / 28.3495231 = 1.587328289 rounded to 1.59 oz
How do the rounding protocols affect the
What would happen if the protocols were not in
School Day 142
You are making a welding fixture and must cut down a
length of steel tubing from 193/8 inches to 119/16 inches.
When you cut the tubing, you will waste 1/16 inch of it
because of the width of the saw cut. If the leftover piece
is long enough, you will use it in another fixture. How
long will this leftover piece be? Explain how you
subtracted the fractions.
Solution to Day 142
How long will this leftover piece be? Explain how you
subtracted the fractions.
7 ¾ in
School Day 143
A current trend in the food industry is local or regional
manufacturers with specialty products. There are seasonal,
holiday, and combination products that are marketed for a
limited time.You are doing marketing research to find out the
purchasing potential of students in the community before you
introduce a new product. Based on the latest census, there are
9,860 students in a population of 62,400 people. Students
make up what percent of the total population?
Why would this information be helpful to you?
Solution for Day 143
Students make up what percent of the total
9860 /62400 x 100 = 15.8% of the population are
Why would this information be helpful to you?
School Day 144
This is the last Day that You’ve Got Class Pictures is
photographing students. You are a school photographer taking
individual and class pictures for the remaining 2 classes of 21
students each. On average, each individual picture takes 3
minutes and a class picture takes 10 minutes. The students
leave at 3:30 PM so you have got to be finished by then. About
how long should it take you to get all of the pictures?
What is the latest time you can start taking pictures if you get
back from lunch at 12:30 PM? Explain why you chose this time.
Solution for Day 144
About how long should it take you to get all of the
What is the latest time you can start taking pictures if
you get back from lunch at 12:30 PM?
21 (3) (2) + 2 (10) = 146 min = 2 hrs, 26 min
Must start by 1:04 PM
Explain why you chose this time.
School Day 145
The Local University employs four full-time groundskeepers to
keep their sports fields in top playing condition.You are
applying fertilizer to a football field in preparation for the
spring growing season. The field is 360 feet long and 160 feet
wide.You use 8 pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. The
fertilizer comes in 50-pound bags. How many bags of fertilizer
will you need to load on the tractor trailer to complete the
What formula do you need to use to solve this problem and
how did you know that?
Solution for Day 145
How many bags of fertilizer will you need to load on
the tractor trailer to complete the job?
[360 (160)(8)] / [1000/50] = 9.2 round up to 10 Bags
What formula do you need to use to solve this
problem and how did you know that?
Area formula ( A = lw) from the term “square feet”
School Day 146
At Appliance City you sold a refrigerator to a
customer for $369.00. Appliance City advertises that if
a customer finds the same refrigerator anywhere else
for a lower price you will give a refund equal to 150%
of the price difference. The customer returns with a
Kitchen Stuff Inc. ad that shows the same refrigerator
for $335.00. After you give the advertised refund to
the customer, what is the customer's final cost?
Explain how you can use mental math to calculate
the refund.
Solution for Day 146
After you give the advertised refund to the customer, what is
the customer's final cost?
369 – [(369-335)1.50] = $318.00
Explain how you can use mental math to calculate the refund.
School Day 147
The mayor of the city wants information to apply for a
national grant to bring money in for street improvements.You
are an urban planner assessing the growth of the city to
determine if there is data to support the grant proposal. Ten
years ago, the city's population was 249,583. Its current
population is 318,270. By about what percentage has the city
grown over the past ten years?
What would you expect the population to be in 10 more
years if the city continues to grow at the same rate? Do you
think the city should be awarded the grant?
Solution for Day 147
By about what percentage has the city grown over
the past ten years?
318270 – 249583 = 68687
68687 / 249583 = 0.275
0.275 x 100 = 27.5% growth rate
What would you expect the population to be in 10
more years if the city continues to grow at the same
318270 x 127.5% = 40,579,425 people in 10 years
Do you think the city should be awarded the grant?
