Chapter Five Socialization - Harford Community College

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Transcript Chapter Five Socialization - Harford Community College

Chapter Three
From Infancy
to Old Age
Society, The Basics
10th Edition
John J. Macionis
Social Experience:
The Key to Our Humanity
 Socialization – the lifelong social
experience by which individuals
develop their _____ ________.
Personality – a
person’s fairly
consistent _______
of acting, thinking,
and feeling.
Human Development:
Nature and Nurture
Sociobiology – the role of nature
– Elements of society have a
_________ root
 Behaviorism - the role of nurture
– Most of who and what we are as a
species is ______, or social in
Biological Sciences
Human Development:
Nature and Nurture
Charles Darwin’s
study of _______ led
to the “nature”
_____ that enhance
survival emerge as a
species “nature.”
Social Sciences
Human Development:
Nature and Nurture
John Watson
developed a
theory called
Behavior is not
________, but
Research with monkeys
Social Isolation
 Harry and Margaret Harlow discovered
that infant monkeys left in isolation
suffered _______ and ________
 Six months of complete _____ was
enough to lead to permanent
developmental damage.
Studies of isolated children
Social Isolation
Three children, Anna, Isabelle, and
Genie were left in isolation and suffered
________ ___________ _________.
Social experience performs a crucial
role in forming personality.
Without social experience, a child is
incapable of ______ or meaningful
Understanding Socialization
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud believed that
______ plays a major role in
human development.
Eros (the life instinct) - covers all the selfpreserving and erotic instincts.
Thanatos (the death instinct) - covers instincts
towards _________ , self-destruction and
Understanding Socialization
Sigmund Freud
Our _____ ______ or needs as humans are
reflected in the concept of id
The ego is the element of the personality
representing the demands of society,
balancing innate pleasure-seeking drives.
Culture, in the form of the superego,
represses selfish demands and demands
that individuals become less ___-_______.
Cognitive Development
Understanding Socialization
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget studied human cognition,
how people think and understand.
 Piaget identified four stages of
cognitive development:
Sensorimotor Stage.
Preoperational Stage.
______ __________ Stage.
Formal Operational Stage.
Cognitive Development
Understanding Socialization
Jean Piaget
Stages of development
– Sensorimotor stage
 Sensory
contact understanding
Preoperational stage
Concrete operational stage
Formal operational stage
 Use
of language and other symbols
 Perception
of ______ _________ in
 Abstract,
critical thinking
Moral Development
Understanding Socialization
Lawrence Kohlberg
Kohlberg studied
moral reasoning,
the ways individuals
judge situations as
_____ or _____.
Young children
experience the
world in terms of
____and ________.
Moral Development
Understanding Socialization
Lawrence Kohlberg
Teens lose their sense
of selfishness as they
align themselves with
broader ______ _____.
 Lastly, individuals begin
to think about ethical
principles beyond
________ norms.
Moral Development
Understanding Socialization
Lawrence Kohlberg
1. Obedience & punishment orientation
2. Self-interest orientation
3. Interpersonal accord and conformity
4. Authority and social-order orientation
5. Social contract orientation
6. ________ ________ principles
Gender Development
Understanding Socialization
Carol Gilligan
 Gilligan
compared the moral
development of _____and ____.
 The two sexes use different standards
of _________.
Gender Development
Understanding Socialization
Carol Gilligan
 Boys
have a _______
perspective, relying on
formal rules.
 Girls have a ____ and
__________ perspective,
relying on personal
Theory of Social Self
Understanding Socialization
George Herbert Mead
Mead believed social behaviorism explains
how _____ ________ creates personality.
 Mead’s central concept is the self – the
part of the individual’s personality
composed of ____-_________ and selfimage.
 The origin of the self is in social
Theory of Social Self
Understanding Socialization
George Herbert Mead
Building on the Social Experience
Recognizing the
________ other:
Widespread norms &
______ people take
as their own
Theory of Social Self
Understanding Socialization
Charles Horton Cooley
Cooley used the term the lookingglass self – a self-image based on how
we think others see us.
 Others represent a mirror in which we
can see _________.
 What we think of ourselves depends on
what we think ______ think of us.
Stages of Development
Understanding Socialization
Erik Erikson
Erikson felt we face eight _________
throughout the life course.
Success at one stage prepares us for
meeting the next.
He assumes all people meet these
challenges at exactly the order presented,
in ________ ______.
Stages of Development
Understanding Socialization
Erik Erikson – 8 Stages
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
_______ vs. _________
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Agents of Socialization
The family
has the
______ on
Social Readjustment Scale
Agents of Socialization
Race and Class
Obedience & conformity (poor) vs.
____ _________& creativity (rich)
Agents of Socialization
children’s social
world’s to include
people with
Socializes children into gender roles.
Agents of Socialization
Peer groups – ______
groups whose members
have interests, social
positions, and ___ in
Agents of Socialization
Mass media – ________ communications
aimed at a ____ audience.
Agents of Socialization
Violence and television
1996: American Medical
Association stated
_______ on television
and films are hard to
1997: Television rating
system adopted
Socialization and the Life Course
Learning continues throughout our lives.
Globally, _______
is currently
becoming shorter.
The U.S. and other rich societies extend
childhood longer than ____societies.
Socialization and the Life Course
Adolescence is often a period of _____
and _________ turmoil.
Socialization and the Life Course
Adulthood is characterized by early goal
setting and _____ ________.
Socialization and the Life Course
Old age
begins in
the _________ in
the United
Aging and Culture
Elderly have influence and respect in
___-income countries
A form of social
organization in which
the elderly have the
most ______, ______,
and prestige
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Death & Dying – 5 Stages
Life Course – Patterns and Variations
1. The life course is
a social
2. Stages in life are
Cohort – a category of people with something in
common (usually their age)
Total Institutions
Two million people experience being
confined in ______ or mental hospitals.
Total Institutions
Total institution – a
setting in which people are
isolated from the rest of
society and manipulated
by an administrative staff.
Resocialization – _______ _______ an inmate’s
personality by carefully controlling the