Transcript Slide 1

Dr. Fredric Shotz, ND
Portland, Maine
June 24, 2010
Maine Integrative Wellness
Exponential growth
of neurological
Parkinson’s Disease,
Epidemic increases in
Heart Disease,
“U.S. scores dead last again in
healthcare study”
Reuters, June 23, 2010
“U.S. ranks 37th in health care”
World Health Organization 2000
“US rated 24th in life expectancy”
“Basically, you die earlier and spend more time
disabled if you’re an American rather than a
member of most other advanced countries.”
World Health Organization 2000
“U.S. is 33rd in infant mortality”
6.3 infant deaths per 1000
Infant Mortality statistics taken from United Nations World Population
Prospects: 2006 revision – Table A.18, A.19
30,000 new chemicals in use since 1930,- few
tested on humans, almost none tested over time,
almost none tested for cross reaction.
Chlorine, flouride, Rx drugs in our drinking water
Toxic chemicals in vaccines, injected into the blood
of infants, children and adults.
Toxic chemicals in lotions, soaps, shampoos, hair
colorants, hair spays, all absorbed through the skin
Mercury in the air and in our mouths
 Processed, chemicalized, irradiated, toxic food
Grain fed beef, caged chickens, farmed fish
Food animals inhumanely treated, force fed,
injected with toxic chemicals to force growth and
abnormal weight gain, highly stressed, diseased.
Vegetables grown in depleted soils, nutritionally
deficient, chemical pesticides and fertilizers
absorbed by plants and transferred to consumer
We do not have a health care system.
We have a disease maintenance
Detoxify your lifestyle – Food, water, home.
Fresh air and sunshine (Shade, not sunblock!)
Regular exercise – walking, weight-bearing.
Reduce stress – meditation, gardening, music
Lose weight healthfully!
1. Eat organic or naturally raised food and drink.
Read labels carefully! Don’t be fooled.
Eat nothing with chemicals, nothing artificial!
(80% minimum is good. More is better.)
2. Grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, free-range
3. Work toward the Paleolithic Diet. (Google it)
400 million years of evolution is not a fad!
4. Reduce or eliminate simple carbs:
Includes all grains, starches and sugars
5. Eat more food raw or lightly cooked or steamed
6. Eat lots of good fats: saturated and not.
(Fat does not make you fat. It burns fat)
Organic butter, virgin olive oil, coconut
oil, nut and seed oils, (NO vegetable oils)
 7. Graze your way through the day.
Eat when you’re hungry. Avoid big meals.
 8. Learn food combining for best digestion.
No starches with meats. Just vegetables.
9. Cleanse your colon, at least once a year.
Eat lots of fiber, or add it to your diet.
10. Determine /eliminate food sensitivities.
Wheat (all gluten grains) and dairy are the
most likely offenders. Look at these first.
11. Stay well hydrated. Water is the best.
Filtered, not tap. Preferably not in plastic.
The TRUE CAUSES of irreversible weight gain
1. Trauma, from childhood to adulthood.
2. Excessive high glycemic index foods.
The “CURE” for irreversible weight gain
1. Eradication of trauma (EFT)
2. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin)
(Dr. Simeons’ protocol)
Services menu – Whole New You program
The success rate (high!) and causes of regression.
(See TRUE CAUSES, above.)
The Full List: 49 Fruits and Veggies, from Best to Worst
Rank: 1 (Best) Onions 2 Avocado 3 Sweet Corn (Frozen) 4
Pineapples 5 Mango (Subtropical and Tropical) 6 Sweet Peas
(Frozen) 7 Asparagus 8 Kiwi Fruit (Subtropical and Tropical) 9
Cabbage 10 Eggplant 11 Cantaloupe (Domestic) 12 Watermelon
13 Grapefruit 14 Sweet Potatoes 15 Honeydew Melon 16 Plums
(Domestic) 17 Cranberries 18 Winter Squash 19 Broccoli 20
Bananas 21 Tomatoes 22 Cauliflower 23 Cucumbers (Domestic)
24 Cantaloupe (Imported) 25 Grapes (Domestic) 26 Oranges 27
Red Raspberries 28 Hot Peppers 29 Green Beans (Imported) 30
Cucumbers (Imported) 31 Summer Squash 32 Plums (Imported)
33 Pears 34 Green Beans (Domestic) 35 Carrots 36 Blueberries
(Imported) 37 Lettuce 38 Grapes (Imported) 39 Potatoes 40
Cherries 41 Kale / Collard Greens 42 Spinach 43 Sweet Bell
Peppers 44 Nectarines 45 Blueberries (Domestic) 46 Apples 47
Strawberries 48 Peaches 49 (Worst) Celery