School Day 148
As the office manager at Acme Co., you are responsible for
purchasing supplies.You have a budget and need to justify all
purchases to your boss.You are comparing prices from 2 office
supply stores.Your office needs 5 cases of blue paper. Home &
Office Headquarters lists a case of paper at $25.85 with a 10%
discount on an order of 5 cases or more. Office Supplies R Us
lists a case of paper at $27.36 with a 15% discount on 5 cases
or more. Delivery costs from Home & Office Headquarters are
$2.50 per case. Office Supplies R Us will deliver for $10 an
order. What is the least amount that you would have to spend
for the paper?
How much money will you save since you took the time to
comparison shop?
Solution for Day 148
What is the least amount that you would have to
spend for the paper?
How much money will you save since you took the
time to comparison shop?
School Day 149
A piece of wire 63 inches long is cut into 2 parts. The 2
parts are then bent to form 2 different-size squares. The
difference between the measures of the perimeters of the
2 squares is 5 inches. What is the sum of the areas of the
2 squares?
Explain the concepts of perimeter and area using this
problem as an example.
Solution for Day 149
What is the sum of the areas of the 2 squares?
124.8125 sq in is the sum of the areas
Explain the concepts of perimeter and area using this
problem as an example.
School Day 150
Charles owns a toy store and stores his inventory of
collectable toys at his home office. He keeps them in
plastic containers to keep the packaging clean and
undamaged. Each container holds 12 toy boxes and
he has 278 toy boxes to store and is expecting a
shipment of an additional 150 toy boxes. He has 20
containers already. What will be the cost to purchase
additional containers at $3.50 each to hold his entire
Explain why multiplication is the operation that is
needed to solve this problem.
Solution to Day 150
What will be the cost to purchase additional containers at
$3.50 each to hold his entire inventory?
278 + 150 = 428 toy boxes
428/12 =35.7 rounded to 36 containers
36 – 20 = 16 more containers needed
16 x $3.50 = $56.00
Explain why multiplication is the operation that is needed to
solve this problem.
School Day 151
Todd wants to order the newest video game for his
store. His cost is $21.15 and he will sell the game for
double the price, plus an additional 15% of the
doubled price. He wants to keep the cost of games at
about $50 including the additional 8.5% sales tax. Will
the customer cost of this game fit those criteria?
What is the final customer cost for the game?
Explain why you think Todd wants to keep the
customer cost below $50.
Solution for Day 151
Will the customer cost of this game fit those criteria?
What is the final customer cost for the game?
Customer cost is above $50
21.15 x 2 = 42.30
42.30 x 15% = 6.345 rounded to 6.35
42.30 + 6.35 = 48.55 price of game
48.55 x 8.5% tax = 4.12675 rounded to 4.13 tax
48.55 + 4.13 = 52.68 final cost including tax
Explain why you think Todd wants to keep the customer cost
below $50.
School Day 152
Stan walks 10 miles a day on his delivery route. He
works 5 days per week. He has 15 vacation days, 10
holidays, and 10 sick days (he usually uses only 20%) per
year. About how many miles does he walk each year
while on the job?
Solution to Day 152
About how many miles does he walk each year while on
the job?
52 weeks in a year, 10 x 20% = 2
52 (5) – (15 + 10 + 2) = 233 work days
233 x 10 = 2330 miles each year
School Day 153
A patient drank 2 glasses (8 oz) of soda water, 1 teacup (6
oz) of coffee, and 4 fl oz of juice, what is the total fluid
intake (in mL) of this patient (about 30 ml = 1 fl oz)?
School Day 153
A patient drank 2 glasses (8 oz) of soda water, 1 teacup (6
oz) of coffee, and 4 fl oz of juice, what is the total fluid
intake (in mL) of this patient (about 30 ml = 1 fl oz)?
8 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 26 fl oz
30 ml : 1 fl oz = X ml : 26 fl oz (set up a proportion)
780 mls
School Day 154
Carson needs to purchase 5.6 meters of tape for a
project. If each roll of tape contains 80 cm and costs $5,
what is the total cost of the tape that Carson must buy?
Explain why Carson might want to “round up” and
purchase another roll of tape.
