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This is important!
Safeguarding Level 1
For all non-clinical staff.
Safeguarding children is everyone’s
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people
A 'child' is anyone up to their eighteenth birthday.
The Children Act 1989 defines a child in need; as children or young people who
because of their vulnerability, will need the provision of services in order to reach or
maintain a satisfactory level of health or development.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children is defined as protecting children
from maltreatment, preventing impairment of
children's health and development and
ensuring children have optimum life chances
All staff have a statutory duty
to report concerns regarding a
child's welfare to their Line
Manager and/or the
Safeguarding Children Team.
The Children Act 1989 (Section 17)
The Children Act 1989 (section 17)
defines a child in need; as children or
young people who because of their
vulnerability, will need the provision of
services in order to reach or maintain
a satisfactory level of health or
development, this includes children
with special needs
Where a child in need is
identified, practitioners working
with the child will complete
either: a Common Assessment
Framework (CAF)
an Essex Request for Support
Form (ERSF) for a co-ordinated
response and delivery of
services to the child/young
person and their family.
Consent from the parent and/or
young person is central to this
The Children Act section 47
The Children Act (1989) introduced the
concept of significant harm as a definition of
abuse; harm means ill treatment or the
impairment of health or development including
impairment from seeing or hearing the ill
treatment of another.
Significant relates to the child’s health and
development and the comparison with that
which could reasonably be expected of a
similar child.
Where a child or young person has been identified as
at risk of significant harm the Local Authority (Social
Care) has a legal duty to make enquiries and take
appropriate action to ensure the safety of the
child/young person. Consent for these enquiries is not
obligatory, but agencies will always seek to work with
parents where this does not place the child or young
person at increased risk.
Abusers come from all walks of life
Abuse can occur within the family, an
institution or community setting. Abuse can
occur in all social groups regardless of age,
gender, race, religion, culture, social class
or financial position.
Children may be abused by:
Someone the
child knows
well or more
rarely a
By an
By a
All staff who work with children or adults from any service have a responsibility in
safeguarding children when they become aware of or identify a child at risk of harm. This
includes considering the implications for children of parents’ or users’ behaviours and the
impact these may have on their parenting capacity.
Child abuse can take many forms, but is
usually divided into four categories
Signs that could indicate physical abuse
Physical Abuse
Involves a range of physical injuries including hitting,
shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding,
drowning or suffocating and also includes fabricated and/or
induced illness and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Bruising on a non-mobile baby or child (maybe non
mobile because of age or disability)
On any fleshy, non-bony part of the body, for
example: face, neck, buttocks or back
Bruises are more likely to be accidental when found
on the bony prominences of the body for example:
forehead, chin, knees, shin, back of head
Burns & Scalds
Burns include scalds from hot liquids, contact
burns from hot objects (such as an iron) burns
caused by flames, chemical and electrical. Burns
with a clear outline or uniform depth for example
may be more indicative of non accidental injury.
Fabricated or Induced Illness is classed as a
physical abuse where a parent/carer fabricates
or deliberately induces illness in a child
Any injury which the child, parent, carer tries
to hide or give several different or unlikely
explanations, should raise concerns. In these
circumstances advice should always be
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a
child or young person to take part in sexual
activities, including (CSE) child sexual
exploitation. Free e-learning available: link on
SEPT training bulletin
This may involve sexual physical
contact or non-contact activities
including coercing or grooming
children by the use
of pornographic material or
watching sexual activities including
those via the internet, webcams,
cameras, mobile phones, or
encouraging children to behave in
sexually inappropriate ways.
Trust staff must report
any known cases to their
line manager and the
Trust Safeguarding Team
and a referral made to
Children’s Social Care. It
may also be appropriate
to contact the Police if
the situation is urgent.
It is important to recognise that
children & young people can be
sexually abused by adult males,
females and other children &
young people.
Any sexual act with a child under
13 years is illegal and classed
as statutory rape, as a child is
not capable of consenting to
sexual activity.
If you are aware of a child that has
contact with an adult with prior
allegations or convictions of sexual
abuse you must seek advice from the
Safeguarding team and your line
manager with a view to making a child
protection referral.
Signs which could
indicate sexual abuse
Changes in
behaviour such as
withdrawn, or
aggressive, risk
taking such as
running away or
substance misuse
Children displaying
behaviour or
language for their
age and stage of
Persistent emotional maltreatment may have a severe effect on
the child or young persons’ emotional development.
A parent or carer may be:
A child or young person may present
with changes in behaviour for
example: clinginess, fearful,
withdrawn, attention seeking , self
harming, age inappropriate behaviour
& poor self esteem.
