Transcript Slide 1

Tonga Institute of Higher Education
IT253: Computer Organization
Lecture 3:
Memory and Bit
A short divergence into memory
• Before we look at other topics we need to
understand how memory works
• Things to learn in this chapter
– What is computer memory?
– What does it look like to a computer program?
– How do we find things in memory?
What is Memory
• It’s a bunch of bits!
• Looks like a large linear array
• Find things by “indexing” into the
array with an unsigned number
• Most computers support 1 byte (8
bit) addressing
– A byte will be at addresses
0x100, 0x101 and 0x102
– A word will be at address 0x100
and 0x104 and 0x108
• A “word” is 4 bytes
• 32 bits = 4 bytes = 1 word
• 8 bits = 1 byte
• When we looked at binary numbers we
read them left to right so that 1101 = 13.
• The left most digit is the largest.
– This is called Big Endianess
• If we switch 13 around, we get 1011 = 13
– This is called Small Endianess
• Big Endian – byte 0 contains most significant
bits (used by Apple Mac computers)
• Little Endian – byte 0 contains least significant
bits (used by microsoft computers)
• Remember, a byte contains 8 bits.
More words - Alignment
• Alignment – If a piece of data is saved on
an address that is a multiple of its size
• Example, a 32 bit integer
– 1010 1010 1010 1111 1010 1010 1010 1111
– This will be stored as 4 bytes in memory (8
bits in a byte)
– This means it is stored in 4 separate spots in
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Byte 4
• If those 4 bytes are stored in memory next to
each other, then the memory is aligned.
• Imagine if two bytes were stored next to each
other, but two were somewhere else.
• That is unaligned memory
0x001 stuff
Byte 3 Byte 4
Byte 1
Byte 2
Memory Partitions
The memory that a program uses will be split into different parts
Memory Layout Example
Global variable
• Pointers are variables that are used to save memory
• They don’t save the real data inside of them. Pointers
just save the address of where the real data is stored
• We often use pointers in programming
• Examples:
• C++
– object * newobject = new object();
– string * str = new string();
• Java
– String a = new String(“Hello”);
– A pointer works like normal variables except that the program will
not allocate memory for that variable at the start of the program.
– Only when the program gets to that line of code will memory be
• When you make variables in programming, they
can either be static or dynamic
– Static
• string str;
• int x;
– Dynamic
• string * str = new string();
• int * x = new int();
– In Java, almost all variables are Dynamic. The
exception is if you use a “native type” like int.
• Static variables take up memory when the program
starts up. The program has already saved memory for
that variable.
• The memory the program sees when it starts already
has space taken up by static variables. This slows down
the time it takes to start a program
• That space will now be reserved for that static variable
for the entire time the program runs
• Dynamic variables are only created when the program
gets to that line in code. Then the program will take the
amount of memory it needs to use
• Advantages of dynamic variables
– Programs do not take up as much memory at start
time, which means they load faster
– More ability to manage memory by the programmer
• Disadvantages
– If the programmer forgets to delete this memory, the
code will “bloat.”
– “Code bloat” mean the program will get slower and
slower because the program uses more and more
• What is a pointer?
– A pointer is a variable that saves an address
in memory
– It "points" to a place in memory where the real
data is stored
– int * x; - x is a variable and in memory it
contains a 32-bit address.
– int x; - x is a variable and in memory it
contains an integer
• What pointers look like
int x = 5;
int * y = &x;
cout << x << “
“ << y << endl;
• What is the result?
• The integer x displays the integer, the
pointer y is the address of x. The “&”
symbol will return the address of an object.
• The pointer "y" will hold that address
• In conclusion
– A pointer is a variable that contains the
address of data
– The address of operator is “&” and the
pointer symbol is “*”
Vectors and Arrays
• Vectors are used to protect programmers from
hurting themselves.
– They resize automatically and check for to make sure
you don't put too many things into a vector
• Behind vector is an array.