Solution to Day 154
If each roll of tape contains 80 cm and costs $5, what is
the total cost of the tape that Carson must buy?
5.6 m = 560 cm
560 / 80 = 7 rolls
7 x 5 = $35
Explain why Carson might want to “round up” and
purchase another roll of tape.
School Day 155
You are employed as a nurse at a local hospital. One
of your duties is to administer medication. A
physician orders a drug at a dosage rate of 60
mg/kg/6hr. For a patient who weighs 185 lb, how
many grams should be administered every 6 hours?
What makes this problem more difficult? What do
you have to know to administer the correct dosage?
Solution for Day 155
For a patient who weighs 185 lb, how many grams should be
administered every 6 hours?
1 kg = 2.20462 lb
185 / 2.20462 = 83.9 kg
60 mg x 83.9 kg = 5034 mg/6 hr
What makes this problem more difficult?
What do you have to know to administer the correct dosage?
School Day 156
A magnifying glass is a lens that makes objects appear
larger than they really are. Suppose a 35°angle is
observed through a magnifying glass that enlarges objects
to twice their actual size. How big is the angle when
viewed through this magnifying glass? Explain your answer.
Solution to Day 156
How big is the angle when viewed through this magnifying
Explain your answer.
School Day 157
A clothing store offers a 30% discount on all items in the
store. If the original price of a sweater is $40, how much
will it cost after the discount? A shopper bought three of
the same shirt and paid $63 after the 30% discount. What
was the original price of one of the shirts?
Explain how to solve this type of percentage problem.
Solution for Day 157
If the original price of a sweater is $40, how much will it
cost after the discount?
A shopper bought three of the same shirt and paid $63
after the 30% discount. What was the original price of
one of the shirts?
40.00 x 70% = $28 cost after discount
3(70% x) = 63
3(0.7 x) = 63
X = $30.00
x = cost of shirt
Explain how to solve this type of percentage problem.
School Day 158
While on vacation, a group can rent bicycles and scooters by
the week. They get a reduced rental rate if they rent 5 bicycles
for every 2 scooters rented. The reduced rate per bicycle is
$15.50 per week and the reduced rate per scooter is $160
per week. The sales tax on each rental is 12%.
The group has $1600 available to spend on bicycle and scooter
rentals. What is the greatest number of bicycles and the greatest
number of scooters the group can rent if the ratio of bicycles to
scooters is 5:2?
 Explain how you solved this problem.
Solution for Day 158
What is the greatest number of bicycles and the
greatest number of scooters the group can rent if the
ratio of bicycles to scooters is 5:2?
X = number of sets
[15.50 (5x) + 160 (2x)] + 0.12 [15.50(5x) + 160(2x)] = 1600
X = 3.5 3 sets since they can’t rent ½ a set
15 bikes and 6 scooters
Explain how you solved this problem.
School Day 159
The most practical and efficient kitchen is designed as a
“work triangle.” The ideal distances of the sides of the
triangle are: 4 to 6 ft, 4 to 7 ft, & 4 to 9 ft. What is the
largest perimeter of the ideal work triangle? What is the
smallest perimeter of the ideal work triangle? Explain why
a homeowner would need this information when
remodeling a kitchen.
Solution for Day 159
What is the largest perimeter of the ideal work triangle?
What is the smallest perimeter of the ideal work
22 ft
12 ft
Explain why a homeowner would need this information
when remodeling a kitchen.
School Day 160
A checkerboard contains 8 squares along the sides of the
board and 8 squares along the top and bottom. Each of
these squares is 1 by 1. The total number of 1 by 1
squares is 64. Find the total number of squares on a
checkerboard (include 2 by 2 squares, 3 by 3 squares, and
so on). Explain your method of solving this problem.
Solution for Day 160
Find the total number of squares on a checkerboard
(include 2 by 2 squares, 3 by 3 squares, and so on).
204 squares of various sizes
Explain your method of solving this problem
School Day 161
Each side of a checkerboard measures 16 inches. The
board contains 8 rows of 8 squares per row. Find the area
of each small square on the board. Increase the size of the
square by 10 times and then estimate how many squares
you could paint on a wall that was 12’ long and 8’ high.
