Control Salary/ Default Account

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Transcript Control Salary/ Default Account

Slide 1
Feature Presentation
June 19th, 2008
We are using audio during this session, so please dial in
to our conference line…
Phone number: 877-322-9648
Participant code: 182500
Slide 2
Today’s Topic
We’ll be taking a look at…
Some Tips and Tricks in the SAP R/3 system
Slide 3
Today’s Presenter
Glenn Small
Business Solution Manager, Project Manager,
Slide 4
Session Segments
Glenn will review a few advanced moves in R/3—some tips and
tricks to help use SAP R/3 more efficiently.
During the presentation, your phone will be muted.
After the presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session.
We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask
We will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5
Contact Us
If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if
you’re having technical difficulties, you can email us at:
[email protected]
You can also send us an instant message!
GoogleTalk – [email protected]
AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts
MSN – [email protected]
Slide 6
At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a
short survey.
Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve
future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7
Today, we’ll be taking a look at:
Session Assumptions
What is R/3 and what is the R/3 Club
The SAP R/3 Easy Access Menu
Web Favorites and Folders
Stopping a Transaction
Searching for a payment and exporting from Cash Journal
Finding Vendor Check Payment Detail
Questions & Answers
Slide 8
Participants have access to R/3
Participants are beginning or intermediate users of SAP R/3
Slide 9
What is R/3?
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R/3 Club
•Group of JH employees who use R/3
•The SAP R/3 system is powerful and complex
•Our instance of R/3 is unique
•No one person can know the whole system
•Opportunity to teach and learn from each other
Slide 11
Some Basics
•The SAP R/3 Easy Access Menu
•Web Favorites and Folders
•Stopping a Transaction
Slide 12
Menu Basics
In SAP R/3, you can access transactions via the drop-down SAP Easy Access menu or
by typing the transaction code (or T-code) into the command field, or T-code
window. But what if you log in and don’t see the T-code window, like in the screen
shot below?
Solution: Click on the arrow to display
the command field or T-code window.
Slide 13
Menu Basics
Now the T-code window (command field) is displayed.
Notice the bottom right hand portion of the screen.
Nothing there but a grey arrow. Click the arrow to
view further information.
Slide 14
Menu Basics
Now some cryptic-seeming information has appeared; however, if you
right-click on the
icon, you’ll get a drop-down menu of choices.
The default is “System” but most users prefer “Transaction,” which
will tell you at any moment what SAP transaction you’re working
with. But try others depending on what you find useful.
Slide 15
Displaying T-Codes
Displaying T-codes in the Easy Access Menu
Some users have found they like being able to see not only the short description
of a transaction, but the T-code itself. Below is the default SAP view that shows
the menu of transaction names.
Slide 16
Displaying T-Codes
To change the setting, click Extras, and then select Settings—
or hit Shift+F9.
The Settings box appears. The default is
“Show first level,” but by checking the box next
to “Display technical names,” and then clicking
on the green checkmark, your Easy Access
menu will now display T-codes, as seen on the
next slide.
Slide 17
Displaying T-Codes
Slide 18
Adding a Link to Your Menu
Adding an Important Web Site Link to your SAP R/3 menu
You might find it helpful to have a key web site, or web sites, easily clickable from within
R/3. For example, you may want to have links to the Shared Services web site, HopkinsOne
Support, or the Controller’s office. Here’s how you do it…
First, open
your Favorites
folder by
clicking on the
arrow to the
left of the
Slide 19
Adding a Link to Your Menu
Next, right-click on any of your existing Favorites and you’ll get
a drop-down menu. Select “Add other objects.”
Slide 20
Adding a Link to Your Menu
The drop-down should default to “Web address or file” – so just
click the green checkmark to continue.
An option window will appear. Give the new
Favorite a name in the “Text” field, and enter the
exact URL in the “Web address or file” field, and
then click the green checkmark.
Slide 21
Adding a Link to Your Menu
The web address is now saved in your Favorites folder. Double-click it to access the web
site. The web site will open in a new browser window, not inside your R/3 session.
Slide 22
Creating a New Folder
Another option you have is to create new subfolders within your Favorites
folder to better organize your Favorite web links or Favorite SAP Transaction
codes. Begin by right-clicking on your Favorites folder; from the drop-down,
select “Insert folder.”
Slide 23
Creating a New Folder
Give the Favorite folder a name and click the green checkmark.
Here’s the new folder that was created. If you click and hold on an
existing Favorite, you can drag it into the new folder.
Slide 24
Stopping a Transaction
Stopping an R/3 Transaction
Sometimes we might run a transaction too wide open – in other words, requesting too
much information from the system, which will cause it to take a long time. If a
transaction is taking a particularly long time to execute, you might consider stopping
the transaction and re-doing it with more specific search parameters. Here’s how.
If a transaction seems to be stuck, click the icon at the top left
of the R/3 screen. That will open a drop-down window as seen
on the next slide.
Slide 25
Stopping a Transaction
Select “Stop Transaction” to stop your current
transaction and start over.