• Arrays are hard to work with though, and vectors
make things easier
• When we talk about memory we will use the
word array.
• An array is an indexed list.
• In C++, you can get dynamic memory from the heap with
a new operator and a pointer
new [] returns a block of memory from the heap.
How much memory?
That depends on the data type of the pointer
To delete the memory when you are done with it,
and return it to the heap so that other variables
can use that memory, use
delete [] a;
Address Calculation
• x is a pointer.
• What is x+33 ?
• It’s still a pointer, but it
points to a different
place in memory now.
• The distance that it goes
in memory depends on
the type of data being
pointed to.
• A int will point to 32 bits
of data, but a double
points to 64
Pointer Arithmetic
Pointers and Arrays
Java Notes
• Note: We can’t do this in Java (showing the addresses of
actual variables)
• This is because Java only determines the address of
variables when the program is run.
• This way makes it more secure. You cannot try to take
over memory from other pieces of software
• But all Java variables and memory is done dynamically.
• The Java Virtual Machine will make sure that all memory
is correctly used and deleted when it should be
Strings as arrays
• What are strings?
– A list of characters put together in memory
– The sentence: Hello World!!
W O R L D !
•What’s the thing at the end?
•It’s a null terminator, which tells the
computer that the string is finished.
•Each character is one byte of data (in
Bit Manipulations
• You should have a general understanding about
how memory and data is organized within a
• This data is all stored in binary and in 32 bit words
(4 bytes).
• Sometimes, a program may need to look at in
individual bit of data.
• For example, a mouse sends one word of data to
the computer that describes the x and y
• What part of the 32 bit word is for x and y?
• To find and use them, you need to be able to work
with individual bits
Bitwise AND (&) and OR (|)
• The “&” symbol in programming will do a bitwise
AND operation.
• It means it will give a logical AND operation on
two numbers by their individual bits
• The “|” symbol in programming will do a bitwise
OR operation.
• Meaning, it will look at an integer, one bit at a
time, and apply the OR binary operation
• OR and AND take two bits and output the result
• AND will return a true if both inputs are true,
false otherwise
• OR will return true if at least one input is true
• You can even take a bitwise AND or OR
on a larger number
• Example
& 0101110
| 010110110
Mouse example
• A mouse will send the computer 32 bits of
– Bits 0-7 are for the x coordiniate
– Bits 8-15 are for y coordinate
– Bits 16-17 are for what mouse button was
– We can ignore bits 18-31
• What if we want to get the x coordinate
from the data?
Mouse example
• To get only a few bits of data from a number, we can use the AND
• This is called an AND "bit mask."
• It means we can block out and mask the numbers we don't want to
• To get the x coordinate, use a
– 0x000ff bit mask (0000 0000 0000 1111 1111)
– x_position = 0x1a34c & 0x000ff
Mouse example
• Can you create bit masks for the y
coordinate and the button information?
• Notice the y coordinate is located in the
middle of the number.
• What's needed next is a bit-wise operation
that can move bits around
The shift operator
• What is this shifting?
– Make numbers bigger or smaller in value by
moving bits left or right
– “>>” will shift bits right
– “<<“ will shift bits left
– ( 5 << 3 ) = 01012 << 0112 - means shift the
one by three bits to the left
– ( 5 << 3) = 01012 << 0112 = 01010002 = 40
– 5 * 2^3 = 5 * 8 = 40
• What happens if we shift the other direction?
– 32 >> 2 = 1000002 >> 102
– Shift 32 to by 2 bits to the right
– Need to move the numbers to the right
0010002 = 8
• Shifting is really multiplying or dividing by a
power of 2
– 32 >> 2 = 8  2^5 / 2^2 =
– 32 / 4 = 8 = 2^3
Back to the mouse
• If you remember the mouse example, the
y coordinate and the button info were far
away from the lowest order bit
You can get the real y position and button
position with shifting and masks
What computer memory looks like
What a pointer is
Pointer arithmetic
Bitwise operations