What are some of the issues with painting this design on
a wall?
 Square area is A = s².
Solution for Day 161
Find the area of each small square on the board.
Increase the size of the square by 10 times and then
estimate how many squares you could paint on a wall that
was 12’ long and 8’ high.
Each square is 2” by 2”
20” by 20” squares
Height - 8’ x 12” = 96 in
96/20 = about 4 squares
Width - 12’ x 12” = 144 in
144/20 = about 7 squares
4 x 7 = 28 large squares on the wall
What are some of the issues with painting this design on
a wall?
School Day 162
The size of the dollar bill of today is smaller than the
dollar bills printed before 1929. The dimensions of those
bills were 7.2 by 3.13 inches. The bills in circulation today
are 6.14 by 2.61 inches. Find the area of each and
determine about what percentage has our dollar bill
reduced its’ area? Why do you think the area of a dollar
bills has been reduced?
Rectangular area is A = lw
Solution to Day 162
Find the area of each and determine about what
percentage has our dollar bill reduced its’ area?
7.2 x 3.13 = 22.536 area of larger bill
6.14 x 2.61 = 16.0254 area of smaller bill
22.536 – 16.0254 = 6.5106 difference of area
6.5106 / 22.536 = 0.288977
0.288977 x 100 = 28.8977 about 29%
Why do you think the area of a dollar bills has been
School Day 163
Raising your own chickens for egg production is a
current trend. In 1897 the recommended size for a
chicken house was given as “ten feet is wide enough
and every ten feet in length will afford space for 15
hens.” According to this advice, find the area of a
coop that could accommodate 60 hens. Currently the
advice is a minimum of 4 square feet per chicken.
How does that compare with the advice from 1897?
 Rectangular area is A = lw.
Solution to Day 168
According to this advice, find the area of a coop that could
accommodate 60 hens.
60 hens / 15 = 4
10 x 4 (10’) = 400 sq ft coop
Currently the advice is a minimum of 4 square feet per
chicken. How does that compare with the advice from 1897?
 60 x 4 = 240 sq ft coop
School Day 164
Roofing shingles are packaged in groups called
“squares”. One square covers 100 square feet of a
roof. The roof of a house is made of two rectangles,
each 13 feet by 36 feet. The two rectangles meet to
form the peak of the home. How many squares of
shingles are needed? If you want to have 10% more
shingles as an overage, will that effect the number of
squares you purchase?
Rectangular area is A = lw.
Solution for Day 164
How many squares of shingles are needed?
(13 x 36) x 2 = 936 sq feet for both roof rectangles
936 / 100 = 9.36 squares rounded up to 10 squares
If you want to have 10% more shingles as an overage, will that
effect the number of squares you purchase?
 936 x 110% = 1029.6 sq ft
 1029.6 / 100 = 10.296 squares rounded up to 11 squares
School Day 165
A 1-inch by 12-inch rectangle has an area of 12 square
inches. A standard sheet of letter size paper is 8½ inches
by 11 inches and has an area of 93.5 square inches. Pete
claims he can cut a 1-inch by 12-inch rectangle from this
paper. Explain how he can do this and what is the area of
the remaining paper?
Rectangular area is A = lw.
Solution to Day 165
Explain how he can do this and what is the area of the
remaining paper?
Cut ½ inch on each side of the diagonal of the rectangle.
The remaining area is 81.5 sq in.
School Day 166
In the past lighthouse beams could not be seen until
the ship was 15 miles from the light source. A series
of reflectors has increased the distance. A beam of
light from a lighthouse may be seen for 30 miles in all
directions. What is the area in square miles in which
the light may be seen? What factors might interfere
with the light being seen in this area and why is the
increase in distance important in ship safety?
Formula for the area of a circle is A = πr².