Slide 26
R/3 Finance—Cash Journal tips
•Searching for a payment
•Exporting from Cash Journal
Slide 27
Using the Cash Journal
Searching for a Payment in Cash Journal
Some users deposit payment checks and later need to track the transaction. Here’s
one way to do that in R/3. The transaction is FBCJ. Once you’ve entered it, you see
the cash journal screen.
First, you’ll want to adjust the “Display Period” to
ensure the deposit you’re looking for will turn up in
the result. Do that by changing the date here.
Note, once you’ve changed the date manually, either
click the green check
or click your mouse into
the journal below. It may take a minute to populate
the journal with the new information.
Slide 28
Using the Cash Journal
We’re going to export the journal to Excel, where it can more easily be searched or
manipulated. Click on the Print Cash Journal button, hit F7, or select from the dropdown,
Extras > Print cash journal.
Slide 29
Using the Cash Journal
Now the journal results are on the screen and could be printed to a local printer. You could
also search the journal from this screen by clicking on the binoculars.
However, we want to export the journal to Excel. So click the
“Local File…” icon
. This will give you an export menu option.
Make sure you’ve selected the file type
you want to export – in this case,
Slide 30
Using the Cash Journal
Another Cash Journal Tip
You can quickly click through to see the accounting documents for any of the
entries in the main cash journal screen.
To do so, double-click on the Doc.stat field in
the particular transaction you want to see
accounting documents for.
Slide 31
Using the Cash Journal
The related Account Documents will appear in a
pop-up window. You can get more information by
double-clicking on any of the items on the list.
This gives you more detail; you can also
double-click one of the transaction lines
shown below and see more detail, as seen on
the next slide.
Slide 32
Using the Cash Journal
Resulting Line Item detail for the Cash Journal transaction.
Slide 33
R/3 Supply Chain
Finding Vendor Check Payment Detail
Slide 34
Investigating a Payment
FB03—Finding out about a payment that was part of a larger payment
It’s not uncommon for a vendor to call and say, I got a check for $4,000 and I don’t know
what it’s for. All checks to vendors have a stub with detail about what payments are
covered by the check, but sometimes this information is not noticed or not available to the
person you’re working with. Sometimes a vendor is claiming they have not been paid.
Here’s how you can research this. Start by entering FB03 in the command line.
Slide 35
Investigating a Payment
Enter a document number for an online payment. In this case, the
bill was paid, but the vendor said they weren’t paid. Hit enter or
click the green checkmark.
Document Number
Slide 36
Investigating a Payment
Double-click on the Vendor Name to advance to the next
screen. Note this is for $179.00.
Slide 37
Investigating a Payment
There’s a lot of information on this screen, including Vendor Number, G/L, and the
Document Number. We’re interested in finding out more detailed check information.
Slide 38
Investigating a Payment
To get to more detailed check information, click on Environment and then Check
Slide 39
Investigating a Payment
Ah ha! We’ve found not one, but two checks for this transaction. Note
the numbers and that one is a lower digit value than the other. This
usually means it came first. So let’s select that one and hit Enter.
Slide 40
Investigating a Payment
Voided Check. Below we can see that this first check was voided, because there is a
Voided check tab that contains details about the void, including the date, who voided
it, and why. But we want to see the actual check. We can get there several ways – we
could click the Back button within R/3 and select the higher number check, or we could
simply click the Replacement check button on this screen.
Slide 41
Investigating a Payment
Replacement Check.
We’ve found the right
check, but notice that
the Amount paid is
$580 and not the $179
we were expecting. This
means our $179
payment was included
in a larger combined
check to the vendor.
Slide 42
Investigating a Payment
What else was
included in this
To find out, begin by
clicking the
Accompanying docs
Slide 43
Investigating a Payment
In this results screen, we can see the other payment that makes up the $580 total for the
check. It’s $401. You can also tell this is a different payment because it has a different
Reference Number, which is the same as the Invoice Number. Double-click on the line to
find out more information.
Slide 44
Investigating a Payment
In this final scenario, we’re looking to see if a vendor was paid, but we
don’t have the Document Number. We do have the Invoice Number. Here’s
how to get to the same information using the Vendor Invoice Number.
Start with the FB03 transaction.
Click Document list.
Slide 45
Investigating a Payment
First, enter the Invoice
Number here.
Second, click the green
checkmark/clock icon to
Slide 46
Investigating a Payment
From this screen, doubleclick on the line item to go
to the Document Overview
Slide 47
Investigating a Payment
We are back to the same screen as we were on
Slide 36. To get more detail, again, double-click
the Vendor Name.
Slide 48
You should know a little bit more about some basic shortcuts and
tips in R/3.
But this is just the beginning: the group responsible for generating
these tips and tricks are SAP users like you.
How you can get involved—join the R/3 Club!
[email protected]
Slide 49
We’re going to open the phone lines now!
There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide
instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line.
We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them.
We’ll also be answering the questions that were emailed to us
during the presentation.
If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research
after this session, and then email the answer to all participants.
Slide 50
Thank You!
Thank you for participating!
We would love to hear from you.
Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future
FastFacts sessions?
Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter?
Please email us at: [email protected]
Slide 51
Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey.
Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions.
Click this link to access the survey
Thanks again!