• Emotionally unavailable to
the child, due to factors
including parental
substance misuse, mental ill
health or domestic abuse
• Use the child for the
fulfilment of the adult’s
needs (children being used
in marital disputes)
Some level of emotional
abuse is involved in all
types of maltreatment of a
child or young person,
although it may also occur
• Bullying a child or frequently
making them frightened
• Conveying to a child they
are worthless or unloved
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet the child’s basic physical
and or psychological needs
Signs that could indicate neglect include:
• Missing routine health appointments
• Missing significant amounts of school, including children and young
people that are caring for others in the home and are unable to access
education and social activity
• Not having appropriate food, clothing or shelter
• Not being protected from harm or danger including witnessing domestic
Neglect may occur during pregnancy
as a result of maternal substance
Neglect has harmful physical,
emotional and social consequences
for children and young people and
can ultimately be fatal
These categories overlap
and an abused child
frequently suffers more
than a single type of
Risk Indicators
You should be aware of factors that may affect parenting capacity
and impact on a child/young person’s safety and welfare
Domestic abuse
Prolonged and /or regular exposure to
domestic abuse can have a serious
impact on a child’s health,
development and emotional wellbeing
Children can be at risk of
physical injury including
harm to the unborn child.
UK evidence suggests
domestic abuse is a known
issue in 1 in 3 child
protection cases.
“Dad sometimes hits mum when he’s angry. I think it may be my
fault because I can never get things right with my dad”
Natalie 14, Childline 2007
“I am not happy at home. My brother is physically abusing
me and my mum. I don't want to tell the police because my
brother will lose his job. I don't care about myself but I am
worried about mum. I don't think anything will sort out his
Boy aged 15
What type of abuse is this?
Physical &
Sexual & Physical
Emotional &
Parental drug and alcohol misuse
Misuse of drugs (prescribed or
illegal) and or alcohol is strongly
associated with significant harm
to the unborn child, children and
young people, especially when
combined with other features
such as domestic abuse and
mental illness.
“My dad broke my nose last
year when he was drunk. My
sister has left home. I feel
empty and hurt” Milly 12yrs
(quote from ChildLine 2007)
“My mum is drunk when I get home from school, she shouts
at me and there is no food for dinner, I needed to go to the
Doctors but mum won’t take me, my asthma pump has run
What type of abuse is this?
Parental mental ill health
The majority of parents who suffer
mental illness are able to care for and
safeguard their children, however
nationally 25% of children who are
subject to Child Protection
Conferences have a parent with
mental health problems.
“Mum’s always miserable. She never asks me how I am. She just sits
in front of the telly all day. I could be dead for all she cares” Wayne
13 years (quote from ChildLine 2007)
“Mum’s always miserable. She never asks me how I am.
She just sits in front of the telly all day. I could be dead for
all she cares”
Wayne 13 years (quote from ChildLine 2007)
What type of abuse is this?
Previous history of safeguarding concerns
Where a previous child/young person
has been subject to a child protection
plan (formerly known as the child
protection register)
Where a previous child/young person
has been removed from home
Adults or young people known to be a
Risk to a Child (formerly a Schedule 1
Child Factors
Children under one year are
more vulnerable to abuse and
neglect as are:
• Children and young people
with any kind of disability
• Looked after children/young
people (LAC) those in private
or local authority foster care
or children’s homes
What do you do if you are concerned for
the welfare of a child?
All staff have a legal duty to report
any concerns they may have for the
safety and welfare of a child. If you
are concerned about a child or young
person you must seek advice from
the Safeguarding team and your line
manager with a view to making a
However, You may need to
child protection referral.
ensure the child or young
person’s immediate safety
and access emergency
assistance if necessary. You must then inform
your Line Manager
or the Trust
Team. Outside normal
working hours contact
the Manager on call
What do you do if you are concerned for
the welfare of a child?
If you are unable to contact your line
manager or a member of the safeguarding
team you should seek advice directly from
children’s social care.
Referrals to children’s social care must
be made within one day of identifying the
concern and telephone contact must be
followed up with a written referral within
48 hours. If the referrer has no contact
from social care then they have a
responsibility to follow up the outcome of
the referral within 3 working days.
You MUST record all
information and actions
clearly with your name,
designation, signature
and date.
Confidentiality and Consent
Staff cannot give assurance of confidentiality where there are concerns about a
child as information may need to be shared in order to protect the child.
Consent to share information
should always be sought
where possible, except when;
Permission has been
refused but sufficient
professional concern
remains to justify
Seeking permission
is likely to impede a
When gaining consent
would place a child, young
person or an adult at risk of
significant harm
If you are uncertain about when to share confidential information, always seek
advice from the Trust Safeguarding Team or your line manager
This completes the Children’s section for level 1.
Please proceed to the ‘Adults’ part of the course.