Solution to Day 166
What is the area in square miles in which the light may be
2826 sq mi
What factors might interfere with the light being seen in this
area and why is the increase in distance important in ship
School Day 167
A CD that is 120 mm in diameter can hold up to 74
minutes of music. The unrecorded portion of this
particular disc has a diameter of 50 mm. Find the area of
the recorded portion of this disc. How could you
determine how many more minutes you could record on
this disc?
Formula for the area of a circle is A = πr².
Solution to Day 167
Find the area of the recorded portion of this disc.
Π (60²) = 11304 mm² area of whole disc
Π (25²) = 1962.5 mm² area of unrecorded portion
1130 – 1962.5 = 9341.50 mm² of recorded area
How could you determine how many more minutes you
could record on this disc?
School Day 168
The diameter of an archery target is 48 inches. The
diameter of the innermost circle is 9.6 inches. What
percentage of the area of the target is the area of the
smallest circle? Explain why the size of the circle could
affect the archer’s chance of hitting a bull’s-eye?
Formula for the area of a circle is A = πr².
Solution to Day 168
What percentage of the area of the target is the area of
the smallest circle?
A = π(24)² = 1808.64
A = π(4.8)² = 72.3456
72.3456 / 1808.64 = 0.04
0.04 x 100 = 4% of the target is the bull’s eye.
Explain why the size of the circle could affect the archer’s
chance of hitting a bull’s-eye?
School Day 169
Two pizzas have a 12-inch diameter. One pie is cut
into eight equal slices, and the other is cut into 6
equal slices. If the 8 slice pie sells for $1 a slice, what
would be the cost per slice of the 6 slice pie so that
you would make at least the same amount of money
per pie? Explain what you think about the trend to
reduce serving size with regards to restaurant profits?
What do you think about reducing the amount of
product in the same size boxes, cans or bags with
regards to the consumer price?
Solution to Day 169
If the 8 slice pie sells for $1 a slice, what would be the cost per
slice of the 6 slice pie so that you would make at least the
same amount of money per pie?
8.00 x $1.00 = $8.00 cost of the 8-slice pizza with a $1 slice
$8.00 /6 = $1.33… - round to 1.34
Cost per slice of the same pie divided into 6 slices
Explain what you think about the trend to reduce serving size
with regards to restaurant profits?
What do you think about reducing the amount of product in
the same size boxes, cans or bags with regards to the
consumer price?
School Day 170
A shoe box measures 6.5 inches by 3.5 inches by 12
inches. How many boxes of this size can be place on a 12inch by 25-inch shelf if the shelf is one foot from the
ceiling? What is the volume of wasted space? By how
much could you adjust the distance of the shelf from the
ceiling to reduce the amount of unused space?
Volume of a rectangular prism is V=lwh.
Solution to Day 170
How many boxes of this size can be place on a 12-inch by
25-inch shelf if the shelf is one foot from the ceiling?
10 boxes
What is the volume of wasted space?
3 rows of 3 boxes and 1 on its side
870 cu in of wasted space
By how much could you adjust the distance of the shelf
from the ceiling to reduce the amount of unused space?
Put the shelf 11 inches from the ceiling so there is only ½ inch
of clearance.
School Day 171
The surface area of a 3-Dimensional figure is the sum of
the areas of all the faces and bases of the figure. Dice are
cubes with 6 faces. Each side of a die is a face. Twelve ¾
by ¾ by ¾ inch dice are boxed in two layers of two rows
of three dice per row (six dice are in each layer). Find the
surface area of the box. Explain your solution process.
Solution to Day 171
Find the surface area of the box.
18 sq in
Explain your solution process
School Day 172
The Smith family likes to take trips in the car. Traveling
south on the highway, the Smiths will pass cutoffs for
three cities: Allenville, Browning, and Cooperton. The
distance from Allenville to Browning is 16 miles. The
distance from Browning to Cooperton is 8 miles, and the
distance from Allenville to Cooperton is 24 miles. What
town is between the other two? Explain why your answer
makes sense.
Solution to Day 172
What town is between the other two?
Explain why your answer makes sense.
School Day 173
A computer can do 1000 operations in 4.5 × 10–6
seconds. How many operations can be done by this
computer in one hour? Express your answer in scientific
Explain the rules for converting numbers to scientific
Solution for Day 173
How many operations can be done by this computer in
one hour? Express your answer in scientific notation.
