Transcript On Guard

Good and Evil
A. If God is totally good and allpowerful, how can there be evil? Either
he is not all-powerful, or he is not truly
good. (Or he is not there!)
God exists
God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good
A perfectly good being would want to prevent all evils
An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can
come into existence
• An omnipotent being, who knows every way in which an
evil can come into existence, has the power to prevent
that evil from coming into existence
• A being who knows every way in which an evil can come
into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from
coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would
prevent the existence of that evil
• If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly
good being, then no evil exists
• Evil exists (logical contradiction)
B. Genesis - Creation: “Very Good”
• Tree of the knowledge of good and evil ?
• Eat it, and die ?
What is Evil?
• Pain and suffering?
– Pain = defence from damage (leprosy?)
– “No pain, no gain”
– Athletes and “pain barrier”
• Cut someone open with a knife?
– Both my children born that way
• Massive earthquake and tsunami?
– What if it happens on Jupiter?
• “You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is
for me.” — Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty
• "The man who is to be great is the one who can be the
most solitary, the most hidden, the most deviant, the
man beyond good and evil, lord of his virtues, a man
lavishly endowed with will - this is precisely what
greatness is to be called: it is able to be as much a
totality as something multi-faceted, as wide as it is full."
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Assume: No God
Universe created itself from nothing
Material universe is all their is
Life : a purposeless momentary blink
NO “good”, No “evil”
What is is.
• “There is no good and evil, there is only power and those
too weak to seek it.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s/Sorcerer's Stone
• “Those who forget good and evil and seek only to know
the facts are more likely to achieve good than those who
view the world through the distorting medium of their
own desires.” ― Bertrand Russell
• “Good and evil do not exist for me any more. The fear of
evil is merely a mass projection here and on Earth.”
―Hans Bender
Still No God – Alternatively:
“Good” and “Evil” do have meaning
Good = what 'I' like; Evil = what 'I' dislike
Totally relative – personal opinion
No permanent 'real' value
• “Moral authority has been laid to rest, world opinion is
no more than a game show and the difference between
good and evil is about as relevant as changing
channels.” – Ralph Steadman
• “Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he
can evolve a system of good and evil which is
independent of heaven and hell.” – George Orwell
• “Defining Good and Evil is not a simple task, and
getting it wrong means either punishing the good or
rewarding the evil, both furthering evil. As humanity is
only effective as a group, the judgement of good or evil
must be the recognition of what is good and what is bad
for the group.” – Philip Atkinson
God IS
Supreme being
All loving, knowing, powerful
Creator of all
Not part of & therefore 'outside' of universe
Therefore definer of everything
• “GOOD” – in conformity to God; as designed
• “EVIL” – out of conformity with God; being/doing
contrary to design
• God is good – always in conformity with himself,
totally self-consistent; ultimate example of
Pure Good
• Good exists in its own right – so long as God
• Pure and total good is a valid concept
Pure Evil
Evil does not/cannot exist in its own right
It is in total dependence on good for its existence
“Pure evil” is an impossibility, an oxymoron
Eg. Death depends on life
Evil, generally, is deprivation or negation or corruption
of good
• We don’t choose evil because it is evil, but because we
believe it will produce ‘good’
• “Well, obviously I take the classic view that evil does not
exist ontologically. And that's why it's so powerful because it's so parasitic on our deepest desires - and why
so oftentimes the most profound evils that are perpetrated
are done in the name of the good.” ― Stanley Hauerwas
• “And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive;
that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as
nature and accident do, but active accomplices.” ― Joyce
Carol Oates
• “All the things of the wild have their proper uses. Only
misuse makes them evil.” ― Ellis Peters, One Corpse Too Many
Good is Better than Evil
• Good is always better than evil, more beautiful
than evil; it is truer, righter, more attractive
• That is why evil has to clothe itself in apparent
goodness (if I cheat I will get a better result,
more money, glory, etc.)
• But if/when we see them truly only GOOD is
good, right, true, beautiful, alive, lasting...
• “Vicious actions are not hurtful because they are
forbidden, but forbidden because they are hurtful.” ―
Benjamin Franklin
Consider a Car
• Carefully designed & built; new – 'perfect'
• Instruction manual
• Drive/maintain according to manual – best
results all round
• “Good” is to do so
• “Evil” - wrong oil; kerosene in tank; leave
handbrake on; lights failed; window broken; ...
A Capricious God?
• Something good today may be evil tomorrow
•  internally inconsistent
•  could never be 'God'; could never create a
functioning universe
• Could not be love or author of love
•  good, evil, love, justice, etc. have no basis of
• No, we do not have this option
What if I Don’t Like God?
He doesn't do what I want, or think he should
He is a killjoy
He has done/commanded ‘evil’ (eg. see OT)
He let my sister die
• “Good” is defined by God, not by our feelings
• As creatures, our understanding of good & evil
can only be as defined by God
•  if anything about Good appears other than
pure & total good, then:
Incomplete knowledge/understanding/perspective
Wrong perception of God
Wrong or distorted perception of the situation
I have been deceived by a third party
Tree – Knowledge of Good & Evil
• Greatest possible good requires the choice of
embracing God’s image
• Love is not love if there is no choice
• For God to create greatest possible good – and
how could such a God do otherwise – had to
create opportunity to choose, and  option to
choose differently
Tree – Knowledge of Good & Evil
• Since God is epitome/definition of “Good”, then
to be distinct from God  other than good
•  to be & to know ‘evil’
• From that point evil has grown
• “God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence
of light, evil is the absence of God.” ― Albert Einstein
• “People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they
also had the opportunity to be definitely wicked.” ―
Terry Pratchett, Good Omens
Did God Create Evil?
One can only create from what is in them
Everything that IS came from God (John 1:3)
Is God responsible for evil?
Is evil part of who God is? (yin and yang?)
–  doctrine of “trinity” (another story!)
– Since the greatest good involves the choice, it must inherently
contain the concept (possibility) of choosing otherwise.
• SO: No! No darkness, evil, wrong, etc. in God. And yet in
creating the greatest good, evil (= other than God) had to
be possible.
• Without God, “good” & “evil” do not exist, merely
• Thus also the “problem of evil” does not exist unless
God exists
• “Good” means being fully congruent with God. “Evil”
means deviating from that. “God is Good = tautology
– no other option
• To accuse God of evil can only be from ignorance or
actual evil in myself
So – What is “evil”? Following the argument through
we end up with “If there DOES NOT exist an
omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good
being then evil does not exist.” Thus to claim
that evil exists is to acknowledge that God exists!
Thus the problem of evil is only a problem to the
theist – ie. to those who believe in both God and in
the existence of evil. Yes we struggle with it. Yes it is
hard (sometimes impossible) to understand. But
because we believe in God – as defined earlier – we
believe that there IS an answer.
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