I hr = 3600 sec
3600 / 4.5 x 10^¯6 = 800,000,000
800,000,000 x 1000 = 800,000,000,000
8.0 x 10 ^11
Explain the rules for converting numbers to scientific
School Day 174
Rachael the roofer is carrying shingles over her
shoulder and a bucket of nails as she is climbing up the
ladder to the roof. The total weight she is carrying is 75
lbs. the shingles weigh 4 times as much as the nails.
How much do the nails and the shingles weigh? If she
weighs 135 lbs herself, what percentage of her weight is
she carrying up the ladder?
Solution to Day 174
How much do the nails and the shingles weigh?
Nails 15 lbs
Shingles 60 lbs
If she weighs 135 lbs herself, what percentage of her
weight is she carrying up the ladder?
75/135 = 0.56
0.56 x 100 = 56%
School Day 175
Paul the painter had to paint three walls each of
different heights. The tallest wall, which will be painted
white, is 12’ taller than the wall that is to be painted
blue. The difference between the white wall and the red
wall is 8’ more than the difference between the red wall
and the blue wall. If the blue wall is 8’ feet in height,
how tall are the other two walls? Explain how you
solved this problem.
Solution to Day 175
If the blue wall is 8’ feet in height, how tall are the other
two walls?
White – 20’
Red – 10’
Explain how you solved this problem.
School Day 176
Sharon was told by her boss to hoist up a load of
cinderblock to the second story of the building under
construction. She asked her boss how much the load of
cinderblock weighed. The boss replied that it weighed
400 pound plus ⅓ of the total weight. Scratching her
head, Sharon tried to figure out what the boss just said.
Can you figure out the weight of the cinderblocks?
Explain how you figured it out.
Solution to Day 176
Can you figure out the weight of the cinderblocks?
600 lbs
Explain how you figured it out.
School Day 177
At a construction site two masons were building brick
wall. Each wall of bricks requires 10 pounds of mortar.
While building the wall a little of the mortar is left over.
After four walls are built there is enough mortar to
build another wall. If the masons start the day with 160
pounds of mortar, how many walls can be built? Explain
why your answer makes sense.
Solution to Day 177
If the masons start the day with 160 pounds of mortar,
how many walls can be built?
21 walls
Explain why your answer makes sense.
School Day 178
At a discount furniture store, Chris offered a salesperson
$600 for a couch and a chair. The offer includes the 8%
sales tax. If the salesperson accepts the offer, what would
be the price of the furniture, to the nearest dollar, before
Why would you want to include the sales price in your
Solution to Day 178
If the salesperson accepts the offer, what would be the
price of the furniture, to the nearest dollar, before tax?
0.08x + x = 600
1.08 x = 600
X = 555.56 or $556 is the original price
Why would you want to include the sales price in your
School Day 179
Appliances at Discount City Store are on sale for 70% of
the original price. Eli has a coupon for an 18% discount on
the sale price. If the original price of a microwave oven is
$500, how much will Eli pay for the oven before tax?
What are two different methods for solving this problem?
Solution to Day 179
If the original price of a microwave oven is $500, how
much will Eli pay for the oven before tax?
500 (0.70) = $350 Sale price
352 (0.18) = $63 Discount
350 – 63 = $287 cost of oven
What are two different methods for solving this problem?
School Day 180
When John bought his new computer, he
purchased an online computer help service. The
help service has a yearly fee of $25.50 and a
$10.50 charge for each help session a person uses.
If John can only spend $170 for the computer help
this year, what is the maximum number of help
sessions he can use this year?
If John needs help 2 times a month, how much
should he budget next year?
Solution to Day 180
If John can only spend $170 for the computer help this year,
what is the maximum number of help sessions he can use this
170 - 25.50 = $144.50
144.50 / 10.50 = 13.7619…
13 help sessions
If John needs help 2 times a month, how much should he
budget next year?
25.50 + 24(10.50) = $277.50